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Author Topic: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!  (Read 117819 times)
Sucky Name Person
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #25 on: 2007 April 16, 05:21:31 »

I'm glad you were able to find a solution, jsalemi!  Your theory makes a lot of sense. 
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #26 on: 2007 September 12, 01:04:24 »


This may be borked a bit in BV.  I sent my business owners to their business for the first time, and it's full of islanders and asians (haven't seen any lumberjacks yet). I saw options on it to ban the new vacation folks, and they all default to 'NOT', but they're still showing up.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #27 on: 2007 September 12, 01:39:59 »

Fixed now.

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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #28 on: 2007 September 28, 07:44:25 »

I have the latest version, and I still get the Islanders, Far Easters and the Mountaineers showing up back in the old village, where they have NO business at all to be. All 3 groups are set to NOT. I also have 2jeffs visitor controller, latest version, but it has no options to ban them, could there be some other conflict?
This will mean I will have to kill them all eventually, once this is fixed, because it is not meant to happen that Far Easters go visit my old medieval village, socializing and all. So annoying to see them show up at the old church for example..
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #29 on: 2007 September 28, 07:51:57 »

I can't see any reason why this would still happen, and nobody else has reported this, so you are probably using an old version, possibly from your browser cache. Clear your cache and redownload again.

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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #30 on: 2007 September 29, 10:48:45 »

The file (package) I have in my hacks/pescado directory is dated 9/13, 6.51 AM, so I do have the latest version, I believe. Doesn't seem to be any difference between owned community lots, the ones without owners, or home businesses - the damn foreigners Wink still come there.
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #31 on: 2007 October 16, 20:28:20 »

As posted in the Macrotastics thread...
Even if you don't wish to limit clientbase, the selector also lets you designate business PURPOSE, so sims show up with appropriate motives.

What are the precise effects of business purposes? I've always kind of wondered that.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #32 on: 2007 October 16, 20:39:25 »

The precise effect of business purposes is that it sets the target's motives to be appropriate to the business: Rather than showing up starving, bored, and about to pee on your floor, they'll instead show up with only the motives that your business type is intended to satisfy depleted, so that they will actually do those things instead of whining about other things. Instead of showing up not-hungry at your restaurant, then loitering around instead of eating.

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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #33 on: 2007 October 16, 21:02:25 »

Pes, I'm loving the customer selector in general. Sims come in, buy their goods, and get the heck off the lot. Just added it to my collection a few days ago. I'm noticing an issue with the default stray-ban, though. I still have strays come on lot (albeit fewer than I remember before) and head straight for the indestructible flowers I have outside the art store. So far this is only happening with dogs. Using BRY to banish them works, but not until they are first shooed. Strays do not show up at all at my brothel and convenience store businesses, both of which are using the selector and both of which have no plant-type objects outside. The obvious solution is to remove the pretty, but I like the pretty.

Also, ever since adding this to business lots, it calls all employees in at once. This makes no fiscal sense. My level 7-10 businesses typically have the owner doing sales/restocking, a dedicated restocker, a gold level cashier, and a bronze/silver level cashier. For the first half of the day, I'm fine without the second lesser cashier, so I don't want to pay them to stand there like an idiot.

If you want it kept that way, great. Can you point me to the relevant line in the BHAV? I'm just getting used to messing with the lovely twisted code they use.

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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #34 on: 2007 October 16, 21:45:25 »

The ensummonation of employees is not part of the Customer Selector or the BRY, although you can summon or dismiss them individually from the Hammer and Sickle. If your employees are all appearing, either you called them all in, or they're present because all employees are present when you visit as a different fambly. None of this is produced by Awesomeware. As for strays, strays are not summoned by the customer selector: they must be materializing through a different controller run by Maxis, and are not counted as customers at all. None of those issues relate to Awesomeware.

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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #35 on: 2007 October 16, 21:59:51 »

Zazau -- do you use Inge's business hours controller sign?  I noticed after installing BV that it reset, so it was calling in employees as soon as the business opened.  I had to have the owner redo all the settings back to what they were.

Pes, doesn't the customer selector have a ban/allow pets settings?  I thought that kept strays away, because I never see them on my lots unless I change the default (which is to ban them, I believe).

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #36 on: 2007 October 16, 22:38:10 »

The pets allow/ban determines whether or not owners are allowed to bring their animals. No part of the customer selector loop actually conjures animals indepedently, they must be appearing from the Maxian stray-animal launcher.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #37 on: 2007 October 17, 05:55:06 »

The pets allow/ban determines whether or not owners are allowed to bring their animals. No part of the customer selector loop actually conjures animals indepedently, they must be appearing from the Maxian stray-animal launcher.
Huh. Weird. Since BV lets you pick who goes to a lot, that didn't even dawn on me - I never bring the pets along, just the family members who work there. Scary how quickly we forget what wasn't included in previous expansions. I thought the automatic ban on pets was on all pets, and was just about to edit my post to say that a cat showed up at the convenience store to play with a tourist.

The only Inge hacks I have are the custom school related ones, bottomless bottle, and the new sign that makes everyone switch into swimwear for the public beach. None of those objects are on any of my community lot businesses. They only have awesome hack objects. Again, it didn't happen at the convenience store, so I suppose it's possible that I misclicked. But three times in a row? All employees were playables, which is unique to that's Edmund, his sister and brother, and my fake hubby. All live on different lots. This was while I was visiting as the owner (the only lot I visit as a customer is the convenience store for groceries...everyone's either poor or saving up to give their kids nest eggs). I'm laying off the two townie workers at the convenience store tomorrow night and will see if it repeats with just the playables being employees. If it does, I guess it's 50/50 time.

*puts on her best impression of Gwilly people* Could the ability to ban strays be added to the customer selector? I used to use TJ's Visitor Controller for this, but the Customer Selector does 90% of what it does, and has the added nicety of keeping customers from milling around goosing each other and playing on their handhelds (cute at the beach, but not at the stores where I want them to give me money NOW, Edmund needs the dough to hire a new whore for the brothel).

Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #38 on: 2007 October 17, 06:52:25 »

The customer controller does not summon strays, so if strays are being summoned, they are not being summoned by anything Awesome. It is either non-Awesome, or Maxis, which has nothing to do with the Customer Selector, so the customer selector cannot reject them since the customer selector isn't the one spawning them.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #39 on: 2007 October 17, 14:27:22 »

The customer controller does not summon strays, so if strays are being summoned, they are not being summoned by anything Awesome. It is either non-Awesome, or Maxis, which has nothing to do with the Customer Selector, so the customer selector cannot reject them since the customer selector isn't the one spawning them.
Ah. I see. Customer Selector = selective spawner. Customer Selector =/= gatekeeper.

The stray summoning is definitely Maxis, as it happened well before I ever had a single hack. Apparently Maxis thinks that it's quite commonplace to have random dogs come off the street and play with people in restaurants.

Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #40 on: 2007 November 07, 16:41:53 »

So, I am new to the residential lot business scam, and I was wondering about the selector. I have been fooling with the "business type" setting and I can't figure out what the best setting is. Do the settings make a particular feature of the lot more attactive?

I have a "nightclub" type place with a ticket machine. They serve plates of food all day, coffee during the day, and there is an open bar at night. There is also a stage with musicians, sometimes. Should I leave the setting on general, or would it make any sense to change it throughout the day?

ETA: Excellent! Thanks!
« Last Edit: 2007 November 07, 21:42:19 by Assmitten » Logged

<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #41 on: 2007 November 07, 18:24:29 »

General means that the motives of incoming sims are not adjusted from the Maxis settings. More specific settings cater the settings of incoming sims to favor the motives that would be addressed by that business. For instance, setting it to "Restaurant" will make sure everyone arrives hungry...because this is a restaurant and there would be no point to visiting at all, otherwise. They similarly will not show up looking for things that your business is NOT intended to provide, so they don't show up and complain about the lack of fun or pee on your floor.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #42 on: 2008 April 09, 10:24:39 »

Hmm, I guess necromancy is ok if it's for a legit question in a mod thread?

...anyway. Curious about the new "Hobby" options. I assume Have = only sims with some enthusiasm in the hobby will turn up, and Don't Have = only sims without? Or does it refer to the One True Hobby?

...and why only 2 options? What if I don't care if they have or don't have a certain interest?

...or am I completely off the mark?
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #43 on: 2008 April 09, 11:39:33 »

That option is still under destruction. It was updated recently, so you may want to grab the latest. As for how it works, currently, setting any "Have" option means your lot is a hobby-based lot, and only sims that "Have" a hobby, defined by either it being their OTH, or they have a hobby membership to it, will show up to the lot. If you set multiple "Haves", they function as an OR, so if you set "Games" and "Fitness" to "have", a sim that has games OR fitness will be valid, and sims that have neither will not be. There is no "Not" version because it makes no logical sense to exclude a sim for having a hobby, merely for not having it.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #44 on: 2008 April 10, 23:17:52 »

Ah-ha! Thanks for the explanation, much clearer now.

I've also installed the newest version now (dated 9 Apr). It's still got the two option "Have" and "Have not" for each hobby. Since it's under destruction, maybe you could consider changing the label "Have not" to something less confusing, like "Irrelevant". Or maybe you just enjoy confusing the peasants, which is of course your prerogative  Grin
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #45 on: 2008 May 16, 15:42:40 »

Pes, I grabed your lates version April 27, 08 and replaced the last version, now the game speed is repeatedly set back to 1 when I set it to either 2 or 3. With the customerselector on lot (it is a home business), it does the setting back. Delete it from the lot and the game speed is all fine.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #46 on: 2008 May 17, 09:01:25 »

Can't reproduce issue, and it seems very unrelated since the Selector does not do anything with game speeds.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #47 on: 2008 May 17, 15:08:04 »

I restarted the game, and the problem disappeared.  Grin It's all well now. Thanks.

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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #48 on: 2008 July 31, 00:14:48 »

Please someone explain what I am doing wrong...I keep having vacation townies show up on my lots everytime I put a selecter down. Whether I leave the settings on default or change them, they keep coming. Huh
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Customer Selector v2: Hobbsee STILL has a scrawny pencil neck!
« Reply #49 on: 2009 March 11, 03:50:04 »

The orientation options aren't working for me.

1) Gay female sims don't show up on lots with gay set at "and" and everything else at "not."  They do show up if gay is at "and" and everything else is at "or."

2) Heterosexual females show up if het is set at "not" and no other orientation is set at "and."  Testing visitability gives an "allowed."

I've got all EPs except Pets and AL, all patched, running from a no-cd.  This behavior persists in a new neighborhood in a newly-generated folder with only the three relevant hacks re-added.  I have the 2/25 version of the CS.
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