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Sims can't move in since installing pets
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Topic: Sims can't move in since installing pets (Read 13831 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Sims can't move in since installing pets
2006 November 04, 18:17:51 »
Since I installed pets, when I try to have any sims move in through the "Propose-Move In" or the "Propose-Marriage" options I get a pop-up saying "Your pet is pregnant so you can't move in until the babies are born"
This has happened to me twice, once on a lot with pets, but they were not pregnant, and once on a lot with no pets at all. I can still move in with the T of L&D or by marrying on the Wedding arch.
And none of these lots were full either, so it is not that. Has anybody else had this problem? Is there a fix? Thanks!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1280
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #1 on:
2006 November 04, 18:51:13 »
What hacks do you use? Have you updated them? Have you updated them today? (JMP does almost daily updates on some of his hacks as bug reports come in.)
Also look for an error log file in My Documents\ea games\the sims 2\logs, and post them as attachments. Someone will look at them and tell you likely causes.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #2 on:
2006 November 04, 18:54:32 »
It has happened to me with out my hacks in at all.
I will look to find an error log
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 101
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #3 on:
2006 November 06, 08:18:12 »
I had that problem at my Greek House with only 6 sims & obviously no pets. I pledged a new person but could not move them in due to the nonexistant, pregnant pet.
The only work around I found was getting Squinge's mod for allowing more family & pet members to the family. Installed it & was then allowed to move in the pledge.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #4 on:
2006 November 13, 15:38:46 »
Sorry to resurrect this a bit. I'm nonawesome and not very computer savvy. A friend is having problems on another forum and I knew this was the place to go. She recently installed Pets. That's when this started to happen:
"Well what happens is when I go to an OFB lot, or any community lot, my game plays good for a while and than the sims just stop moving. They don't freeze completly, because they will sway back in forth, cross their arms, but the game won't leave you give them any commands. So I deleted all my custom content... sob, sob, and started out with a clean download folder. It seems to have helped but I lost a lot of the custom hair the simselfs have, a lot of bald people in my neighborhood right now."
I told her not to delete her CC, just move it. *sighs* Did anyone ever figure out the cause?
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1280
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #5 on:
2006 November 13, 15:59:35 »
I never delete anything, just move it!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #6 on:
2006 November 13, 19:34:10 »
Me, too. I hope that's what she did.
Anyway, does anyone know if there's a fix for this problem (the sims not moving one)?
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #7 on:
2006 November 15, 04:34:31 »
I just encountered this problem as well. Very annoying, as it is interfering with my big plans.
ETA: I just tested with no hacks, and it is definitely not a hack conflict. No error messages are generated in debug mode either.
Pescado, help!!!!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #8 on:
2006 November 15, 06:25:11 »
I don't have this problem and I do have a few hacks installed, so I don't think it's a game-inherent bug. Just yesterday, playing on a lot with 3 Sims, 2 dogs and 1 cat, I had a Sim do a Propose - Move In and the invited Sim moved in right away.
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #9 on:
2006 November 15, 07:31:54 »
After doing more tests, it seems to have something to do with the number of sims. But the number of sims wouldn't be more than 8, so I don't know what the problem is. The family is the Goth family in Pleasantview. Cassandra is pregnant, but she is only having a single baby. So she counts as two, plus Mortimer and Alexander. Mortimer is engaged to Brandi Broke, and she is trying to bring her three children with her. That's when I get the message that "Your pet is pregnant. You won't be able to move until the little ones arrive!" But there are no pets in either family. I am using the wedding arch, if that makes a difference. If I only select to bring Brandi's baby, then it lets me do it. It lets me do it if I only select the baby and Beau. But I can't try with only Dustin and the baby because it says I can't leave Beau without a guardian.
I quit without saving, and I went to the Dreamer house. Darren is engaged to Cassandra, and I got a wedding arch and had him invite her over. I clicked on the arch for him to get married, and I selected to have Mortimer and Alex move in. No problem there. I quit without saving that time too.
I can't figure out why Mortimer can't marry Brandi and have her bring all her kids. That would only bring the total number of sims to eight, but that should be allowed.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1358
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #10 on:
2006 November 15, 07:39:28 »
Since OFB brought in cheesecake, Brandi could end up with twins even if she is only expecting one at the moment. In OFB you could end up with 9 sims in a house that way. Could it be that Pets "fixed" it?
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #11 on:
2006 November 15, 07:48:27 »
Brandi isn't pregnant. She had the baby. Cassandra is the one pregnant in my game. I thought of that, and although I checked to see if Cassandra was having twins, and she wasn't, I sped up her pregnancy and had her give birth. After having the baby, I tried again to click on the arch to get Mortimer to marry Brandi and bring all her kids. I still got the message about your pet is pregnant.
EDIT: Doesn't matter if I try to get them married by the arch or Propose, the same thing happens.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1437
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #12 on:
2006 November 15, 15:18:24 »
For what it's worth (probably zip), there is now a "Pets bug reporting" sticky at the tech forum at the BBS.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1280
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #13 on:
2006 November 15, 15:39:12 »
It's not as dramatic, but what if you (backup your neighborhood and) evict Brandi and family from her house and move them with Mort and family at the neighborhood screen.
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #14 on:
2006 November 15, 16:05:42 »
I could try that. I did backup the neighborhood folder, and I had Darren marry Cassandra so that moved her out (she was pregnant.) Then I went back to the Goths' house and Mortimer was able to marry Brandi and move in her three kids. I can restore the backup and see if merging the households from the neighborhood screen would work. I was planning to bulldoze the Brokes' crappy trailer anyway. I hate that lot.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 197
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #15 on:
2006 November 15, 16:45:24 »
I also had this problem. I was able to move the person in using booprop and spawning the tomb of L&D to force the person to be a family member. I have hesitated to suggest this as I have noticed no one here seems to use that, but it was a desperation move on my part. If the use of this mode is a sin here, mea culpa, etc.
It worked for a sorternity (Greek House) in Uni and so far, no bad effects.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1789
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Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #16 on:
2006 November 15, 18:19:56 »
I heard somewhere that it's a bug with Pets, and that the magic number is 6. For over 6, one has to resort to the Tombstone of L&D, or the cheat that goes something like "addtofamily" (sorry, I'm at work and can't look up the correct command/syntax for the cheat, but if you type help in the cheat window you should find it in the list).
This bug is the primary reason I haven't installed Pets yet. (I also worry my poor aging computer can't handle it. Plus I'm not sure I can handle all the digging in yards etc.)
Vita brevis, Ars longa.
"And so goest thy butthurt n00bs whosoever cannot have accolades and benes heaped upon them, as in the manner of vomit from a sorority girl, to which they are accustomed." lemmiwinks 1:1
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #17 on:
2006 November 15, 19:14:17 »
I could move them in via Tombstone of L&D or InSim or Inge's shrub or whatever, but they didn't bring their money over with them.
I know the Goths are rich, but that's beside the point. Also, Brandi didn't get the memory of marrying a rich sim. But I was able to move them in from the neighborhood screen as miros suggested. No rich sim memory for Brandi, but they brought all their money with them.
I even tried Squinge's hack that allows 12 family members, but it made no difference.
Mizz Rose Bud
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 173
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #18 on:
2006 November 15, 21:19:31 »
My problem was : had a single sim living on the lot, suddenly she couldn´t clean up the dirty plates ... I tried to remove first any hacks ... that didn´t help, then I deleted my newly installed CEP, now she could Resume Cooking or Call for Dinner when clicking on those Green-Stink-Cloud-Plates
She had a relationship 100/100 with a Townie and they were engaged. There were no other options in the Propose menu than Stay Overnight (I think it is called, sorry if I´m wrong, I have a cold at the moment
I have sort of solved the problem ... I uninstalled my game and installed up to GL ... the problem is now gone *phew*
And yes, I know that CEP have nothing to do with the problem, Numenor already told me that. I´m just telling what I did and experienced.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #19 on:
2006 November 15, 21:22:29 »
Plates tend to be broken when you install a new expansion pack. It's an artifact of the global-reset that occurs whenever you install things. There's a test-hack aimed at countering this if you haven't loaded the lot already, "dontshootfood". However, most of the time, the answer just involves dropping the Stuck Object Remover on it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Mizz Rose Bud
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 173
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #20 on:
2006 November 15, 22:06:13 »
Plates tend to be broken when you install a new expansion pack
Is that plates that is already dirty, the moment you install the new game or is it also plates that is made dirty after you have installed the game ...
In my case the food was served after I installed the game ... infact all the furniture in the house was placed after I had installed the game
when the move in problem occured, I deleted the Groups.cache file, I deleted the sim, I moved out the sim and deleted the house ... nothing helped
Only deleting the game did the trick
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 174
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #21 on:
2006 December 02, 22:14:56 »
A patch for this bug can be found here:
NB: You may not need this if you have syberspunks move-in hack(s). Do not use this with the kitten killer; it will be included as part of an upcoming beta.
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #22 on:
2006 December 03, 03:29:41 »
Jase, is your fix exactly the same as Syberspunk's standalone fix, or is it different?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 362
Re: Sims can't move in since installing pets
Reply #23 on:
2006 December 03, 21:00:33 »
thanks Jase, I just downloaded your fix. I have had the "can't move in because your pet is pregnat forever.
I just figured it was a hack causing my problem. I am glad that it is an EA problem. Maybe they will fix it if we ever get a patch.
I'm not holding my breath 'til then though.
okay I am sorry to be so dense but I don't understand how to install this. Do I put a copy of the fix in all of the folders that you specify? thanks
Last Edit: 2006 December 04, 11:24:38 by LynnMar
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