That's probably it. Do you mean like "put away" on the Maxis game system in the base game?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Yes, I was just trying to be clever.
I just wanted to be sure you didn't mean like forcing a reset on the controllers with testingcheats. 
J. M. Pescado
I'm using your pared down Career and Item hacks, but the game isn't letting me put a LS Career item into a sim's inventory. I pick up the Game Tester's "XBOX" in inventory mode, and it just gives me the descriptive mini-screen, and doesn't do anything when I try to put it in the bag. The other LS Items seem to fit just fine. Will look into this.Issue fixed in new version of ls_gamedev. One other thing: I tried Skillinating Logic with it, and the sim quits using it after his Fun bar fills, with the Skill icon continually flickering on and off. The sim is a Serious one and always gripes whenever I make him use it, but does fine if I Macro/Concentrate him apart from the Skillinator. Isn't that supposed to happen automatically? It is. You mean it doesn't? I thought I added a corrector to it. I'll look into it again.Issue fixed in new version of Skillinator.
« Last Edit: 2007 April 28, 09:52:39 by J. M. Pescado »
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Hi Is there anywhere I can download the Characters from LS? 
No and never will as the characters don't matter
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Hi Is there anywhere I can download the Characters from LS?  I thought SaraMK said something about it a while back, but I don't think she's started on that yet. I thought of taking a shot at it sometime, if I get around to it and no one else has done it.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
That would be grand! I was beginning to think that there was something wrong with them, but as sims go they look rather cool especially vince!
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 176
I don't see these sims that great, but for a odd reason I wish to include them in my Pleasantview neighborhood. I tried to clone them with the latest version of Simpe unsuccessfully... It's not all.. : for a strange reason, the neighborhood of Four Corners in Sims 2 doesn't look to the Sims Stories: Life....The roads are differents, the bay too...No matter which of N001 or N002, the roads don't resemble to the Sims Stories ones... 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
I also want them in my game, but I must admit it is probably more for reasons of "i want" rather than need, it's like with the various bonus' you can get for pre-ordering, i have to go round collecting them all. I hate to feel left out 
I imported Vincent Moore into Body Shop last night and packaged him. I also did Naomi, but I can't remember what her name was before I had her marry Vincent. Also, I've changed their hair and makeup, but that's not a big deal. I'm going to try to do some of the others too when I get the chance and upload them somewhere to be determined later. I would like to recreate Vincent's neighborhood in TS2 and play them there.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 176
For Naomi's name before the wedding, I can't help unfortunately : as I'm French my game is in french too...and the names are a "bit" different (Vincent is called Lucas, Riley is called Michelle...and so on) ...Stupid French translators...why change Vincent in Lucas? Vincent is also a name frequently used in France!  Anyway, Naomi is the girl making coffee, right? I will check if I can find her original name.
Elven Ranger
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 189
were are the 'more awsome' versons of this stuffies at please? Last I heard it was Bluesoup who hoasted them, buts she's gone.....
WARNING:<br />I have dyslexia, so please excuse my crappy spelling & punctuation 
J. M. Pescado
More Awesomestuffs are available in "all hacks", under lsconv. The non-Awesome versions are no longer available because BlueSoup has a fat head.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Elven Ranger
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 189
ROFLOL! Good enough reason itad odd  Thanks Pes 
WARNING:<br />I have dyslexia, so please excuse my crappy spelling & punctuation 
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
ROFLOL! Good enough reason itad odd  Thanks Pes  Let me guess, 'if a tad odd'? 
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Elven Ranger
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 189
gah!  Yes! lol 
WARNING:<br />I have dyslexia, so please excuse my crappy spelling & punctuation 
Giggy put them on a Yahoo group, and I thought dewshine had them hosted somewhere for those who don't want to join a Yahoo group. ETA: That was the walls dewshine had on her 4share group.  And "giggy" has changed his name to "Jak" for some obscure reason. 
« Last Edit: 2007 May 09, 10:13:14 by RainbowTigress »
Giggy put them on a Yahoo group its Jak not Giggy GAH! *Points siggy* P.S Bluesoup has a fat head!
« Last Edit: 2007 May 09, 10:31:37 by Jak »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Can't see them here, are they in the files section?
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
For Naomi's name before the wedding, I can't help unfortunately : as I'm French my game is in french too...and the names are a "bit" different (Vincent is called Lucas, Riley is called Michelle...and so on) ...Stupid French translators...why change Vincent in Lucas? Vincent is also a name frequently used in France!  Anyway, Naomi is the girl making coffee, right? I will check if I can find her original name. Why do they change any names? That has to be the most idiot thing Maxis ever did, especially since it opens the door to all those issues people have installing SPs that change the names of their existing sims. Leave names alone! Vincent and Riley aren't extremely common names here, either. Used...sure...but not even as much as Michelle.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 176
Not exactly : Riley , for example is not a French name, so it's understandable that EA France want make a change for it....Think that French can't spell easily english words..Riley would be pronounced "ree-lay", for example...yet, it's not a common name at my place and it doesn't exist in France, excepted with some people liking englich/american names and giving these names to their children. However, Vincent or Lucas are common.
J. M. Pescado
its Jak not Giggy GAH! *Points siggy* Once a Giggy, always a Giggy.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
 Erm ok fine I'm still a giggy at least its not plastered on the newsbox Anyway does anyone know how to split RAR files into parts?
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.