Is it possible to re-neutralize the gender preference a played sim holds for possible woohoo partners?
This isn't a "hoshitpanic!" thing.. more of a curiosity thing. I know how to use.. eh.. something or other (can't remember what it is right now) to set gender preference to Male Positive/Negative or Female Positive/Negative but the thing didn't show if there IS a specified preference and what it is, or how to re-set it to neutral/both.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Why didn't I think of that..
Would you happen to be able to point me in the right direction of where I should be looking? I'm still fairly SimPE-impaired.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
I think there's a hack somewhere around here where Sims can ask each other what their preference is... ACR will also report the composite straight/gay/bi percentage for the whole 'hood.
SimPE: I usually go in through the Neighborhood Manager and then click on the Sim Description for each Sim. Click each tab in the lower window until you find it.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 73
There is a hack I use called Lizz Love Gender Preference can search for her downloads at modtheSims2 using her name. It is shaped like the in-game picuture of a kite that goes on the wall. You can click it and choose any preference including resetting to zero. Example: likes men more, likes ladies more, likes both sexes, etc. Good Simming, Twink
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.
You can also set the gender preferences of your sim using the Insimenator that can be find at the insimenator site.
If you use TwoJeffs ACR, you can set and reset gender preference, if I remember rightly.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
Should the topic perhaps be reneutralising? I've been getting quite a giggle out of neutering sims when I see this.
Reminds me that my husband has completely banned me from referring to surgery he has to have as having him "fixed"!
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police
Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
ACR will let you set gender preferences for individual sims, or redo them for an entire hood at once if you have some kind of apocalyptic sexual-preference accident in mind.
J. M. Pescado
Reminds me that my husband has completely banned me from referring to surgery he has to have as having him "fixed"!
Oh? Will I approve of this? No more Ness-spawning?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Should the topic perhaps be reneutralising? I've been getting quite a giggle out of neutering sims when I see this.
Reminds me that my husband has completely banned me from referring to surgery he has to have as having him "fixed"!
X) I can't help it.. I like wordplay. I'll go for Liz's thinger, sounds like what I'm looking for. Thanks everyone! -bleatbleat-
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
Reminds me that my husband has completely banned me from referring to surgery he has to have as having him "fixed"!
Oh? Will I approve of this? No more Ness-spawning? You won't approve at all! The surgery will most likely have the opposite effect and make ness-spawn a little more likely to happen. Which is probably why he's so sensitive about me referring to it as him being fixed.
J. M. Pescado
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I know it's off-topic.. but.. I have a whole FAMILY of Nessiness in one of my 'hoods. Fishy fishy folk, that lot of Ness-es. "Dinner's ready!"
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
erm... since when does Ness = fishy? I'm confused!
erm... since when does Ness = fishy? I'm confused!
Nonono.. MY Ness'es are fishy. There's a pic of one there. lol Mine are green. With gills. I'd never been here before when I first made her and her husband. Now they have a ton of kids in a 'hood I rarely play in anymore, but when JM started talking NessSpawn I remembered I actually have a Ness family. lol
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread] [14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious. Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08 ISFP
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
It is possible to have your sims like both genders at once. I have a sim who liked his room-mate in college but then decided to get all respectable after he graduated. I wanted him to be bi- basically but as soon as he started sleeping with women his gender preference got fixed fast to that and he would no longer enjoy a back-sliding session with his former room-mate. But I changed it with SimPE and now he woohoos both genders happily.
Inteen for AL, yay!