It's not a good idea to change the name of a resource that is connected to the scenegraph chain (eg textures, meshes, materials) without being fully aware of any impact on the rest of the chain. However it's fine to change the names of resources such as string files, BHAVs BCONs, TTAB, TTAs OBJD and you can do that using the normal plugin window.
Except for BHAvs that re referenced via RTBN, right? Er, correct me if I'm wrong, cuz I thought the whole point of RTBN is that it... well... runs the tree by name. Usually, this involves, but is not limited to, BHAVs tht start with "CT -" (which I imagine stands for Call Tree? I was never sure about that). So yeh, regardless, not that you (miros that is) had any plans to do so, but I would avoid arbitrarily renaming BHAVs unless you know what you're doin. I often barely do.