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Author Topic: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness  (Read 177069 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #100 on: 2008 October 07, 05:15:10 »

Code dissection: Rep gain/loss does not depend on the target being a social townie, but it DOES require that the action be "accepted", and without Awesomeware, must occur on a community lot. With negative actions, however, "accepted" or "rejected" is unclear.

Can negative actions even be rejected?  The only way I know of is to manually queuestomp.
I don't think Pescado is saying negative actions can be *refused*. Only "rejected", which can mean various things. For example, rejected pranks get negative reactions from most sims, but if the target has the right playful/grouchy combo (and, I think, if the relationship with the target isn't negative already,) the target will accept th prank and laugh along, instead of throwing a hissy fit. There are also two reactions for insult: crying, and insulting back. I'm not sure which one is considered the "rejected" reaction, but the point is: there are two responses, one worse than the other.

This is the problem: "rejecting" a negative reaction is not defined intuitively. It's just "whatever is defined as the rejection reaction in the code."
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #101 on: 2008 October 07, 11:17:02 »

Negative interactions typically do not produce a clearly distinguishable "rejection" response. It becomes simply an internal flippy bit that is invisible to the player, as the target is still poked, shoved, slapped, etc.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #102 on: 2008 October 08, 01:56:55 »

I recently had a birthday party for a female sim and I teleported in all her friends and family -uncles, nephews, mom and dad's old college friends, the Big Love cult down the street- all of them my playables. Not a single townie. Next thing I know, birthday girl gets a good boost on her reputation. This occurred at her home, not a community lot. Make of that what you will.
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #103 on: 2008 October 13, 18:26:49 »

It would appear that rep gains (and probably losses as well) can occur on residental home lots.  I was doing some testing of new CC objects and foods, etc, and I moved the Travelers and the Gavigans (each family has two married adults and one child) into the same lot in a test hood.

I played through a couple of days, and while the two families interacted quite a bit with each other, they barely met any townies and never left the lot (well, the kids went to school, but the parents all remained unemployed).  I wasn't paying any attention to their reputation, but suddenly I got a pop-up message (I think this was just after Marry and Trisha became freinds), "Oh Marry, more and more sims are beginning to see you're a good sim..."  I looked at ther reputation, and it was all the way to the 2nd positive line, and so I checked the others and they all had some level of green progress.

I don't know exactly why Marry had more rep than the other 5 sims on the lot; they'd all been rather nice and friendly with each other as I was playing.  But, as I said, none of them had ever visited a community lot.

eta:  After re-reading part of this thread, it would seem that maybe some awesome hack I have is actually causing the rep gains to be possilbe on regular lots?  I don't know if I understood that post correctly, though.
« Last Edit: 2008 October 13, 18:34:53 by Gastfyr » Logged

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Juvenile Jackass
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #104 on: 2008 November 07, 19:47:08 »

There seems to be some insane behavior with reputation.  If you have a bad reputation, Sims just walk up and put their finger in the Sims face(good way to lose a finger).  This doesn't seem to be logical- if you cry over everything then why would you provoke a notorious fighter?  I understand if you are mean but a nice person wouldn't do that and neither would a person who is in love with them.  It is crazy, my bad rep Sims can't do anything on a community lot.
Posts: 6420

Son of Perdition

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #105 on: 2008 November 07, 19:56:15 »

Heh.  This may actually be a design feature.

Similarly, I had trouble with one sim leaving a community lot after trying to prank Mrs. Crumplebottom.  The prank itself fell out of the queue and was never executed, but she was still upset.  I thought she was picking a fight (she did poke and lecture).  The "walk to lot - home" action dropped out 3 times to allow Mrs. C. to lecture and poke again before the sim was able to go home.

Tribulatio proxima est
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #106 on: 2008 November 07, 23:51:30 »

There seems to be some insane behavior with reputation.  If you have a bad reputation, Sims just walk up and put their finger in the Sims face(good way to lose a finger).  This doesn't seem to be logical- if you cry over everything then why would you provoke a notorious fighter?  I understand if you are mean but a nice person wouldn't do that and neither would a person who is in love with them.  It is crazy, my bad rep Sims can't do anything on a community lot.
This isn't really part of the fight club, but I will keep an eye out for this behavior.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 103

Yeah man. I'll gnaw your face off.

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Re: The Fight Club: Now With More Shinyness
« Reply #107 on: 2009 March 04, 22:04:57 »

Necroing this thread for functionality question...

I read a few pages back that the Burglar/Cop fight scenario wasn't modified by The Fight Club. Is this still the case?

The reason I ask is because five times now I've had the Burglar come to this apartment, break in, steal a TV, lose every single fight round to the cop, and still WIN, thus shorting me of even the cash for catching a known criminal. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous. The Cop and Burglar's Body skills are both identical, ironically, but if it's being left up to EAxian code then it's probably just that random one-roll anyways. Still, it'd be nice to see this fight being non-lame with Fight Club.

Oh, and that Necromancy warning when I went to post this totally scared the shit out of me. Awesome work!
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