Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 118
Hi, all. I'm something of a newbie Sims 2 player, but I have SimsPE, a bunch of hacks, and a problem with CB's penis. When I make my male/male couple try to relax on a double bed, they chat for a few seconds and 'jump' out of bed. That never happened before I added the cock, so I removed it and woo-hoo worked just fine. I have a few hacks, I started adding and removing things back and forth, but I think its the cock or the owner, because I ran the debuger and this showed up, blaming one my Cid character: Build: at Aug 17 2005,17:31:32
Object id: 146 name: N002_User00138 - Cid Stack size: 14 Error: Bad gosub tree number. Iterations: 1 Frame 13: Stack Object id: 15 Stack Object name: Phone Transport - Invite to Community Lot Node: 7 Tree: id 313 name 'Pregnancy - Can We Get Pregnant?' version -32746 from global Prim state: 0 Params: 146 114 Locals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Frame 12: Stack Object id: 15 Stack Object name: Phone Transport - Invite to Community Lot Node: 28 Tree: id 8276 name 'CT - Object Menu Subqueue' version 32 from BedGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 114 Locals: 4 574 10 Frame 11: Stack Object id: 0 Node: 0 Tree: id -1 name 'No behavior' version 0 from Prim state: 1 Params: Locals: Frame 10: Stack Object id: 574 Stack Object name: Bed - Double - Loft - E - Head Node: 65534 Tree: id 8762 name 'Interaction - Object Menu - Subqueue - TEST' version -32761 from PersonGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 0 Locals: 114 Frame 9: Stack Object id: 0 Node: 0 Tree: id -1 name 'No behavior' version 0 from Prim state: 1 Params: Locals: Frame 8: Stack Object id: 607 Stack Object name: Bed - Double - Loft - F - Head Node: 3 Tree: id 8340 name '_Animate - Sim & Object by Index' version -32749 from BedGlobals Prim state: 1157627904 Params: 33 0 1 33 Locals: 114 Frame 7: Stack Object id: 607 Stack Object name: Bed - Double - Loft - F - Head Node: 6 Tree: id 8250 name 'Relax - Anim - Loop' version 9 from BedGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: Locals: 0 0 Frame 6: Stack Object id: 607 Stack Object name: Bed - Double - Loft - F - Head Node: 3 Tree: id 8252 name 'Relax - _Loop' version 37 from BedGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: Locals: 0 607 114 0 Frame 5: Stack Object id: 607 Stack Object name: Bed - Double - Loft - F - Head Node: 15 Tree: id 8245 name 'Interaction - Relax' version 45 from BedGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 0 0 Locals: 607 0 Frame 4: Stack Object id: 146 Stack Object name: N002_User00138 - Cid Node: 5 Tree: id 281 name 'Wait For Notify' version 7 from global Prim state: 1 Params: 0 1 Locals: Frame 3: Stack Object id: 146 Stack Object name: N002_User00138 - Cid Node: 1 Tree: id 8282 name 'Function - Main - Check Queue' version 47 from PersonGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: Locals: 607 Frame 2: Stack Object id: 146 Stack Object name: N002_User00138 - Cid Node: 2 Tree: id 8283 name 'Function - Main - Loop' version 92 from PersonGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 5 20 1 Locals: 0 Frame 1: Stack Object id: 146 Stack Object name: N002_User00138 - Cid Node: 6 Tree: id 8193 name 'Function - Main' version 83 from PersonGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: Locals: 5 20 Frame 0: Stack Object id: 146 Stack Object name: N002_User00138 - Cid Node: 1 Tree: id 4096 name 'Function - Main' version 2 from TemplatePerson Prim state: 0 Params: Locals: That's the original mistake, before I removed anything. Of all the hacks, I think quazis censor and the Nude thing seem to be pertinent, but they both work fine regardless of the cock. I also deleted the bed and added another one. I forgot to check it this happened to het couples, but I'll get to it right now. I have Uni and NL, plan to the OFB one of these days. I guess what I'm really trying to say is... HELP!?
Wow, I was looking for a mod like this for a while. Thanks. The only problem is, I don't have any expansion packs  I really should, considering the good Cboy nudist hack is only availble for them...but anyway, I read something in TFM about using a file from a previous version? Does anyone have that? I'd be really happy if someone could upload that extra file - thanks.
Glad I found a place to address a problem I'm having with this hack:) I have all expansions and stuff packs, and I have all three files in my downloads folder, the problem I have is that for some unknow reason the skin color changes from light to dark from time to time. Any ideas as I really appreciate all my sims looking realistic and don't really want to remove this hack from my game. Thanks:)
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 717
I've noticed in my game that occasionally the penis will appear a dark blue-black. It seems to be an aberrant rendering of a shadow effect and goes away promptly when the action changes, returning to the original settings.
The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the hammers and screwdrivers in the toolbox of communication. Guards! Guards! (Terry Pratchett)
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 185
Mine does also. For me this began a few months ago after a video driver upgrade, oh well Nvidia, the way it is meant to be played. yeah, right. For some reason the shadow effect doesn't work correctly on the little buggers. I'm running a 7600 GS AGP only reason I'm using this is I'm saving up for computer upgrade to PCI X16. And to hec with PS3, rather have the Nvidia 8800 GPU, then I will be playing the way it is meant. lol
I get that effect too. Anybody know how shadows work in the game? Maybe it can be fixed.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
I've been having this, too, on just a couple of my sims. Others seem to have no problem. Forcing an error seems to work, but since I always do it on them when they're in the shower, it could be coincidence, maybe. I dunno. I never thought about the shadow settings, though. I have shadows off. 
I have the same problems as well from time to time, kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term "blue balls" doesn't it?  I've also had no visible fish in my tanks since OFB. The video card in my current computer is a Nvidia Geforce 5500. The "useShaders true" cheat makes the fish visible for me but I haven't tested it long enough to see if it fixes this problem. Since I tend to marathon play I've gotten in the habit of setting my graphics at medium so my computer won't get snippy and restart on me or crash to the desktop while playing. I want my new computer now but it will have to wait until after the holidays, or even into next Spring. 
There is an option to change the colour when you click on the penis.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Either send them to the shower or tub or make the penis visible with whatever they've got on. Now click the penis and change the color.
Either send them to the shower or tub or make the penis visible with whatever they've got on. Now click the penis and change the color.
 Do you think my instruction to the OP is not clear enough or are you just being a post whore?
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
That looks it gonna drop off? And another question, how is it that Photobucket hasn't deleted that pic?!
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
It does that in my game from time to time and just after it got a workout with ACR. 
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ---Gandhi
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
I've been using this hack for along time now,and it seems like I was having this happen before Pets.It only happens for me when they take showers and only in the soft state.Give them a boner and it goes away.I've learned to live with it.I think like most older hacks there are going to be some glitches here and there,this one to me isn't that big.Besides is Crammyboy even still around?
Besides is Crammyboy even still around?
He is, he logged in here on Nov. 27.
I haven't tried it but these are the directions I found To edit the textures do the following using the supplied picture as a guide. 1) Open the CBOY_cock_user_textures.package file in SIMPE. 2) Just select the textures (No.1 in picture) 3) Select the texture you want to change (No.2 in picture) the name of which is No. 3 in picture 4) Select the largest texture (No. 4) 5) Export the textures (Nos. 5 & 6) Note: Only the hair textures have an alpha channel (No.6) 6) Edit the exported textures as required. 7) Import the textures (Nos. 7 &  Note: No. 8 is only required for hair textures. 8 ) Update all the sizes (No. 9) 9) Commit (No. 10) and save.
I've made a lavender texture to go with Dylan's Laverwinkle Alien replacement. It works great. I haven't figured out how to do a replacement for his vampire replacement though. 
Does this work with Inteenimater for OFB?
yes it works fine with InTeen
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
I was interested in TJ's Casual Romance mod and the Nudist Hack 'cause of the following features If you have Crammyboy's nudist hack, you can make your sim nude on demand (or only when certain conditions are met) so it is visible then. if you have TJ's Casual Romance, that has a call built into it that will trigger the appropriate reactions in certain romantic situations. But appranlt y these aren't updated to be used with pets? The mods I mean not the actual penis! (ewww!)  Could I pls, pls, pls get an update for these or do anyone thta have the hacks pls tell if they work allright with pets? Greet, Ali
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Dead Member

Posts: 1392
Despite the name, I am male.Do not call me "miss".
Nudist hack works fine with Pets and all EPs, ACR has the "reactions" built in as well, so I recommend that over plain CR (which probably works with Pets anyway).
« Last Edit: 2007 February 14, 00:23:50 by Venusy »
"They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal."
ISTP - Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Allrighty then, I'll check that ACR, thanx for the help.
Greets, Ali
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 196
I haven't tried it but these are the directions I found To edit the textures do the following using the supplied picture as a guide. 1) Open the CBOY_cock_user_textures.package file in SIMPE. 2) Just select the textures (No.1 in picture) 3) Select the texture you want to change (No.2 in picture) the name of which is No. 3 in picture 4) Select the largest texture (No. 4) 5) Export the textures (Nos. 5 & 6) Note: Only the hair textures have an alpha channel (No.6) 6) Edit the exported textures as required. 7) Import the textures (Nos. 7 &  Note: No. 8 is only required for hair textures. 8 ) Update all the sizes (No. 9) 9) Commit (No. 10) and save. I've been looking for info on adding user skintones to the user textures package but haven't really seen any clear instructions yet.... I did look at the rtfm and it says to look at post #245 for instructions but i couldn't find it anywhere in the thread at SexySims2... i'm using Louis modified skins as defaults and want to use the same skintones on the weenie but i can't figure it out and Simpe scares me when i go beyond editing a sims name and career.... So, thanks for posting the instructions Sleepycat but, um,...... HUH?  I'm willing to give it a try in simpe and maybe learn a few things along the way.... Is there a place somewhere that has clear instructions??? I did try the extra textures made by KSK but they just don't look right to me... too black... looks like penis rot to me....  ta