This may belong in Retardoland so feel free to move it cause I am feeling like a complete idiot right now but I know someone here can explain this to the computer illiterate that I am.
I recently purchased a new computer and so far the worst thing has been trying to remember all the user-IDs and passwords to sites that I had Windows remembering on my old one since I don't do restores. I use new computers as a clean-up time so I have to reinstall things I really want. Anyhow, I think I got most of them sorted out except MTS2 and I think I actually got the info right but was told I "automatically failed an IP check" or something along those lines. I know that I need to get with them on it (not here) and I have already sent an e-mail but....
Does just getting a new computer change my IP address? I kinda thought that my ISP issued those or something. I know we have 4 computers on a wireless network and they stagger the last number, or at least used to but the msg from MTS did indeed recite back to me an unfamiliar one. However, when I bought the last new computer I didn't get any IP checks failing after hooking it up to the same network.
Or is it Vista that is doing something different, or even my ISP changing something and not telling me. I don't even know how to check this stuff
It just all used to magically work together.
Ok, point and laugh now....