I haven't tried this out yet, especially since I really don't have a situation where I can test this right now, but I
think I may have found the problem. There seems to be a minor typo in the BHAV. I have attached the file. Please test it out and let me know if it works.
Incidentally... when pinhead gets around to updating his moveinall hack, this fix
will conflict with that hack.
Oh, and since I haven't/can't really test this out myself, I can't guarantee that it will work.

I'm sort of just working on a hunch.

ETA: I'm considering this experimental for now. There is also a bug with the money/assets thing, which I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot. I had thought that I figured out how to fix it, but there seems to be something else strange going on. I've noticed that when I tried to move a sim in, the money that were reported
did not match the actual amount that was added to the household. I will have to do further testing and/or wait to see if jase needs to update the move in lottery fix. There have been a couple of reports about the amount thing being broken yet again. I'm going to see if I can determine whether it is related to the same bhavs and include it in the fix (and eventually in the Pets version of pinhead's moveinall hack).
ETA2: This fix has been moved to
this thread.
ETA3: This fix is
incompatible with the InTeenimater. jase has rolled his fix in together with the Pets version of InTeen. Make sure you have the latest version.