I haven't tried yet but I'm thinking maybe I can clone them, run them through this and then just yank out the extra stuff? I'll try it. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Well it worked on the Maxis Nikko Lounge chair by MaxoidMonkey and it worked on a custom chair (Windkeeper's single tile Merrokan chair) but I still can't seem to get it to work for the GLS tv. Hmm, my TV is all in one package though, but I got it from a house on the exchange. Can you upload your TV (both files) in a zip and let me see what's up with it? Next bright idea... Could you add the ability to "OFB-ize" refrigerators and stoves?
I'll add support for this in the next version.  And computers! but I'm content with what I have right now. (unless someone can tell me how to do this myself in simPE?) If you update computers for Pets, they'll also have the OfB options. Have you managed to update the GLS furniture yet, Motoki? I'm not sure where to go to do that, don't really feel like buggering up my game more than it already is... I've made a hack for this that should pet-enable them, I'm in the middle of a multiplayer game though, so I'll upload it later tonight, along with a new (hopefully) final beta version of the program. 
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Yay it works!!!! I've fixed the glamour TV! yaysies! I'm going to try the TV from where motiki got it from. Oh heres a pic of what setting I've got it in 
« Last Edit: 2006 October 29, 01:06:37 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
You got it to work? Maybe I messed something up. I'll try again.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
look at the pic above to see the settings I've put in. Edit: the TV where you got it from should work and the sims must have the TV on inorder for it to play it. you must save it before you play it otherwise it won't work and the CC setting must be "2 tile TV" before you save it
« Last Edit: 2006 October 29, 01:15:14 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
J. M. Pescado
I've made a hack for this that should pet-enable them, I'm in the middle of a multiplayer game though, so I'll upload it later tonight, along with a new (hopefully) final beta version of the program.  Is it a cool game? Should I get it and go smite some Jfades?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I think he doesn't want to say incase you go and blow his head off. lol
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
If you update computers for Pets, they'll also have the OfB options. Have you managed to update the GLS furniture yet, Motoki? I'm not sure where to go to do that, don't really feel like buggering up my game more than it already is... I've made a hack for this that should pet-enable them, I'm in the middle of a multiplayer game though, so I'll upload it later tonight, along with a new (hopefully) final beta version of the program.  awesome, thanks
I've made a hack for this that should pet-enable them, I'm in the middle of a multiplayer game though, so I'll upload it later tonight, along with a new (hopefully) final beta version of the program.  Is it a cool game? Should I get it and go smite some Jfades? It's Civ 4 Warlords, and you're welcome to play if you want to.  Glad to see that it's (kind of) working now for some of you. *Runs back to game*
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
 Ok bug report: when I tell my sims to watch TV then make the dog watch it both the sim and the dog would jump out of place. I think we got a jump bug encoded in the TV. I'll see whats the damage is in debug mode. Edit: It seams that something is wrong with the code. I just don't understand why there would be a jump bug with the TV?! anyway here is that error report. The program needs to be updated inorder for the TV to work. I've got the option but yeah something is definately wrong with the code. Glad you got the file before a mod removed it *Grumbles*
« Last Edit: 2006 October 29, 04:13:42 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
OK, out of the game now. It appears that Pets added a slot to the TV. I'll have to see if it's able to be fixed easily, or if they made it difficult by adding new joints and stuff to the mesh like they did with tubs. I'll get back to you in a bit.
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
 thanks, I hope it isn't a huge problem like the tubs?!
« Last Edit: 2006 October 29, 08:16:10 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
OK, out of the game now. It appears that Pets added a slot to the TV. I'll have to see if it's able to be fixed easily, or if they made it difficult by adding new joints and stuff to the mesh like they did with tubs. I'll get back to you in a bit.
Hmm, okay. They really don't do any special animations with the TV, unlike the tub. They sort of just sit there and their current queued action says watch tv, so I wouldn't imagine it would be as complicated as the tub but who knows with Maxis EA?
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
 horay! I can finally use the TV soon and thanks for the fix for the glamour objects can't wait
« Last Edit: 2006 October 30, 03:29:28 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Ohhhhh shiny! gonna test out now to see if it works
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
The TV finally works. Thanks so much!
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
 it works now! I'm going to say that its fully ready for release! bring it to the webpage!
« Last Edit: 2006 October 30, 05:25:23 by giggy »
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
woohoo! can't wait to check the shiny new version out. Thanks!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416
English is not my first language : what are exactly the differences between lounger and recliner ?? Thanks a lot. Pioupiou
English is not my first language : what are exactly the differences between lounger and recliner ?? Thanks a lot. Pioupiou
Well a lounger is a chair with a long seat while a recliner is a chair that acts as a lounger.
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
J. M. Pescado
A recliner is like an armchair that transforms into a lounger.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.