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Author Topic: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition  (Read 91744 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #25 on: 2010 January 27, 14:18:47 »

Do not necromance threads to make stupid requests.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #26 on: 2010 January 28, 14:34:17 »

Look, it's a simple request, it was relevant to the thread topic and I had no idea how to start a new thread or where to start it, I don't even know what necromance means! This is why I never post on forums like this, people are way too uptight and stuck up.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #27 on: 2010 January 28, 14:50:20 »

Look, it's a simple request, it was relevant to the thread topic
I wouldn't really call that relevant, since what you want is something to hard-lock the game, independently of difficulty or hardness, and such an option would be thus installed elsewhere in the codebase.

I had no idea how to start a new thread or where to start it
That is usually a sign that you shouldn't.

I don't even know what necromance means!
Means "to resurrect a thread nobody has posted in". Attempting such an act produces the SCARY NECROMANCER WARNING, which you ignored.

This is why I never post on forums like this, people are way too uptight and stuck up.
That is a wise policy you would do well to heed in the future.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #28 on: 2010 January 30, 16:31:31 »

I had actually apologised in advance if it wasn't the place to make a request.

"I wouldn't really call that relevant, since what you want is something to hard-lock the game, independently of difficulty or hardness, and such an option would be thus installed elsewhere in the codebase."

Believe it or not, as someone who isn't a modifier and is just learning recolouring and only started using Sim PE yesterday I don't have a clue what you even mean.

I'd recommend if you don't want people to "necromance" then create a thread for requests maybe?

"Attempting such an act produces the SCARY NECROMANCER WARNING, which you ignored."

I ignored it because I didn't know I was "necromancing" because I didn't know what "necromance" meant!

Better than just avoiding forums and making requests I'm going to learn to modify, make a group called "Much More Awesome Than You" and be pleasant to those asking for help and requests and most importantly the forum will be user friendly as opposed to just n00b friendly.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #29 on: 2010 January 30, 17:07:41 »

Go for it. And after people ask you the same crap over and over and over because they're too lazy to search, you'll become just as angry and irritable as we are.

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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #30 on: 2010 January 30, 21:35:15 »

Better than just avoiding forums and making requests I'm going to learn to modify, make a group called "Much More Awesome Than You" and be pleasant to those asking for help and requests and most importantly the forum will be user friendly as opposed to just n00b friendly.
Is there a timeline for this? I am fascinated. Do keep us updated.

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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #31 on: 2010 January 31, 17:31:53 »

Me too.  When can I start making requests?  I can think of lots and lots of things that I want.

[Update:] It's been over a week now; do you have the website set up yet?
« Last Edit: 2010 February 10, 22:30:41 by Mootilda » Logged

I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #32 on: 2011 May 22, 01:20:53 »

Necromancing for an actual question about the hack: do the position limits take townie jobs into account?  I have a sim who has had the same mid-level job for half its life, despite having the needed skills, and AFAIR there are no other playable sims in the hood in that career track anymore.  If it does count townie jobs, is there a way to keep the game from assigning townies jobs in the first place?  I know there's probably a way to summon them all to a lot and de-jobify them en masse, but as I've had no luck giving homeless AL townies cell phones in this way, I'm guessing the game will just give unemployed townies another job as soon as I turn my back on them again.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #33 on: 2011 May 22, 05:11:59 »

Necromancing for an actual question about the hack: do the position limits take townie jobs into account?
Yes, yes it does.

I have a sim who has had the same mid-level job for half its life, despite having the needed skills, and AFAIR there are no other playable sims in the hood in that career track anymore.
You know people specifically asked for that feature, right? Otherwise everyone inevitably shoots straight to the top.

If it does count townie jobs, is there a way to keep the game from assigning townies jobs in the first place?
Yes, if you want to disable auto-job-assignment, you can make your own thingy that will shut that particular function down easily enough.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #34 on: 2011 May 22, 07:05:38 »

I have a sim who has had the same mid-level job for half its life, despite having the needed skills, and AFAIR there are no other playable sims in the hood in that career track anymore.
You know people specifically asked for that feature, right? Otherwise everyone inevitably shoots straight to the top.

Oh, I know, and I don't really care in this case, since the sim doesn't have a career LTW and is living perfectly decently on its current salary, but while it is nice not to have six sims that are all the mayor somehow, I'd kind of prefer that the one mayor actually be a playable, rather than some random unknown townie who is never going to retire and free up the position unless it dies or moves in with someone.  In the hood I'm preparing to start up, most sims won't even be allowed to have standard jobs, and moved-in townies are all going to be de-jobified anyway.

If it does count townie jobs, is there a way to keep the game from assigning townies jobs in the first place?
Yes, if you want to disable auto-job-assignment, you can make your own thingy that will shut that particular function down easily enough.

So there is a BHAV somewhere that assigns jobs to unemployed townies, and if you just overwrite it to "return true" and then unemploy all the townies, they will stay unemployed?  Is there a BHAV that removes cell phones from townie inventories and populates them with random expensive junk, too?

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #35 on: 2011 May 22, 08:53:03 »

So there is a BHAV somewhere that assigns jobs to unemployed townies, and if you just overwrite it to "return true" and then unemploy all the townies, they will stay unemployed?

Is there a BHAV that removes cell phones from townie inventories and populates them with random expensive junk, too?
I don't think that one actually exists. Why, is that happening to you?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #36 on: 2011 May 22, 13:39:03 »

Well, summoning all the AL townies to a lot and giving them cell phones with debug mode does not seem to make them callable, and checking their inventories later reveals no cell phones.  I've also had sims that were towniefied with empty inventories turn out to be full of loot (that was not purchased from businesses) after they were moved in with someone.  That's not a big deal, though, as you can just nuke it all with the stuck object remover.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Harder Jobs ZOMGPETZ!!!111oneoneone Edition
« Reply #37 on: 2013 October 11, 10:39:40 »

*Sorry for 'necromancing' this thread, but I need to point out something*

The link to the pets job fixes download on the first post leads me to a 404, so I would appreciate it if someone could fix that.
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