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Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
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Topic: Come one, come all... to the carnivale... (Read 10921 times)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
2006 December 31, 09:48:23 »
For those of you MTS2phobes, I thought I'd pimp Echo's new, amazingly impressive hack:
The Carnival Set
It's got functional clown npcs, a carousel, bumper cars, and even working rollercoaster and haunted house rides that follow along custom track tiles that you can use to build your own custom tracks!! Well... I'm not quite brave enough to try/test it out myself just yet..
hehe, but it does look pretty amazing.
Well... if any brave souls attempt to try this, I'd love to hear your "hands on" impressions. I think I would actually like to see a Theme Park/Vacation expansion one of these days. I'd still prefer a Superstar/Hollywood EP first.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #1 on:
2006 December 31, 11:26:11 »
I just downloaded this today, but have not played with it yet. I also downloaded her premade community carnival lot, until I bother to learn how to place the rollercoaster tracks myself. I'll let you know how it goes.
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #2 on:
2006 December 31, 11:45:22 »
Awesome. Finally items to go with the ferris wheel also from MTS2.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #3 on:
2006 December 31, 12:16:04 »
Oh this is just
I'm looking forward to trying this mod out, I've downloaded it and installed it but better not boot up the game again - there's not much left of tonight. It's 1.14am on 1st Jan 2007 here - so
and yes, I'm home alone playing the sims. Sad ay?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #4 on:
2006 December 31, 13:05:57 »
Every time I think about the sims it makes me in a bad mood for some reason these last few days. It's being quite helpful in getting my kitchen done though.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #5 on:
2006 December 31, 14:16:02 »
Quote from: witch on 2006 December 31, 12:16:04
and yes, I'm home alone playing the sims. Sad ay?
I think that depends on your definition of "sad".
I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #6 on:
2006 December 31, 18:32:09 »
HeeHee, Witch! I plan on playing the sims tonight too. I just finished building a completely custom hood where I built every single lot from scratch (this is the first time I ever did that) and I'm so excited about playing it. I'm also going to build completely a completely custom downtown and college town to go with it (those will also be a first). Does that make me sad or introverted? I'm going with the latter since if I didn't have the sims I would just stay home and read a book or draw a picture instead.
*goes to check out this awesome sounding carnival set*
There is no meaning in our world for us who live there. No meaning at all. -Ulquiorra
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #7 on:
2006 December 31, 21:04:23 »
I tried the lot Echo provided and enjoyed it more than my Sim's did. The rides are well made but do not attract the Sim's to use them. The biggest hits on the lot were the bubble blower and the "gyro" ball. I thought there might be a "come join" option , but didn't find one for the bumper cars. I'll try the other rides later. The haunted house ride was fun, but the car zipped right through it. I'm going to make a larger roller coaster ride and see if it isn't as fast. I'll need to use the largest lot tho, Echoes demo lot seemed a bit to crowded to allow for a larger ride.
Last Edit: 2006 December 31, 21:13:09 by SimJymm
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #8 on:
2007 January 01, 12:20:07 »
Quote from: dream_operator on 2006 December 31, 18:32:09
HeeHee, Witch! I plan on playing the sims tonight too. I just finished building a completely custom hood where I built every single lot from scratch (this is the first time I ever did that) and I'm so excited about playing it. I'm also going to build completely a completely custom downtown and college town to go with it (those will also be a first). Does that make me sad or introverted? I'm going with the latter since if I didn't have the sims I would just stay home and read a book or draw a picture instead.
Geez - how do you manage to find the time to do that? I've been building Little Carping since the game came out and I still have a huge backlog of lots that 'should' be in the village. Building takes me ages - perhaps I fuss too much.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #9 on:
2007 January 01, 20:35:38 »
HeeHee, Maxon! You are probably a better builder than I am.
In my custom neighborhood I have eight residential lots and eight community lots. Most of the buildings are rectangles! LOL! Although I did experiment this time with adding porches and hallways which I had never done before.
There is no meaning in our world for us who live there. No meaning at all. -Ulquiorra
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #10 on:
2007 January 01, 23:50:59 »
It's a nice set, but it does not advertise enough fun, so it's hardly autonomously used.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1196
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #11 on:
2007 January 02, 00:21:31 »
Is there a way for us to raise the advertising?
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #12 on:
2007 January 02, 00:50:54 »
Sure, open the packages in SimPE. Open the Pie Menu Functions resource, and on the second tab (Motives) you can alter the values. (Hint: click 'help', then 'pie menus' for some info on what these values mean.)
I'm testing them with 1E for fun now. Still a somewhat low value, but hopefully high enough to get them to use it.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #13 on:
2007 January 02, 01:15:59 »
If anyone does raise the fun value, could they post them here for us non-awesome folks?
The Pseudo Legacy
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #14 on:
2007 January 02, 01:20:30 »
After removing the Dance-Sphere and bubble blower and adding the "vincent" sim-modifier; finally got to townie sims to use the bumper car. I had lowered the fun on all the sims on the lot. One of the sims kinda glanced at the clown briefly but no major reaction.
I'm going to try what Jordi mentioned and edit the rides.
"Search" and Ye shall Find.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #15 on:
2007 January 02, 01:21:31 »
The problem with messing with the raw fun values is that whatever ends up the highest becomes everyone's favorite lotwide obsession, because sims perceive that as the "best" and all run towards it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Posts: 2486
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #16 on:
2007 January 02, 01:54:50 »
What happens if theres a tie? 50/50 chance?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #17 on:
2007 January 02, 02:02:06 »
Quote from: kutto on 2007 January 02, 01:54:50
What happens if theres a tie? 50/50 chance?
No, then they will sadorandomly all pick the same one due to gravitation.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #18 on:
2007 January 02, 21:54:05 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 02, 02:02:06
Quote from: kutto on 2007 January 02, 01:54:50
What happens if theres a tie? 50/50 chance?
No, then they will sadorandomly all pick the same one due to gravitation.
Do they sadorandomly all pick the
"teh One" object? OR... can Sim A pick Object A and Sim B pick Object B, and then Sim A
picks Object A, etc. repeat infinitum, repeat ad nauseum?
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #19 on:
2007 January 02, 22:02:01 »
Increasing the fun values seems to have worked, mostly. I think I'll have to remove the bubble blower and gyro thing though, they're still the most used items on the lot.
Does anyone know of a "less annoying"-type mod for the gyro ball? I just found one for the bubble blower at DJ's Sims.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #20 on:
2007 January 02, 22:05:59 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2007 January 02, 21:54:05
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 02, 02:02:06
Quote from: kutto on 2007 January 02, 01:54:50
What happens if theres a tie? 50/50 chance?
No, then they will sadorandomly all pick the same one due to gravitation.
Do they sadorandomly all pick the
"teh One" object? OR... can Sim A pick Object A and Sim B pick Object B, and then Sim A
picks Object A, etc. repeat infinitum, repeat ad nauseum?
Undoubtedly it would be whichever you find most annoying.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #21 on:
2007 January 03, 00:48:08 »
HeeHee! It's like Murphy's Law for sims!
There is no meaning in our world for us who live there. No meaning at all. -Ulquiorra
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #22 on:
2007 January 03, 01:26:22 »
Goopy's Maxim?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #23 on:
2007 January 03, 01:30:10 »
Quote from: dream_operator on 2007 January 03, 00:48:08
HeeHee! It's like Murphy's Law for sims!
It's not called sadorandom for nothing!
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 174
Re: Come one, come all... to the carnivale...
Reply #24 on:
2007 January 04, 05:35:46 »
I tried out the carnivale lot and I actually had fun with it. I guess I don't so much care that they didn't do it auto as I like it that they don't. But what I found strange was the fact that this lot seemed to down the bladder and hunger more so than the others. Fun and social though were great! I'll have to try my hand at building a new track as well but I liked it a lot. I'll be using the objects a lot more.
Aside from the abnormal hunger and bladder levels I also had a strange camera angle but I think that was a lot thing and I'll test the objects on another new lot to see if it changes anything but that has nothing to do with my overall opinion of the work he did. I loved them.. well minus the clowns because clowns creep me out so I have no idea how they turned out. Hehe. But I'd reccomend them to others!
What a night for a dance, you know I'm a dancing machine. With the fire in my bones and the sweet taste of kerosene. ~King of Leon
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