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Author Topic: No more Bluewater button (Compatible with Seasons)  (Read 15863 times)
Marvin Kosh
Feckless Fool
Posts: 264

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No more Bluewater button (Compatible with Seasons)
« on: 2006 December 21, 20:31:23 »

This fix removes just the part of the UI that plops an extra-large button on top of the shopping district template chooser.  It still allows you to choose Bluewater as a shopping dsitrict if you haven't already added it to a neighbourhood.



Obviously, this requires that you have OFB installed.

To find this part of the interface and change it, I first looked through the actual images in the ui package file using SimPE.  When I found the one which showed the Bluewater button in its various states (disabled, pressed, unpressed) I took a note of its identifier.  I found that I had to unpack the UI data files and use find from the command prompt in order to search their text for that identifier.  There's a clearly identifiable section of the file which brings up the button and the 'Bluewater Village' text beneath it, so I erased that and then packaged up the modified file.

13 March 2007: Tested with Seasons.  Gets rid of the button and allows selection of any custom sub-hoods as above.  I still have no idea if it works with Pets.

* no bluewater (2.48 KB - downloaded 715 times.)
« Last Edit: 2007 March 13, 01:53:38 by Marvin Kosh » Logged

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Re: Testers wanted: No more Bluewater button
« Reply #1 on: 2007 January 09, 21:49:25 »

Thank you for making this!  You need someone awesome to check it out I guess.  I can say if it works or not, but I only have OFB like and you already know it works for OFB or you wouldn't have posted it! 

You've probably seen my Sedona (links in siggy).  I was making this when I found your tutorial which saved me a bit of guesswork!  Have you made one yourself?  For Pets you have to replace the defaults rather than add to them.   I've got 2 versions of the download on my website.  B002 and B003 for OFB and B001 for Pets - waste of space!  With Pets the big Bluewater button isn't a problem - you click on it and get Sedona instead. I've just had a problem reported on that thread by the way - a headless sim.  Let's hope that's not a method related problem.

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Marvin Kosh
Feckless Fool
Posts: 264

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Re: Testers wanted: No more Bluewater button
« Reply #2 on: 2007 January 10, 11:42:59 »

I haven't created a customised business district of my own, although I did successfully use the method I described to create a sanitised version of one of the Eaxis universities.  One of the problems of creating custom templates is that in order to try them out, you have to play them.  Once you start playing them, you sometimes forget about going back to the original template to add all those last-minute changes you made in order to make a business lot viable.

However I still prefer building from scratch where possible rather than getting attached to Maxarts-built lots and characters.

Marvin Kosh
Feckless Fool
Posts: 264

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Re: No more Bluewater button (Compatible with Seasons)
« Reply #3 on: 2007 March 13, 01:56:49 »

FYI, having tested this with Seasons, it will be possible to access your custom sub-hoods without needing to perform a directory switch.  Which makes the prospect of actually finishing up a custom business district a bit more appealing Smiley

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