If you were a developer, this error log would be meaningful. Your log mostly indicates the usual audio errors you get from this game. Obviously, EA considers audio trouble to be a low priority, so audio bug reports end up on the bottom of their todo list.
Duplicated resources is faulty packaging. Nothing to worry about unless something is missing.
Various errors from the audio manager and effects manager are nothing to worry about. Unless it's an important audio bite or effect you won't even notice.
There is a lot of good stuff, though:
ERROR envscore: TSEnvironmentScoreManager - object found with negative niceness multiplier (Bed - Single - Expensive - E - Head)
This could explain why Quaxi's anti-censor is so slow (too busy filling the error log to perform well?):
ERROR MaterialParser: Error whilst parsing material definition 'censormaterial':
packed:/sims.matShad(70): Missing vertex program
in command 'end'
in definition 'CensorCompositingMaterial', line 28
in command 'create CensorCompositingMaterial()'