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Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
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Topic: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo! (Read 325417 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #225 on:
2010 December 05, 09:26:39 »
Thanks for the reminder, but I heard that if I clear their memory and relationship properly, then I can move them with no bad consequences? Is that true?
I guess it will be a lot of work, but I've been playing this neighborhood for so long. If there's a way to retain some characters I'd feel much better...
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #226 on:
2010 December 05, 10:15:53 »
Given how old your neighborhood is, I do not think what you propose is terribly practical.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #227 on:
2010 December 05, 11:31:35 »
An easier and cleaner (but still tedious) way is to write down all the stats and relationships of your favourites, clone them in SimPE, and then recreate them in CAS in a new neighbourhood, and set any relationships you couldn't set in CAS in SimPE.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #228 on:
2010 December 05, 19:52:18 »
Thanks Pescado and Tarlia.
My neighborhood had generations of sims, but most of them are dead. I'll just let the dead be gone. I'm moving the youngest generation only, there are like 30 sims. I hope that's managable. Pescado, I noticed that your Lot Debugger can eliminate most of the irrelevent "gossip" memories and "meeting someone" things, and that greatly reduces my work. Thanks!
I'm not sure how to rebuild the relationships using SimPE, but I guess if I don't care about preserving the family lineage then it's probably just some marriage relationships. Thanks for the idea Tarlia~~
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #229 on:
2010 December 05, 20:04:53 »
You can also use TJ's Sim Blender to set familial relationships in-game.
Quote from: rohina on 2011 December 19, 14:32:50
"Terminate the erroneous data" is an awesome euphemism for an abortion.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #230 on:
2010 December 05, 21:07:55 »
Quote from: Sonia_sj on 2010 December 05, 19:52:18
Thanks Pescado and Tarlia.
My neighborhood had generations of sims, but most of them are dead. I'll just let the dead be gone. I'm moving the youngest generation only, there are like 30 sims. I hope that's managable. Pescado, I noticed that your Lot Debugger can eliminate most of the irrelevent "gossip" memories and "meeting someone" things, and that greatly reduces my work. Thanks!
I'm not sure how to rebuild the relationships using SimPE, but I guess if I don't care about preserving the family lineage then it's probably just some marriage relationships. Thanks for the idea Tarlia~~
If you go the SimPE-clone-CAS route, you do not need to worry about memories. Only the sim's appearance will be cloned.
Setting relationships in SimPE is really very easy, there's a nice graphical interface with slider bars and checkboxes.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #231 on:
2010 December 06, 19:26:32 »
Thanks Tarlia. I figured out how to do this.
At first I thought of moving the character instead of recreating them. But then I realized once I removed all their memories and relations they are just "like new" anyway. Indeed it is much easier to just clone them~~
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #232 on:
2011 June 16, 04:05:58 »
I hate to resurrect an old thread, but I'm having issues.
I have the batbox, I went into Belladonna Cove and prepped several Sims for deletion.
I tried to exit the game (with saving), and the dumb thing hung in I had to start Task Manager to end the program.
I tried it again...tried saving before exiting. After five minutes the thing was STILL "saving lot." Again, task manager.
BTW I'm running the game, all EPs and SPs, on Windows 7, if that's of any help.
I even tried running in windowed mode and opening up SimPE...but as I figured, I can't access the hood in SimPE while it's running.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
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Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #233 on:
2011 June 20, 10:51:12 »
Never seen that before and have no idea how it could happen.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #234 on:
2011 June 20, 13:21:50 »
I just said "screw it," extracted the Sims I wanted from the various 'hoods via SimPE, took note of their personalities, installed the empty templates...and went from there.
Undead Member
Posts: 441
da grammar killer
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #235 on:
2011 July 01, 19:49:45 »
don't you have TS2 Enhancer v.2.0 ?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #236 on:
2011 July 01, 21:02:50 »
Quote from: MaximilianPS on 2011 July 01, 19:49:45
don't you have TS2 Enhancer v.2.0 ?
1. Who are you talking to?
2. I've never heard of this TS2 Enhancer before, but from the looks of it, it's just a SimPE for Dummies, AND it's pay. Why would anyone want that, let alone pay for it?
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #237 on:
2011 July 01, 21:18:02 »
There are also hacked versions of TS2 Enhancer available. It wasn't a bad program and there were a couple of things I used it for which were quicker and easier to manage in that program, than in SimPE.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #238 on:
2011 July 01, 22:00:24 »
Quote from: witch on 2011 July 01, 21:18:02
There are also hacked versions of TS2 Enhancer available. It wasn't a bad program and there were a couple of things I used it for which were quicker and easier to manage in that program, than in SimPE.
Not saying it's a bad program (I wouldn't know, but the screenshots look nice enough), but almost none of the features listed are particularly difficult to do in SimPE, except maybe setting a 'retired from' job. There's also something especially off-putting about them wanting $15 for polishing features that already exist in SimPE for free.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #239 on:
2011 July 01, 22:12:01 »
Yeah, I'm not touting for the program, don't get me wrong. I paid for it in the early days before I discovered SimPE - or before it existed, I don't remember - but the bastard that made it, made you get a new key every time it was installed. So when I did a reformat twice in succession at one point, I was refused a second new key. I was royally pissed. That's when I sourced the hacked version and never looked back.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Undead Member
Posts: 441
da grammar killer
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #240 on:
2011 July 02, 23:08:19 »
with TS2E i've backuped about 50 sims with name and datas, and in few seconds i can replace one sim with another without any risks
btw it was just a sugestion
doint that taken 5 seconds, can you do better with bloody simpe ? :p
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #241 on:
2011 July 06, 19:36:39 »
I actually got it to work, somehow...just used the batbox, followed by Theo's deleter tool. It was Strangetown and Belladonna Cove that had the issues, for whatever reason.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #242 on:
2011 August 02, 17:25:37 »
Again, I hate to necromance, but I am stumped.
I followed the instructions to the T to delete some (okay, A LOT) of townies et al. in my 2-year-old Pleasantview. I got through the deletion process all right with the first batch (with roughly 850 files to delete, I wasn't doing them all at once), but when I tried to go back in-game to prep a second batch, it hangs up on the loading screen to the neighbourhood (both going into the main or a subhood), and I have to use Task Manager to shut it down.
I don't understand why this is happening. I don't THINK it's devolving into a BFBVFS, because the neighbourhood was running just fine prior to this. I still have backups of the neighbourhood files, so I can reinstall and redo if I need to. Does anybody have an idea of what's wrong?
ETA: Bash me all you want. This is what I get for not reading three or four pages past the step-by-step instructions. I went into the UNK and not the SCID.
ETA2: Never mind. It still hangs up on the loading screen even when the SCID is used.
ETA3: Hangs up even when I don't bother with index reset.
Last Edit: 2011 August 04, 00:21:15 by ForeverCamp
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #243 on:
2011 August 04, 21:13:36 »
I don't know what you did exactly, so I can't say what went wrong. I've never come across those problems, and I Deleted 2 a lot.
Have you really deleted the character files from the My Documents folder after killing the respective Sim Description? That's something easily overlooked.
Whatever you have done with the UNK, have you *undone* it?
And how many files have you deleted in your first batch?
It's possible, that your loading screen doesn't hang up actually, but that it just takes a long time (and I mean a long time) to load the neighborhood. So, how long have you waited until killing it via the task manager? Have you tried loading it, do some other stuff, come back later (say, after 15-30 minutes) and check?
Oh - and have you by any chance tried to delete character files which should not be touched, like the Reaper or PolliTech?
I would recommend to take a backup and start all over again, maybe with smaller batches (although I have deleted ~250 files in one go without problems before), at least at first. You *do* have a backup, right?
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #244 on:
2011 August 05, 01:23:18 »
1. I deleted the associated character files from the My Documents after killing the SDSC, definitely.
2. I started from scratch about three or four times - you bet your sweet ass I have a backup of the neighbourhood. Pleasantview is my baby, I
have a backup. So I did undo the last step for Sim Creation Index reset.
3. The first go around, I deleted roughly 250 files. I waited about 15-20 minutes before killing it.
4. I did not touch any character files that were in the "Default" submenu: dead sims, PolliTech, Reaper et al, as well as any sims who had fathered playables. All I killed were service NPCs, strays, townies, downtownies, dormies, locals and a crapload of professors (really? 100 professors for a single university subhood?!).
5. See #2.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #245 on:
2011 August 05, 14:12:24 »
Then maybe your game hangs due to massive NPC, townie etc. respawning (just a wild guess). Do you have all the anti-respawn hacks?
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #246 on:
2011 August 06, 00:19:02 »
Yep. I have the latest Directors Cut (which includes: norespawn, nostrayrespawn, notownieregen, nodormieregen and antiredundancy).
Update: I think I'm either just way too impatient or way too impatient
. Deleting in smaller batches (of 20-50 at a time) appears to have resolved the issue. I've also stopped deleting the superfluous, totally empty EA Games->The Sims 2 folder that generates every time I start the game. I don't know if that has anything to do with it...
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #247 on:
2011 August 31, 18:45:25 »
Strangetown is no longer an issue for me, but Belladonna Cove...*sigh* might as well hang it up.
I also have issues with deleting the playables I don't want from Bluewater Village, no matter what 'hood I associate it with.
Oh well. I just delete when I can, and if I can't...pretend they're townies who happen to live in the 'hood!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #248 on:
2011 September 24, 21:18:57 »
I'm still getting a crapload of professors, but the rest of the townie population is under control.
Taedium Vitae
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
Re: Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Reply #249 on:
2011 September 24, 23:26:35 »
Do you have a lot of custom careers? They all need their own professors.
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