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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)  (Read 88889 times)
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Testers Wanted: Move In All Pets or Later Version + fixes (Updated 9/22/2008)
« on: 2006 November 29, 03:12:23 »

Move In Fix(es) v1.03 for TS2AL v1.0p0 *EXPERIMENTAL* (sorta... it seems to work so far Tongue)
Made by: syberspunk

Move In All for All Ages v1.07 for TS2AL v1.0p0
Made by: syberspunk

Updated - 3/8/2007
Updated moveinall hacks for Seasons

Note: Hack has been renamed to moveinall_unidorms.package and moveinall_unidorms_nofriends.package

Updated - 2/4/2007
Updated moveinall hacks and fix for the 1st Pets patch

The original and older versions of this hack was first created by pinhead. With his permission, I am taking custody of the hack and as long as I continue to participate in the sims community, I will continue to maintain and update the hack for future expansions.

If you are looking for Uni or Original Version, go to this thread:

If you are looking for the Nightlife Version, go to this thread:

If you are looking for the OFB Version, go to this thread:

  • The calculations of simoleons added to the house when a sim is moving in were corrected, but maxis was making the code to generate the value wrong in the dialog. Now the exact amount of simoleons is been informed in the dialog.
  • The inability to move in sims when the game complains about pregnant pets, even though you do not have any pregnant pets, has been fixed.


  • You can "propose/move in" to children and teens
  • You can use children and teens to propose adults, elders, childrens and teens
  • You can select in a dialog if you like to let the game generate memories based in CAS or keep the memories that was adquired by the Sim with the time played. (the dialog appears only for townies)
  • If you play in University dorms, you can propose dormies to your household. This option should only matter if you have Uni as well.
  • :new: YA sims asked to move in on non-college lots will now have the option to select major

You can choose 2 version of this mod:

* moveinall_EP4 - Original relationship required to propose. The changes are only enabling teens and children to use the proposition.

* moveinall_nofriends_EP4 - You can propose to Sims that are not friends and the proposition never will be rejected. If the Sim has a relationship -10/-10 to 100/100 the "move in" menu will show up.

* moveinfix - Alternatively, if you just want the fixes, without changing the game behaviour, you can choose to download the fixes only.

When you propose to teens or children, if you erase the memories using the dialog, the game will delete all memories. So, pinhead created this dialog to avoid this problem. Maxis EA made it so that only Young Adults that are Townies can be proposed. Make sure that the Young Adult is a townie on the College neighborhood for the proposition appear.

This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads

:!!: Note: You can use subfolders, however, be aware of 'benign' conflicts that depend on the load order of hacks.


:alarm: The following is a list of hacks which are incompatible with this:
jase439's InTeenimater PETS version
JM Pescado's No Townie/NPC Move-In Amnesia (if updated to PETS EP)
Squinge's Townie No memory loss for PETS

quick note:
This isn't a complete list of hacks that can conflict with this mod. I can't know all the hacks that are out there. So, if you notice something strange, try remove all hacks and test this one alone. If everything is fine, with other hacks removed, you have a conflict. You can either use the paladintool or dizzytool to detect potential conflicts between hacks. If the problem persist, without any other hacks installed, please, report it here.

Additionally, the standalone moveinfix is also incompatible with the InTeenimater. jase has rolled his fix in together with the Pets version of InTeen. Make sure you have the latest version.

This hack is compatible with most, if not all mods by MATY crew (Pescado, TJ, and CBoy), dizzy, and probably more. Again, up to you to help me determine any possible conflicts.

REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :
Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.

HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errors
I would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:

1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related aging, moving in sims, or inheritance
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error

1) Open the cheat menu - Ctrl + Shift + C
2) Enable the debug mode - Type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
3) Hit Enter Tongue
4) Play as normal until an error occurs. If an error dialog box pops up, note the location of the error log and choose Reset. If the error pops up repeatedly, choose Delete and exit WITHOUT SAVING!
5) Post your error log here, preferably as a .zip or .rar archive.

Posts which do not include a clear description of what your problem is will be pretty much ignored. (i.e. posts such as "This does not work! I am taking it out! You suck! Nice try! etc.") I can't and won't help you if you don't explain what's wrong.

Please be nice when trying to explain your problem and I might be nice and help you.

Finally, my Thank Yous go to:

J.M. Pescado, twojeffs, dizzy2, and jase439 for being excellent tutors and providing excellent models in their mods. As always, thanks to those creators who've put out some excellent modding tutorials, Quaxi and co for SimPE, and dizzy2 for disaSim2, and the finally letters T and S, and the number 2, all of whom, without which this mod would not be possible.

Special thanks go to pinhead for creating one of earliest, classic hacks in the first place. Without him, this update would not be possible.

Version History:
Move In All
v1.01 - Tweaked acceptance code to always accept for nofriends version regardless of relationship
v1.02 - Updated moveinall hacks and fix for the 1st Pets patch
v1.03 - Updated moveinall hacks for Seasons
v1.04 - Fixed graduation memories for YA sims moved in without erasing memories
v1.05 - Added options to have YA sims moving in Drop Out or Be Expelled at different years: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior
v1.06 - Updated for Bon Voyage
v1.063- Fixed bugs (hopefully... needs testing)
v1.064- Fixed Randomize option for choosing GPA
v1.07 - Updated for Apartment Life

Dialog option:

No option selected - townie retains all previously existing memories:

* (6.06 KB - downloaded 710 times.)
* (55.79 KB - downloaded 786 times.)
* (55.92 KB - downloaded 737 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 September 22, 07:20:30 by syberspunk » Logged

Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/07)
« Reply #1 on: 2006 November 29, 03:12:39 »


ETA2: 4/4/07

I believe the files attached in this post are for Petsp1.  Meaning Pets is your latest EP.  I think it should work, even if you didn't patch Pets.

ETA: I'm considering this version sort of still in testing. I've tested out several situations and it appears to work so far without problems. However, just in case I missed any, I thought I'd keep it as testers wanted for now. I'll leave it up here for a while, and if it appears to be reasonably stable and no one reports any major bugs, then I will also release a copy over at MTS2.

Furthermore, I've done some digging into the bugginess reported by jsalemi here. I've also pm'd pinhead and jase and waitin to see what their responses are. If I get any helpful feedback or info and figure out a way to fix this, I'll most likely incorporate those fixes into this hack.


* (4.35 KB - downloaded 635 times.)
* (50.54 KB - downloaded 635 times.)
* (50.88 KB - downloaded 649 times.)
« Last Edit: 2007 April 04, 16:01:20 by syberspunk » Logged

Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + fixes
« Reply #2 on: 2006 November 30, 10:33:45 »

Sorry Ste - this is probably a bit of a dim question but do you mean this hack is INcompatible with Inteen?  I'm just a bit confused because you listed it under the heading Compatibility. 

Inteen for AL, yay!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + f
« Reply #3 on: 2006 November 30, 20:00:16 »

maxon: Compatibility = is compatible.

syberspunk: The only dodgy thing I think is the fact that you have a Social plugin that inherits from PersonGlobals. It may be nothing, but Person objects do get special treatment by the game engine.

EDIT: Maybe instead of a direct transition, you should be using Run Tree By Name in those Object Menu trees.
« Last Edit: 2006 November 30, 20:09:19 by dizzy » Logged

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + f
« Reply #4 on: 2006 November 30, 20:39:40 »

IIRC, I do think that Ste actually is listing those as incompatible. Firstly, the note directly below is about incompatibility, and secondly, I'm pretty sure that these were listed as incompatible by Pinhead when he was making this hack. Or I could be totally bonkers. I always have Ste's hacks load last anyway because anything they might conflict with is usually included in his hacks, so his code is the one referenced.

A mean person laughs with you because they don't really mean it. A really mean person just laughs at you.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + f
« Reply #5 on: 2006 November 30, 21:26:01 »

Sorry Ste - this is probably a bit of a dim question but do you mean this hack is INcompatible with Inteen?  I'm just a bit confused because you listed it under the heading Compatibility. 

Whoops. Sorry about that. In this case, those hacks listed are incompatible. I sort of took pinhead's original message from his threads posted at MTS2 and used them as the basis for the readme file. I did a lot of cutting and pasting cuz I'm lazy like that. Tongue I'll fix that now.

syberspunk: The only dodgy thing I think is the fact that you have a Social plugin that inherits from PersonGlobals. It may be nothing, but Person objects do get special treatment by the game engine.

EDIT: Maybe instead of a direct transition, you should be using Run Tree By Name in those Object Menu trees.

Use a what now, in the who, where? Tongue Hrm... heh, see this is why I will never be awesome. I wasn't exactly sure how things worked. Much of the inner, er... workings..., still remain a mystery to me. The majority of my hax heh really are a result of hacky, choppy, type jobbies, mostly stealing copying using other hacks as examples. So... however pinhead got his hack to work, I kind of just used that as an example for some of my other fixes (like the vamprocillin-d fix for teens and elders). So... how would you suggest I improve this?

1) re: PersonGlobals - if it shouldn't be PersonGlobals... then what should it be? I'm assuming you are referring to the Global Data file. What potential problems might surface by doing this? Anything really bad that I should be aware of/concerned about?

2) re: RTBN Call - I guess you mean to replace the direct BHAV call with an RTBN one? Any reason why it's "bad" to do the direct BHAV call? In all my testing, I haven't run into any serious problems that I am aware of. But I'm totally open to your advice, since I am pretty much clueless as to what potential problems might crop up from "improper" or poor coding practices, at least when it comes to simantics. Well... ok... not totally clueless, in the sense that I've learned quite a bit just looking at Maxis EA code itself. lol Cheesy But I'm also of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" ilk, and pinhead's hack works fine as far as I can tell.

@Tamha - Yep you're right. No, you're not bonkers. Lol. I was just lazy and sloppy when I slapped the readme together.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + fixes
« Reply #6 on: 2006 December 01, 00:06:35 »

Ste, I love you!!  Kiss Kiss Kiss

alright, maybe not really but I"m very gratefull to you for updating this hack, many, many thanks

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + f
« Reply #7 on: 2006 December 01, 05:25:35 »

1) re: PersonGlobals - if it shouldn't be PersonGlobals... then what should it be? I'm assuming you are referring to the Global Data file. What potential problems might surface by doing this? Anything really bad that I should be aware of/concerned about?

2) re: RTBN Call - I guess you mean to replace the direct BHAV call with an RTBN one? Any reason why it's "bad" to do the direct BHAV call? In all my testing, I haven't run into any serious problems that I am aware of. But I'm totally open to your advice, since I am pretty much clueless as to what potential problems might crop up from "improper" or poor coding practices, at least when it comes to simantics. Well... ok... not totally clueless, in the sense that I've learned quite a bit just looking at Maxis EA code itself. lol Cheesy But I'm also of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" ilk, and pinhead's hack works fine as far as I can tell.

1) Social plugins usually have SocialGlobals as their semi-global file, although just about any semi-global is fine. Even PersonGlobals will probably work, although it may confuse the object manager at some point. I imagine it might cause the program to crash to the desktop if you're lucky or create random characters if you're not so lucky.

2) If you do a RTBN, you don't need the object to inherit the PersonGlobals. I have no idea what could really happen, but it makes me nervous. A RTBN is definitely safer. Tongue

J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + f
« Reply #8 on: 2006 December 01, 05:39:28 »

What globals you assign to a "social plugin" is really unimportant. I've assigned all manner of weird crap, and it works fine. The only time you'd run into anything is if you try to call a social globals SG, but there's no specific reason why this would be necessary, as a very basic stripped down "Social" plugin uses none of those functions.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition + fixes
« Reply #9 on: 2006 December 19, 11:15:23 »

Works great for my purposes! 

I use it to move in townie teen friends when my playable Sim is ready for college.  By making the one phone call, "Apply for Scholarship,"  they get the orphan scholarship and usually one more.  Every bit of money helps!
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 1/4/07)
« Reply #10 on: 2007 January 05, 01:34:12 »


I did a quick tweak, and now the nofriends version should always accept, regardless of relationship. So... theoretically, you could move in enemies if you wanted to. I haven't tested this really as I don't use that version anyways. But it was really just a simple change of one line in the code. Let me know if you have any problems.


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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #11 on: 2007 February 04, 12:29:29 »

Updated - 2/4/2007
Updated moveinall hacks and fix for the 1st Pets patch

I have attached the updated versions for the Pets patch to the 2nd post in this thread.


Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #12 on: 2007 March 02, 04:32:36 »

is this working with seasons?
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #13 on: 2007 March 02, 05:17:35 »

is this working with seasons?

Ste lists that info here:,5949.0.html

looks like it may (or may not) need an update...

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #14 on: 2007 March 02, 15:10:54 »

thanx, i´ll give it a try then :-)
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #15 on: 2007 March 05, 11:51:23 »

I tried it with a YA not-dormie. He moved in fine (normal neighborhood) but there never was an option to keep hes memories, so I gess its not yet working as intended?
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #16 on: 2007 March 05, 20:37:11 »

I tried it with a YA not-dormie. He moved in fine (normal neighborhood) but there never was an option to keep hes memories, so I gess its not yet working as intended?

By "non-dormie" do you mean a YA that is playable?

And by no option to keep memories, are you saying that the game erased the playable sims' memories?  Because, afaik, that shouldn't happen.  Erasing memories should only happen if the sim you are trying to move in is a townie/downtownie.

A "dormie" is just another name for a YA in the townie pool.  Meaning, they are a YA that you did not create in CAS i.e. they were generated by the game and typically uncontrollable (unless you use hacks).  Dormies don't necessarily have to "live in" a dorm.  But they are used to populate dorms that start off as empty.

Let me know for sure so I can determine whether or not I have to dig into the code.  Even if there are bugs, I probably won't get around to fixin em until after I get Seasons.  Turns out, I was stupid and didn't think to reserve myself a copy of Season at Circuit City.  All the Circuit Citys in my area totally sold out by the end of my work day. Tongue  So... I'll have to wait until another shipment comes in or sometime next week.


Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #17 on: 2007 March 06, 03:15:50 »

No, if he had been a playable it would have been easy ;-)
I mean, he was a YA but not a dormie in any played lot. Since you said "only Young Adults that are Townies can be proposed" I though this where the ones meant.

So ok, he was a dormie :-) Just not one in the household. The option to move him in to the dorm was there but never worked. Just jumped out of queue.
And the move in option in the normal hood was there but he lost his memories.

Good luck hunting seasons ;-)

Edit: Oh stupid me, just found this:
"You shouldn't be using the moveinfix And the moveinall hacks together.  By default, the moveinall hacks (both the regular and the nofriends version) automatically include the fixes (from the moveinfix).

If you have both in your game... then by default, moveinfix would override and take precedence, since alphabetically it should load last.  As a result, it would render any changes made by moveinall ineffective."

of to try

Edit 2: My bad. Workes like a charm. Moving YA to a lot makes them drop uots but ill just move them to a dorm then. Sorry for the trouble :-)
« Last Edit: 2007 March 06, 06:09:03 by trudy » Logged
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #18 on: 2007 March 06, 06:09:42 »

Perhaps I will bolden that sentence, since a few people haven't noticed it. Heh.

And I think the "Young Adults that are Townies" was a bit confusing.  I can't even remember what I meant when I wrote that.  Heh.  So, I went back and edited the post.  When I have time, I will edit the RTFM as well.  I think what I meant was, the default behaviour only let you propose YAs to move in that don't live in the same household as you.  For my own purposes, storywise, I wanted to make a particular dormie playable.  But it seemed silly to have to resort to cheats to do so (either using debug tools or hacks like the InSim).  And even then, using those methods only made the dormie selectable, but they were still considered a townie.  So, I asked pinhead if he wouldn't mind adding the option to move in dormies that live in the same dorm as your playable sims.  This way, in my story, I was able to make my playable sim turn his dormie boyfriend into a playable sim, "legitimately" adding him to the household (he becomes a PC and he brings in some money).  I then was able to control the boyfriend and make him cheat on my sim, for the purpose of the storyline. Cheesy

So... what I really meant to say, was that before, you could only move in YAs that don't live in the same household as you.  With this hack, you should be able to make "dormies" move into any household that you're at.  If you are outside of Uni, the dormie should turn into an adult.  If you are inside a Uni neighborhood, the dormie should be able to join your household properly (and thus, become a playable sim).

Also... I noticed in the no amnesia thread that you are using Squinge's version.  That is also a no-no Tongue


:alarm: The following is a list of hacks which are incompatible with this:
jase439's InTeenimater PETS version
JM Pescado's No Townie/NPC Move-In Amnesia (if updated to PETS EP)
Squinge's Townie No memory loss for PETS

So... depending on the load order of your hacks... one might be taking precedence over the other.  So yeah, you shoudn't use my fix together with the moveinall hack AND you shouldn't be using Squinge's hack either.  They mod the same things and this is most likely the cause of your unexpected results.

« Last Edit: 2007 March 06, 06:26:38 by syberspunk » Logged

Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets Edition + fixes (Updated 2/4/0
« Reply #19 on: 2007 March 06, 14:26:19 »

yeah, I got that, I just got a bit frustrated when nothing worked, so I switched to squinges mod just to move 1 townie in. I took it out again in a mather of minutes, I´m too maty spoiled ;-)

I think I even got your sentence, I just asumed that implied that "Young Adults that are Townies" are not dormies ;-)
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/
« Reply #20 on: 2007 March 09, 06:43:05 »

Updated for Seasons.  Also, I have consolidated the hack versions into one, so it can be usable in any combo of EPs from Pets and up i.e. if you have at least Pets, or any of the later EPs, it should theoretically work in all possible combos.  If you only have OFB or older, you should use pinhead's versions.


Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/07)
« Reply #21 on: 2007 March 31, 11:33:02 »

One possible semi-conflict, and one bug I was wondering about...

Conflict question: When moving in YAs to a non-uni lot, will their life-span be calculated using twojeffs' age duration hack if available?

Possible bug: When I moved in a YA townie, to a non-uni lot, the YA did not get upgraded to the uni-level of the proposer, as in normal maxian behavious.  Neither could I upgrade her to graduate with the Lot Debugger, because she had gone to college.  Bug, feature, conflict?  Any chance of fixing?
I usually have my sims marry YAs for the (non-cheaty) free upgrade to graduate, but I really want them to keep their valuable memories.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/07)
« Reply #22 on: 2007 March 31, 11:51:58 »

Gwill, I had that bug post-Seasons, without this hack installed.  I posted about it in the thread at

Was told it has happened randomly in other people's games from time to time.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/07)
« Reply #23 on: 2007 March 31, 15:43:31 »

OK, will test it out more before complaining. Smiley

Dibs on Darth Telligent!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Move In All for All Ages Pets or Later + fixes (Updated 3/9/07)
« Reply #24 on: 2007 April 04, 05:40:47 »

Is the updated version for Season the 2nd post here or is it somewhere else, because the posting date is different. I really have enjoyed having the option of using this hack in the past....thanks for your diligence in updating.

Good Simming,

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.
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