Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 216
tho how do i get this to use the plant sim texture  all the others dont look right 
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
tho how do i get this to use the plant sim texture  all the others dont look right  It doesn't support that one natively -- you'd have to keep an eye out for some custom texture that someone has made (sexysims2, or a site like that), or follow the instructions in the mod to make your own custom green texture.
tho how do i get this to use the plant sim texture  all the others dont look right  It doesn't support that one natively -- you'd have to keep an eye out for some custom texture that someone has made (sexysims2, or a site like that), or follow the instructions in the mod to make your own custom green texture. Or, since plant Sims can reproduce asexually, just shut it off and say they don't come equipped. 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 196
OK... I'm trying to create my own user textures from Jwilson5 default skins from SexySims2.. picture explaining the steps isn't available anymore so I'm getting confused when I get to step 6.. How would i place the skintone from the default skintone to the exported texture file from step 5? I opened the skintone package in simpe and exported it. Do I just take a 256 x 256 sample from the skintone and replace the texture in the user package with it?? I'm soooooo comfuzzled.. 
You take your edited texture and import it back into SimPE the same way you exported it, only you click "Import." Then hit "Commit" and save. When I made a laverwinkle color to go with Dylan's laverwinkle alien recolor, I exported one of the cock user textures. I then exported one of the alien skin textures. I opened the alien texture in my paint program and used the eyedropper tool to get the color I wanted. I then made the cock texture a solid color of the color sample I'd taken from the alien texture. I saved this and reimported it back into SimPE as described above. I then loaded up the game to see how it looked, and it wasn't quite right at first, too dark or too light, so I did it again and was happy with it. Here is my file if anyone wants to look at it or use it: can use it in place of your original textures file or extract the purple cock color to use in your own modified file.
« Last Edit: 2007 March 31, 20:55:39 by RainbowTigress »
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
whut d'ya think this thing duz, d'uh?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 196
It makes damn good coffee....  Thanks for the help Rainbowtigress... will try a little later and maybe even post my results if I'm happy with it..
*headdesk*Scratch: You're welcome...hope it works out for you. 
Rainbow, you would make a great teacher. 
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?<br />Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Thank you Maria. I do my best.  I had some good examples too.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
help Anyone know where I can find the most basic guide for crammyboy's cock mod in the Sims 2? I just want to know how to get it to work. The penis won't show on any of my male sims. I've used SeeThem2 to disable to censor blur but there's still no genitalia. I have nightlife, open for business, university, the original sims 2, and seasons. I've downloaded just the required zip as it said in the text file and put it in the Downloads folder. I've also tried downloading both zips and placed all the files including the cock controller into the Downloads folder. No genitals :  Help 
You did unzip the files before putting them into your Downloads folder, right. If so, do you have Sim/object detail set to high in your graphics preferences?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Yeah I unzipped all the files out of the zip and put them in the Downloads folder under The Sims 2. My sim/object detail is set to low
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
My sim/object detail is set to low
Then you won't see them -- this only works with high detail.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Oh I see. Thank you. I'll try this  UPDATE: Ok, I tried setting the detail to high and even resetting everything to default but the body part does not show.  I currently have the crammyboy cock mod file and the user texture file in my Downloads. I tried turning off and on SeeThem2 and even without the censor blur, there's no genital. Oh I've also tried with the cock controller file and the other two but still didn't work. 
« Last Edit: 2007 April 17, 20:40:17 by bluesunfog »
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Have you checked the settings*? Perhaps they're set to "hide" even when the sim is naked. And I'm not quiet sure about it, but I think that you'll need *all* three files to make it work, too.
* Click on the sim, "Adjust... / Cock Options..."
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado 
I currently have the crammyboy cock mod file and the user texture file in my Downloads. I tried turning off and on SeeThem2 and even without the censor blur, there's no genital. Oh I've also tried with the cock controller file and the other two but still didn't work.  The user texture file is not required, but the other two are. You must have the CBOY_cock.package and CBOY_cock_controller.package both installed or you'll get nada.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
How do you unhide the genitals? There's not "adjust..." option when I click on the Sim and his crotch.
I've tested with all three files, and with just user_texture and the main file itself. Maybe I'm not installing it right? I'll check again with only controller and the main file itself when I get home. Is installing the files as simple as unzipping and placing the package files into the Downloads folder?
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
I've tested with all three files, and with just user_texture and the main file itself. Maybe I'm not installing it right? I'll check again with only controller and the main file itself when I get home. Is installing the files as simple as unzipping and placing the package files into the Downloads folder?
Yup, it's that simple. It's possible this doesn't work with SeeThem2; you might have to get Quaxi's censor blur remover hack. I know it works with that one. You can download it here: The Pets version works fine with Seasons as well.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Thank you very much for the link and the tips. I'll try these as soon as I get home. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Noooooooo  I thought this would be it but the mod still doesn't work. Here's a picture: have cock controller, cock mod itself and user texture in the Downloads folder. I downloaded Quaxi's censor blur (Pets/Seasons) and put it in Downloads. All I get for the crotch is a bump and what looks like pubes. I don't know what to do anymore. 
Like twojeffs said, the user texture isn't required, so take that out of your downloads file, fire up the game again and see what that does.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
That doesn't look like it's coming from the hack, but from the skintone
INFP or something
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Okay, I'm not sure if this is the cause of this problem but I think the problem is the disable/enable custom content box that opens up whenever I boot up the game. Crammyboy's cock package files fall in the list of 100s of contents that I've downloaded in the disable/enable custom content window. At the bottom it lets me check two boxes--- one saying enable the contents and the other saying disable. If I check enable, I'm not sure if it'd enable ALL the contents in the list.
The thing is, the window warns me that some contents might do something to my game (not totally sure what it means). I'm just afraid of glitches that might occur if I enable all contents and some of them might harm the game. I've had other downloaded contents that worked (eyes, skin tones and clothing and such) without having to enable all the contents in the disable/enable window.
So I'm guessing the list in the disable/enable window are contents that didn't make it through.
Is there a way to just enable crammyboy's mod itself?
I'll aslo try to delete the user texture file now. Thank you everyone.
Okay, I'm not sure if this is the cause of this problem but I think the problem is the disable/enable custom content box that opens up whenever I boot up the game. Crammyboy's cock package files fall in the list of 100s of contents that I've downloaded in the disable/enable custom content window. At the bottom it lets me check two boxes--- one saying enable the contents and the other saying disable. If I check enable, I'm not sure if it'd enable ALL the contents in the list.
The thing is, the window warns me that some contents might do something to my game (not totally sure what it means). I'm just afraid of glitches that might occur if I enable all contents and some of them might harm the game. I've had other downloaded contents that worked (eyes, skin tones and clothing and such) without having to enable all the contents in the disable/enable window.
So I'm guessing the list in the disable/enable window are contents that didn't make it through.
Is there a way to just enable crammyboy's mod itself?
I'll aslo try to delete the user texture file now. Thank you everyone.
* AmberDiceless facepalms. Well, no wonder it isn't working. It'll give you that message if you've got any actual game code-changing mods as opposed to Maxis-approved custom content (like Bodyshop and Homecrafter files.) You have to enable all custom content if you want anything that changes stuff like pie menus to work, Crammyboy's mod included. Incidentally, if I'm not mistaken, leaving the stuff disabled will also prevent any Awesome game fixes from Pescado, TJ and company from working...