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Question: Which 3 careers would you like to require Uni degrees from the Lies and Propaganda: Seasons Edition?

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Author Topic: Uni Careers Hack Polling Thread  (Read 36379 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Uni Careers Hack Polling Thread
« Reply #25 on: 2007 September 01, 01:17:10 »

Music careers generally require degrees in music (for the game I would say Philosophy is closest for aesthetics or history for music appreciation).  Even many "rock stars" have degrees (for example, check out Berklee and its alumni list) unless they lucked out and/or knew the right people.  Classical musicians/ orchestra, recording musicians, and private teachers are the most prevalent occupations in my opinion.  My oldest daughter is a professional musician.  With that said, unlike education or law, it is possible to advance without the paper (outside of teaching).  Journalism is the same way; you can work your way up in the career ladder without a degree, but not easily.

You can have any major in college and go to law school; it makes no difference whatsoever.  English is a great choice because you will gain valuable skills in writing and speech.  Philosophy is also decent for a background in ethics.  However, as long as you get the required gpa and a good score on your LSAT, it makes no difference.  Law, medicine and public education are the three things (unless anyone can think of another) that you will always need a specialized degree for.

Gaming career is a tough one because although there are possibilities without a degree, the market is so glutted with computer/ programming degrees and certifications that it is tough to get a job without one.  The gaming industry hires from many segments and frequently seeks English and art majors as well as computer majors.  This is another career that I think has a silly progression when they could have chosen much better titles that make more sense - I mean "guild leader" and Noob," as job titles.  Roll Eyes

Adventurer, well are you talking archaeologist?  Then you would need a degree.  I don't know what they were thinking with this when there are so many common occupations that people would like to have added officially to game.  I see it as either archaeologist or CIA operative... either way, I can see how a degree *could* apply.  I just think it has a silly progression.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Uni Careers Hack Polling Thread
« Reply #26 on: 2007 September 01, 04:27:51 »

Gaming career is a tough one because although there are possibilities without a degree, the market is so glutted with computer/ programming degrees and certifications that it is tough to get a job without one.  The gaming industry hires from many segments and frequently seeks English and art majors as well as computer majors.  This is another career that I think has a silly progression when they could have chosen much better titles that make more sense - I mean "guild leader" and Noob," as job titles.  Roll Eyes
That's because the gaming career is not about working in the gaming industry, but instead about professional World of Warcrap playing, like gold-farming and account-selling. For obvious reasons, I don't think something like this should involve a degree.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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