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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)  (Read 88890 times)
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/
« Reply #25 on: 2007 April 04, 15:58:17 »

Is the updated version for Season the 2nd post here or is it somewhere else, because the posting date is different. I really have enjoyed having the option of using this hack in the past....thanks for your diligence in updating.

Sorry for any confusion, but if you read a few posts above:

Updated for Seasons.  Also, I have consolidated the hack versions into one, so it can be usable in any combo of EPs from Pets and up i.e. if you have at least Pets, or any of the later EPs, it should theoretically work in all possible combos.  If you only have OFB or older, you should use pinhead's versions.


So, the version attached in the 1st post should work for either Petsp1 (and probably Petsp2) or Seasons.  I think the versions in the 2nd post were for Petsp1.  It should theoretically also work for Petsp0 or Petsp2, but I'm not sure.  I think I kept it as a separate post, since many people were not patching Pets.  If you do not have Pets or Seasons, you should use pinhead's versions.

« Last Edit: 2007 April 04, 16:06:55 by syberspunk » Logged

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/07)
« Reply #26 on: 2007 April 16, 14:57:52 »

Possible bug: When I moved in a YA townie, to a non-uni lot, the YA did not get upgraded to the uni-level of the proposer, as in normal maxian behavious.  Neither could I upgrade her to graduate with the Lot Debugger, because she had gone to college.  Bug, feature, conflict?  Any chance of fixing?
I usually have my sims marry YAs for the (non-cheaty) free upgrade to graduate, but I really want them to keep their valuable memories.

You can fix her with TwoJeff's college adjuster.  I had to fix one of my Sims this way.

You can avoid this problem in the future by using Syberspunk's Grow Up mod, which will also let you pick their honors level (non, cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude).  You can also get rid of ugly townies by asking them to Grow Up until they're superannuated and the Reaper comes for them.  My primary use for the Grow Up mod is to keep childhood friends the same age as my Sims.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/8/07)
« Reply #27 on: 2007 May 10, 16:35:33 »

I just had a chance to experiment a bit with moving in a YA; I quit 4 times without saving to test.  She definitely does not upgrade.
I know how to band-aid it, but I'd much rather have this as a feature.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/13
« Reply #28 on: 2007 May 14, 03:40:16 »

Ok. I figured out what the problem is.  It's similar to the issues I was having with the Grow Up townies hack (since I basically was modeling the aging up part by using code that was originally part of moving sims in).

The problem... the graduation memories are set within the same BHAV function that erases the townies memories.  This was brilliantly encapsulated together Roll Eyes so... the only way to "decouple" this (that I can think of) would be to clone that BHAV and remove the part the clears the memories.  However... this gets a bit messy with RTBN calls, which I'm not very comfortable with.

Alternatively... I can cram the individual BHAVs into the same Group as the Move In BHAVs.  But, in that case... I wouldn't necessarily be able to "read" the GPA and Major of "asker" so it wouldn't just copy their status.  Instead... I'd have to give you options in the form a dialog, asking what level of graduate you would want them to be.  This would only happen if you want YA townies to keep their memories.  Then you'd have to step through a dialog to choose between Summa, Magna, Cum Laude, Graduate, and Drop Out.  I may have to randomize the Major... or perhaps I can invoke the Major choosing dialog.

I will toy around with this sometime this weekend and hopefully have an update ready for testing. Smiley


ETA:  I think I figured out a way to do it without the extra dialog options and actually copy the GPA and Major of the "asker" sim.  I'll have to test it out and see.

Nevermind, I just realized my idea most likely won't work.  Looks like I'll have to go the dialog route.

ETA2: Updated 5/13/2007

v1.04 - Fixed graduation memories for YA sims moved in without erasing memories

Uni memories should now be set properly, even after you choose to keep memories instead of erasing them.  You should now get options to choose the major and GPA.  Sims who graduate cum laude or higher will also get a Made the Dean's List memory.  You can also have a sim drop out.  Sims that drop out shouldn't get the Wants upgrade (they should get stuck with 4 wants).


Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/13
« Reply #29 on: 2007 May 14, 23:45:29 »

Can you have them flunk? Remember that grants an extra fear slot so someone somewhere might want it...

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/13
« Reply #30 on: 2007 May 15, 00:03:27 »

Can you have them flunk? Remember that grants an extra fear slot so someone somewhere might want it...

I'll look into adding this.  Maybe I'll also add it as a feature of the Grow Up townies hack too.


J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/13
« Reply #31 on: 2007 May 15, 00:20:08 »

Yes, but then you have decide when they flunk. If you do so before senior year, you miss out on the bonus lock.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20
« Reply #32 on: 2007 May 20, 07:17:30 »

True.  I just realized that.  I managed to add extra options to both the growuptownies and moveinall hacks.  I toyed around with the new option.  Right now, I only have it so it expels them immediately (with no memories of completing any year).  That seemed to work properly.  The sim asked to be expelled ended up with 4 fear slots and the proper memory of getting expelled (along with a memory of being put on academic probation).

I suppose I should now odd levels of being expelled, with choices for before freshmen, before sophomore, before junior, and before senior years.  I guess I should also add those extra options for choosing to drop out at any of those times as well.  This will take a tad longer than I thought. Tongue


ETA:  Ok, I've now added options to the dialog choices.  You can now choose to either randomize the GPA (which will randomly pick from graduating at different levels, OR dropping out or being expelled at different years) OR choose the level yourself.   You will then be presented with another dialog to see if you want to the sim to graduate, drop out, or be expelled.  The next dialog will give you the different options and will cycle through until you pick one. You must pick a GPA (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, or Without Honors) or a year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior).  At this point, you cannot go back or cancel out of the interaction.  After the age transition, you will get the usual dialog asking to erase the memories.

I tested this a few times in game, and it looks like the memories and wants/fears and want locks get added properly.  Please report if you have any problems with that.  I think I set it so that, if certain memories fail, the interaction should drop out.  For now, I thought that it would be best for it to die than continue on... in case things get borked midway.  Hopefully it would mean that you still be able to attempt the interaction again.  Either way, you would probably have to fix memories with SimPE.  I would recommend saving before you attempt the interaction.  That way, if something screws up, you can always exit without saving and then try again.

I tested several YAs, inviting them over to one household that had a single Adult sim who had graduated from Uni.  I tested both the growuptownies hack and the moveinall hack, and all memories, want and fear slots, and want locks seemed to be set properly.  As always, I'd appreciate feedback. Smiley

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20
« Reply #33 on: 2007 June 01, 09:53:34 »

When trying to move in downtownies (made one by one with the NPC maker tree) I have an error, with or without the move in all ages mod. As I don't understand error logs, I'd like someone more awesome than me to take a look at theses to help me find the problem. I don't remember having other mods pertaining to move in, and I have most of MATY's mods plus a handful of others non-awesome (no inteen though).
I have all EPs and all SPs.
I'll have to try in another neighbourhood to see what happens.
Thanks in advance for any help

ETA by me (syberspunk): removed attachment

Solution: Fixed in update for no20khandouts hack.
« Last Edit: 2007 June 01, 20:45:19 by syberspunk » Logged
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20/07)
« Reply #34 on: 2007 June 01, 14:57:29 »

Hrm, that is very odd...

I recommend reposting one of the error logs in the Oops... forum.  One should be sufficient, and you don't have to rar it.  All the logs appear to have the same exact error and it is throwing up on the very first node.

I would suspect that, since you created the Downtownies via the NPC maker tree, it quite possible that some of their person data has not been intialized properly.  I thought it has been said that the maker tree is borked since like NL or OFB, no?  I never really paid too much attention to that since I don't have any custom 'hoods and I'm too lazy to go through the process of creating my own down/townies.

If this is only happening with downtownies, and only the ones that you created with the tree, that's probably a good indication that the tree didn't make them properly.  You might be able to fix these sims in SimPE.  But what exactly is missing, and how you would fix it?  I don't know much about that.

I seem to recall jase (of kitten killer maker fame Wink) having some fix for moving in downtownies.  If you have that, you may have to update it.  And if you don't, you might wanna try it and see if it fixes your problem.


Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20/07)
« Reply #35 on: 2007 August 03, 13:36:13 »

I have all expansions except Pets and with all updates. I wanted to have a Sim move in from one nieghborhood to another. I used the move in fix and the money was only $1 .... I am now trying the move_in no friends to see if the correct amount of money will show up. There were no error logs. I just hoped to have that money issue fixed.


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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20
« Reply #36 on: 2007 August 03, 15:25:46 »

The move in money fix only fixes how the amount of money that is displayed.  When I was testing out pinhead's original version, I noticed that the dialog message notification thingie showed a different amount that did not match the actual funds that gets transferred to your household.  It is a minor fix.

If you are getting weird amounts when you try to move sims in between different sub-hoods (i.e. from downtown to pleasantview, or bluewater village to downtown, etc.) the game doesn't seem to know how to properly calculate the "household value" of the sim you are trying to move in from the other neighborhood.  This supposedly is only a problem if you are moving in sims/townies from different 'hoods.  It shouldn't be a problem if you are moving sims from within the same hood.

Jase has a hack to fix the weird money issue somewhat; I can't remember exactly... but I think it differs slightly in how it calculates what portion is being if the sim you are trying to move in comes from a playable household in a different neighborhood.  I also think it does not remove that amount from that other household; in other words, the sim moving in brings for example 10% of the money from its original household, but that other household does not lose 10% of its funds.  Hope that makes sense.

You can get the money fix over here.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 5/20/07)
« Reply #37 on: 2007 August 09, 23:51:00 »

Doesn't JMP have a moveinlotteryfix hack too?
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 9/10/07)
« Reply #38 on: 2007 October 15, 09:08:45 »

I have problems with the BV version of moveinall-unidorms : it works for the move in part, but the dialog to choose to erase or not the townie's memories never comes up. The part about graduation for a dormie works fine, but then again the dialog to erase or not the memories does not come up. I have tested this in a test game with no other downloads, it is still the same : no problem to move in but the memories are deleted without a dialog asking what I want, like it use to be.
Could you please look into this problem ?

(as far as I can remember, it was working fine in seasons)
Thanks a lot
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 10/30/07)
« Reply #39 on: 2007 October 30, 04:54:23 »

I have other reports of issues with this as well.  I will try to find time to take a look at these problems, but I have been somewhat busy with other stuff, and my PC has been acting up (random BSODs and such).  Hopefully I can find some time this weekend, but I can't make any promises. Tongue

Ok.  I managed to scrape some time tonight to take a look at this.  I looked at the code and... it was certainly a head scratcher.  Now... I'm not sure if I was on crack at the time Huh or if something funky happened when I saved the packages... but the code looked a) unfamiliar and b) did not exactly resemble the BV code.  It was really strange... I did not understand the logic at all.  I must have edited it in one, and then copied over the wrong changes. Undecided

Regardless, I redid it, almost from scratch, so hopefully this time there shouldn't be any weird problems.  Again, I still haven't had a chance to test it out yet, since my PC hasn't been exactly reliable.  So, I recommend testing it out first in a junky neighorhood.  It seems like the code for everything else was working properly anyways, so the bugs were probably mostly harmless and just didn't manage to bring up the memory erasing dialogs like they were supposed to.  Please test this newer version and let me know if you are still having problems.


Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 10/30/07)
« Reply #40 on: 2007 October 30, 13:23:13 »

  Please test this newer version and let me know if you are still having problems.

Thanks, I will do this evening and will report back.

ETA : I only moved in an adult townie so far, but it worked fine (I was asked whether to erase her memories). Thanks !

ETA : The part concerning memories is working fine, but it may have a problem with growing up dormies. Let me explain :
If I choose random for the GPA I always get a dormie that drop out after the 2nd year of Uni. (Can't remember how you call the different years in english, as it has nothing to do with the way we name these years in french, sorry).
I did not test this more than a dozen time, so it could sadorandomness, but maybe you should check the code ??
If I manually choose a grade, everything works as intended and I'm asked whether to erase the memories or not. So it is not a big problem (I can always choose, and if I want randomness, I can roll a dice to decide...)
Thanks again for fixing the memories problem, it was the most important for me (even more than the "move in all" part of the hack...)
« Last Edit: 2007 November 05, 10:39:56 by pioupiou » Logged
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 1/2/08)
« Reply #41 on: 2008 January 02, 09:46:39 »

Hi pioupiou.  Thanks for the update.  I hadn't been checking my mods forum as actively, so it took me awhile to even noticed that you updated your msg.  Sorry about the late/delayed response.  I found a bit of time and looked into this.  Again, I made a stupid little typo/error.  It should be fixed now (the randomize option for choosing the GPA), so please test it out and let me know if you're still having any problems.  I'm glad the memory problem was fixed.

Cheers! Cheesy


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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 1/2/08)
« Reply #42 on: 2008 January 06, 08:22:36 »

Umm... the links aren't working. Am I doing something wrong? I noticed you have a different setup for your hacks than Pescado has.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 1/2/08)
« Reply #43 on: 2008 January 06, 12:49:24 »

Umm... the links aren't working. Am I doing something wrong? I noticed you have a different setup for your hacks than Pescado has.
Use the links to the attached files (at the bottom of Syberspunk's post) instead of the MTS2 links. If you'd prefer Syberspunk to have a hack directory as well, start a thread in Cheese With Your Whine.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 1/2/08)
« Reply #44 on: 2008 January 06, 13:57:56 »

What's happening is that the link opens to a Dreamweaver file, not a zip file. This happens here and in some of the other threads in Thorax Corp, but not all.

Edit: Whatever wasn't working seems to have fixed itself. I was able to download the file by doing exactly the same thing I'd done before. Sorry to bother you.
« Last Edit: 2008 January 08, 21:33:07 by Berney » Logged
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)
« Reply #45 on: 2008 September 22, 07:23:59 »

Updated for Apartment Life

But... definitely needs testing.  EAxis changed the code around, and it was really jumbled up, so I'm hoping I added all the correct new lines. Tongue  Let me know if there are any problems.


Lord Darcy
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)
« Reply #46 on: 2008 December 11, 16:35:34 »

I got this error when a Sim asked another playable Sim living in another dorm to move in. I took out all other hacks to rule out possible hack conflict, but still got the same result.

I have all EPs and SPs up to M&G.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)
« Reply #47 on: 2009 December 08, 14:18:14 »

Sorry for the huge bump, but after a long time of using this hack succesfully it stopped working. I have all the expansion and stuff packs, and I used the Apartment Life version (like you're supposed to, right?).

I'd propose a Sim to move in, they'd hug, and then the Sims would reset back to their places and nothing had happened. The save button was also greyed out, I would have to activate it again with the menu I have that optionally comes with the inSimenator.

I took the hack out, and lo and behold, moving in worked again.
I really loved this hack, so it kinda made me sad. ):
« Last Edit: 2009 December 08, 14:24:02 by November » Logged
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