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Author Topic: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness  (Read 177075 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #25 on: 2007 January 26, 11:29:50 »

I have this mod but haven't had a chance to kill anyone with it yet.  Grin

I think the problem with any fight club to the death is that many playable sims could die off their home lots.  Related to that is the issue of deaths on comm lots.  I'm not sure whether it rises to the level of a VBT, but I prefer to kill sims myself in the comfort of their well-appointed homes. Cheesy  I have however lobbied for greater stakes in the fight club, like loss of skill points or something, so I'd support a harder fight club.

Too bad there isn't more injury and maiming in the sims.  What about a lethal illness resulting from injuries?
The New "Gay"
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #26 on: 2007 January 26, 13:47:49 »

Well, you could always slap a cast on sims who get into fights and pretend they got hurt.

He's got arm casts too. The casts even affect animations for the sim.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #27 on: 2007 January 26, 20:51:45 »

There's always eyepatches, bruise and scar masks, and soforth.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #28 on: 2007 January 27, 10:34:06 »

Thanks for the links, I have most of I need for the aesthetics of being sick and beaten up, half-rotting, etc.  What would be truly cool is for some of them to die from their injuries. Grin

BTW JMP, I tried your suggestion of using the vacuum skill sucker asp reward, but it seems to choose a random skill to decrement. I'm not sure it does anything at all if both sims have maxed all skills.  Anyway, it turned out to be too clumsy at decrementing specifically the body skill of my delinquent uber-zombie, so I had to cheat him out of 1 skill point.  Which he promptly earned back by eating the brains out of a dormie.  Roll Eyes

I think I'll have to begin culling the zombie hordes with that katana...
J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #29 on: 2007 January 28, 01:16:28 »

It seems to me that you want to have your cake and eat it, too. You can't have a zombie apocalypse and then try to render it toothless. Tongue

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #30 on: 2007 January 28, 10:00:40 »

I think what I'm looking for is a little more turnover.  I have maybe between 15-20 zombies from the 4 uber-zombies I started with before the Z Apocalypse.  One of the uber-zombies is a grand vampire, and another is a mascot, so those two win pretty much every fight, except with  my most hardened playables.  Their minions are actually much more interesting because there's some uncertainty about the outcome of their fights.  I have pretty decent stability in the horde so I guess the hack works reasonably well in the medium-term, but the uber-zombie seeds are boring.

Since my playables die, there's always some cycling.  I have some very hardened fighters, and some quite green ones.  Since zombies never do, and are always getting into fights, I anticipate that I'll end up with an ever-growing number of uber-zombies who can win a fight with any sim.  I don't want a toothless zombie horde, but I do want to play more than just zombies.  What I'm looking for is a zombie horde with a stable, self-sustaining population.  The horde needs a predator. Tongue
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #31 on: 2007 January 28, 14:00:46 »

Easy -- when you get the zombie hoard to the level you want it, just remove the hack for a while. Smiley

Seriously, Paladin has some functioning guns over on simwardrobe -- they're very handy for giving your regular sims a fighting chance against the zombies.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #32 on: 2007 January 29, 08:12:19 »

You know... I was thinking... wouldn't it be cool if someone could like mesh a molotov cocktail... and then clone/hack the Throw Water Balloon interaction.  Then sims could buy a molotov cocktail and throw it at zombies and maybe it could be done so that the zombies actually light on fire and die, with some random chance of course, depending on how strong or resilient the zombie might be... Hehe. Cheesy

So far... I've only one zombie.  That's pretty much because I've only had one sim so far that wanted to make zombies and could actually do so, since I still don't have any Uni graduates yet... and only one sim has been able to join the secret society.  And I've only seen that zombie once since I created her. She showed up on a comm lot for a tussle, attempted to eat a sim's brains and summarily got her butt kicked.  It may be a while before I manage to get a horde goin... heheh. Grin


Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #33 on: 2007 January 29, 08:37:36 »

So far... I've only one zombie.  That's pretty much because I've only had one sim so far that wanted to make zombies and could actually do so, since I still don't have any Uni graduates yet... and only one sim has been able to join the secret society. 

Was this an actual want or was it just a regular resurrection want? I've seen the fear that a loved one would be turned into a zombie, but I've never seen someone want to actually make one. I'd like to see that.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #34 on: 2007 January 29, 09:23:20 »

Was this an actual want or was it just a regular resurrection want? I've seen the fear that a loved one would be turned into a zombie, but I've never seen someone want to actually make one. I'd like to see that.

Yep, it's an actual want. Afaik, I only recall Knowledge sims ever getting them.  Maybe... sims who have a hatred for other sims might get the want as well?  But thus far, I've had sims get the want to turn other sims into zombies (I think it says something to the effect of Make so-and-so a Zombie or... it could just be that so-and-so becomes a zombie... I'll take a peek into that household later tonight to see if that sim still has any zombie related wants, he had 3 of them roll up at the same time). 

Oh yeah, and this Knowledge sim didn't hate any of those 3 dormies that he wanted to turn into zombies.  In a few cases, they were his friends, in another, I think he just sorta barely knew the dormie. *shrug* I think in these cases, the want to make them zombies rolled up after they died.  I did have one case, a long time ago, where this sim wanted to turn his enemy into a zombie (who was not dead yet hee). I thought that was pretty funny. Grin


The New "Gay"
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #35 on: 2007 January 29, 09:23:45 »

Maybe there could be a token we could give sims we want to be immune from the zombies? Like a Zombie Survival Guide?

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #36 on: 2007 January 29, 12:41:20 »

All of the lethal weapons I've seen are rather absolute, y'know?  I mean if you fire it, you kill.  Duh, I guess that's what you'd want from an assault rifle?  Cheesy

I don't know, I suppose ideally I'd like it to be a little more sporting.  I really do like the way the fact that Zombie Apocalypse works on a merit system.  It's just that if you have any well-played sim turn zombie, he's essentially unstoppable until you kill him, which is a pity.  Oh well, there's no shortage of ways to kill a zombie, at least.

Oh, and thanks for your other suggestion too, Joe.  I don't want to take out the hack because I play more than one 'hood.  In the newer 'hood, I had the foresight to make sure the first zombies had undeveloped body, logic and mechanical skills.  That 'hood has a slowly growing gang, not up to a horde yet.  Wink
Terrible Twerp
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #37 on: 2007 January 29, 13:11:42 »

I don't know, I suppose ideally I'd like it to be a little more sporting.  I really do like the way the fact that Zombie Apocalypse works on a merit system.  It's just that if you have any well-played sim turn zombie, he's essentially unstoppable until you kill him, which is a pity.  Oh well, there's no shortage of ways to kill a zombie, at least.

Heh... that's why I suggest a molotov cocktail with random chance of death by fire, which could depend on probably the "skill" of the thrower and the "constitution" of the target.  Maybe the thrower has a higher chance of hitting their target on point, the more deaths they have doled out, and the target has a higher chance of evading the attack if they have more body skill, fitness, and are very active (lazy, slower targets should be easier to hit and maybe those with lower logic because they be dumber Tongue).

Besides, a molotov cocktail seems something Pescado might approve. Grin


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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #38 on: 2007 January 29, 13:45:31 »

I've been using the assault rifle from simwardrobe to keep the zombie hordes at bay. Once in a while I'll let an uber-zombie on the loose on a downtown community lot just to cause some mayhem, but on the whole once a zombie's turned 3-5 sims then that's their death warrant signed. Playable zombies tend not to last too long; once they've made enemies or turned everyone on their lot then it's curtains for them. The entire apocalypse was seeded from a single (badly) resurrected vampire who was completely pants in a fight until he'd regained his body points from the electro-dance-sphere/swimming. After that there was no stopping him. I also make it a policy for playable sims to build up 4-6 body points as children/teenagers, posssibly more if it fits in with their LTW, likewise any townies who marry/move in. I am considering supplementing the zombie apocalypse with a rash of cowplants as they will eat both zombies and live sims.

The New "Gay"
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #39 on: 2007 January 29, 14:20:51 »

Heh, I make a point of making my teenagers get 8 points in body, for the scholarship and all.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #40 on: 2007 January 29, 15:26:47 »

Yep, it's an actual want. Afaik, I only recall Knowledge sims ever getting them.  Maybe... sims who have a hatred for other sims might get the want as well?  But thus far, I've had sims get the want to turn other sims into zombies (I think it says something to the effect of Make so-and-so a Zombie or... it could just be that so-and-so becomes a zombie...

I think it's 'make so-and-so a zombie'.  I've seen knowledge sims get that one, and I thought it might be just a recently deceased enemy, but I found it's friends also.  The 'recently deceased' seems to be the key.


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J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #41 on: 2007 January 29, 16:10:13 »

All of the lethal weapons I've seen are rather absolute, y'know?  I mean if you fire it, you kill.  Duh, I guess that's what you'd want from an assault rifle?  Cheesy
That's sort of expected. They're so simple a child could use them. Proof: They do!

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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #42 on: 2007 January 30, 11:10:55 »

Yep, it's an actual want. Afaik, I only recall Knowledge sims ever getting them.  Maybe... sims who have a hatred for other sims might get the want as well?  But thus far, I've had sims get the want to turn other sims into zombies (I think it says something to the effect of Make so-and-so a Zombie or... it could just be that so-and-so becomes a zombie...

I think it's 'make so-and-so a zombie'.  I've seen knowledge sims get that one, and I thought it might be just a recently deceased enemy, but I found it's friends also.  The 'recently deceased' seems to be the key.

I've also seen "Make a Zombie" once in a blue moon- though it tends to show up when they're in asp failure and keep wanting irrational things like "Family member meets aliens" or "Bite someone"

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #43 on: 2007 January 30, 23:37:54 »

I've seen the "make a zombie" want in panels of knowledge sims with few nice points and low relationsship to the deceased, aspiration level didn't seem to have an influence in my game.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #44 on: 2007 February 08, 00:27:01 »

So how does fighting work in the actual game?  I take it it's broken....  Was it always broken or did NL screw it up?   
I'm asking because I'd like to explain to a couple of simmers why increasing the body skill of their policemen isn't actually going to stop them getting beaten up by burglars.

Is your mod adding things to the fight routines or just fixing what was wrong?  for example did EA actually intend grouchy sims to find fighting fun?

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #45 on: 2007 February 08, 00:57:50 »

So how does fighting work in the actual game?
Well, in the game, the winner is determined basically at random. Body skill has only a weak influence on whether or not you win or lose. The animations you see of the fighting had no effect on the outcome of the fighting, making it similarly uninteresting to watch, since a single roll determined whether or not you won the fight, which was completely independent of the roll which determined who appeared to be winning a given round, so you could thus see your sim apparently handing another one's ass to him, yet lose anyway.

I take it it's broken....  Was it always broken or did NL screw it up?
It technically always "worked" that way. If you consider this working. Let's just say that without it, the ongoing BlueSoup, Warrior Princess thing gets very uninteresting.

I'm asking because I'd like to explain to a couple of simmers why increasing the body skill of their policemen isn't actually going to stop them getting beaten up by burglars.
The burglar fight has not yet been addressed. It works entirely differently and completely independently of Body...for now.

Is your mod adding things to the fight routines or just fixing what was wrong?  for example did EA actually intend grouchy sims to find fighting fun?
Adding. See "Green" rating. If something were genuinely broken, it would have a higher Terror Alert than Green.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #46 on: 2007 February 08, 01:14:10 »

Baaaa - I'll pass on the info.  Fighting is one of the bits of the game I don't like and fighting being fun really doesn't appeal so I haven't DL'd this one so far.  On the other hand I don't like the lame way fighting "works" now either and I hate playing with things I know are broken.  I'll look out for a nice shiny fix for the policeman/burglar fight.
« Last Edit: 2007 February 08, 01:23:38 by cwykes » Logged

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #47 on: 2007 February 08, 01:34:17 »

I didn't used to like fighting in the game either, because it was pointless, random, and unsatisfying. Now it's fun!

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #48 on: 2007 February 08, 05:55:40 »

It's certainly made having sims live in dorms more fun.  I like to watch what dormies the game throws into a dorm, because some of them have a long history of hating each other and I know that fights will break out all over the place. Smiley

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #49 on: 2007 February 08, 08:13:27 »

I just started a new 'hood last night, and there have been at least 5 fights in my new dorm!  Mostly involving visitors, especially mascots, but still...
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