Hello everyone!  I've been working on it for only a short time compared to my other programs, but I believe this is finally ready for testing by the masses!  Here's a screenshot: http://images.djssims.com/djspetsccupdater.JPGIt's a relatively simple process: First, load a directory with the directory box on the left, and click the "Pick Selected Directory" button. After it's finished sorting through and leaving only objects in the list, you can then double click an item in the list to see it's description and name and such. If you decide that it is an object you want to edit and make compatible, click the button that looks like a hand with a pencil next to the Step 4 label. Then, choose what type of object it is from the list, and save! That's it! That piece of custom content will now work with pets. NOTE: Please back up your custom content before editing it with this tool! While this tool was very thoroughly tested, it would be best for you to have a backup as a precaution. Feel free to delete the backups after you verify that the edited files are working fine. WARNING: Objects updated with this tool will NOT work with previous versions of the game. (If you use an updated object in a previous version of the game, it will cause the game to CRASH.) Objects that you update with the wrong category will also likely cause strange behaviors or crashes as well, so use at your own risk! As a rule of thumb, however, you should only use this on objects that you know you'll pick the right category for. Download: http://www.djssims.com/index.php?id=346
« Last Edit: 2006 October 31, 03:39:02 by jfade »
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
guess I'll be a womrat and test this out. Backed up all my stuff and away we go. One question though when editing an object, what difference does it make when selecting cheap/moderate/expensive? Is it really important in how the object is interacted with or something?
Perhaps it effects how durable it is, ie how much chewing/scratching it can withstandbefore it is ruined. Oh and Jfade thanks so much for this!  Definitely going to try it out.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Perhaps it effects how durable it is, ie how much chewing/scratching it can withstandbefore it is ruined.
That was my thought, but wasn't sure. Now to figure out what classifies as each price range... ah well a job for tomorrow I guess.
J. M. Pescado
guess I'll be a womrat and test this out. Backed up all my stuff and away we go. One question though when editing an object, what difference does it make when selecting cheap/moderate/expensive? Is it really important in how the object is interacted with or something?
Cheap/Moderate/Expensive tends to mean that there is a standard Maxis "cheap/moderate/expensive" item. There may not be any difference, but that's probably where it will pull the TTAB from, which can affect how the item will be advertised.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
guess I'll be a womrat and test this out. Backed up all my stuff and away we go. One question though when editing an object, what difference does it make when selecting cheap/moderate/expensive? Is it really important in how the object is interacted with or something?
Cheap/Moderate/Expensive tends to mean that there is a standard Maxis "cheap/moderate/expensive" item. There may not be any difference, but that's probably where it will pull the TTAB from, which can affect how the item will be advertised. Exactly, it's really just about advertising, since a more expensive item should be more comfortable, it should advertise higher than something that is cheap. It's really up to you to decide what's cheap, moderate, and expensive, but if you want to go by Maxis standards, just see what's most expensive and what's cheapest in any given category and judge from there. 
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Edit: Just a note, were bathtubs forgotten? Am I blind and just can't see them in the list or is it possible they can't be fixed? I'm really hoping I can use my custom tubs to wash dogs cause the maxis ones aren't really that good.
« Last Edit: 2006 October 25, 20:04:46 by JadeInsane »
Okay I finally got to try this. Used it on the GLS Best Buy bonus pre-order TV. It didn't seem to work though because the pets still can't watch tv on it. When I turn the controlpets cheat on they get no options still. The only option I can get them to do on it is force error in debug mode.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Hmm, I have that same TV, I'll try it out on it when I get home. You know though, I'm wondering if the package is compressed? I can't remember if I made it handle compressed packages or not, since custom object meshes are rarely, if ever, compressed. Though now that I think about it, most Maxis CC from the official site is compressed.. I'll check and see what I did when I get home, and fix whatever's broken. 
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
Very cool jffade. This will ease the pain once I do decide to go for Pets.
I was wondering what would be involved in this sort of project... thanks for this utility!
Hmm, I have that same TV, I'll try it out on it when I get home. You know though, I'm wondering if the package is compressed? I can't remember if I made it handle compressed packages or not, since custom object meshes are rarely, if ever, compressed. Though now that I think about it, most Maxis CC from the official site is compressed.. I'll check and see what I did when I get home, and fix whatever's broken.  It might be. Also there are two files. One is the actual object and I forget what the other one is and now I'm at work and can't look, but your program only detected the one with the actual object. It didn't seem to find the price either if that makes any difference. Not sure if I should have manually entered it or not, but the price was still there in the game when I ran it with the modified tv. It worked just fine, only the pets couldn't watch.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Does the file save the unmodified object in a .bak file? That would help protect people from themselves.
It currently doesn't so make sure you make backups of your files before you run the program on it.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Shiny new version in the first post! This one supports any objects that are compressed. This includes, most notably, preorder bonus items, stuff from the official site, as well as any other custom objects that are compressed (though the GREAT majority are not.) So, provided that the new version goes well, I'll probably release this publicly tomorrow. 
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Shiny! But is it me or do bathtubs not need to be updated? I feel stupid if I'm going on about this and they don't. 
Well it worked on the Maxis Nikko Lounge chair by MaxoidMonkey and it worked on a custom chair (Windkeeper's single tile Merrokan chair) but I still can't seem to get it to work for the GLS tv. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Next bright idea...
Could you add the ability to "OFB-ize" refrigerators and stoves?
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Next bright idea...
Could you add the ability to "OFB-ize" refrigerators and stoves?
And computers! but I'm content with what I have right now. (unless someone can tell me how to do this myself in simPE?)
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Well it worked on the Maxis Nikko Lounge chair by MaxoidMonkey and it worked on a custom chair (Windkeeper's single tile Merrokan chair) but I still can't seem to get it to work for the GLS tv.  I couldn't get it working on the tv either. I tried to use it in my sims house and there were no options for it at all. My sims couldn't watch it never mind the pets.
 I might suggest to update both packages for it to work I guess?
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
The second file doesn't really look like much though. Just a bunch of material overrides for the various recolors of the tv.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
 well u might still need to update them. try that and see if it works?
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.  *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Have you managed to update the GLS furniture yet, Motoki? I'm not sure where to go to do that, don't really feel like buggering up my game more than it already is... 