This fix removes just the part of the UI that plops an extra-large button on top of the shopping district template chooser. It still allows you to choose Bluewater as a shopping dsitrict if you haven't already added it to a neighbourhood.
Obviously, this requires that you have OFB installed.
To find this part of the interface and change it, I first looked through the actual images in the ui package file using SimPE. When I found the one which showed the Bluewater button in its various states (disabled, pressed, unpressed) I took a note of its identifier. I found that I had to unpack the UI data files and use
find from the command prompt in order to search their text for that identifier. There's a clearly identifiable section of the file which brings up the button and the 'Bluewater Village' text beneath it, so I erased that and then packaged up the modified file.
13 March 2007: Tested with Seasons. Gets rid of the button and allows selection of any custom sub-hoods as above. I still have no idea if it works with Pets.