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Author Topic: Call me a retard...  (Read 503400 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Call me a retard...
« on: 2006 September 12, 01:52:20 »

But... I feel stupid for this.
I am enabling the Limozine to be a buyable object. Never hacked a non-catolog item to enable it in the game. Should I just clone another buyble car and mesh the limo (if anyone could give me the file name and how to overlay)
Or, what behavs to change, RAW data, All that junk. Im a recolourer at heart. First advent with hacking. Read tutorials, know what im doing yada yada yada yada...
 (cant upload, copyrighted, some one else did it, blah blah)
I am just learning, so I can network a little more.
So helps me please Cheesy

Fred Phelps, cram your bible where it belongs.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #1 on: 2006 September 12, 01:53:32 »

Sounds like you're after what Numenor already did; see

I am a compulsive post-editor. Any and all of the above is subject to change, within the first 15 minutes or so after it is posted. (Or longer, if I'm trying to make it funny.)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 20

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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #2 on: 2006 September 12, 02:03:05 »

yeha, i just want to do it my self
so I can lern how to code BEHAVs and RAWs

Fred Phelps, cram your bible where it belongs.
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #3 on: 2006 September 12, 02:12:25 »

* Avalikia calls coricaman a retard, because the thread's title told her to and she likes being helpful.

All generalizations are false, including this one.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #4 on: 2006 September 12, 02:17:57 »

*KevinTMC smacks Avalikia, even though she was just following instructions.*

Oh, and people...people, please. "Retard" is so insensitive.

So many hurt feelings could be avoided if you just called people "morons" instead. Is that so hard? Smiley

("Cretin" and "imbecile" work just fine too. As does "Paris Hilton".)
« Last Edit: 2006 September 12, 02:24:02 by KevinTMC » Logged

I am a compulsive post-editor. Any and all of the above is subject to change, within the first 15 minutes or so after it is posted. (Or longer, if I'm trying to make it funny.)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 20

Yes thats me.

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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #5 on: 2006 September 12, 02:22:49 »

 I dont get offended when people say "this is gay"  Do you get offended when people say "oh this is normal"?
So whay are you getting offended for them?

Fred Phelps, cram your bible where it belongs.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #6 on: 2006 September 12, 02:24:51 »

Sorry if my last post was confusing. Just being silly; nothing more. It's been a long day.

I am a compulsive post-editor. Any and all of the above is subject to change, within the first 15 minutes or so after it is posted. (Or longer, if I'm trying to make it funny.)
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #7 on: 2006 September 12, 03:12:24 »

No need to apologize for your funny post; coricaman is obviously a newbie who hasn't yet developed an awesome sense of frolic.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #8 on: 2006 September 12, 14:58:36 »

I used to say "that is gay" a lot. Then my gay friends started to reply with "No that is so [Jelenedra]."

It stopped it real quick.

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
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Malodorous Moron
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Fook me, it took long enough to get a title!

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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #9 on: 2006 September 12, 16:09:32 »

("Cretin" and "imbecile" work just fine too. As does "Paris Hilton".)

ROFL... Oh, so true.

Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #10 on: 2006 September 12, 18:27:54 »

Kevin, your post gave me a good laugh. Believe me, with sarcasm and smart-assed-ness like that, you will feel quite at home here.

This place is sarcasm-central.

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Nitwitted Nuisance
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¯\(º_o)/¯ lol wut?

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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #11 on: 2006 September 13, 06:39:33 »

Kevin, your post gave me a good laugh. Believe me, with sarcasm and smart-assed-ness like that, you will feel quite at home here.

This place is sarcasm-central.



I mean, what?

¯\(º_o)/¯ I dunno lol
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #12 on: 2006 September 13, 14:30:01 »

("Cretin" and "imbecile" work just fine too. As does "Paris Hilton".)

Speaking of Paris Hilton, I was watching Season 1 of Veronica Mars, and WTF! Paris Hilton is in episode 2! Eww! And with Logan? Double Eww. Poor Logan. A terrible blight on an otherwise awesome, awesome season of an awesome, awesome show.
The New "Gay"
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #13 on: 2006 September 13, 14:33:27 »

Yeah, but Paris is nothing compared to the blight that is the America's Next Top Model Crossovers.

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #14 on: 2006 September 13, 14:44:56 »

Yeah, but Paris is nothing compared to the blight that is the America's Next Top Model Crossovers.

Lol. Yeah, but at least they get rid of them pretty quickly. Naima had like one line and was promptly driven off a cliff. Lol. I thought that was pretty damn funny.
The New "Gay"
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #15 on: 2006 September 13, 15:05:07 »

What scares me is that they won acting challenges for get those spots... *shudders*

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #16 on: 2006 September 14, 05:52:56 »

I used to say "that is gay" a lot. Then my gay friends started to reply with "No that is so [Jelenedra]."
That's an excellent idea! I'm glad I thought of it. And very appropriate, seeing as Jelenedras suck.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #17 on: 2006 September 14, 06:13:58 »

* syberspunk points and laughs at sucky Jelendras. Cheesy

And I just wanted to chime in, cuz I'm bored, and waitin for the end of Project Runway to roll around again cuz Tivo cut off the last minute or so Roll Eyes

Veronica Mars is teh awesome! I have not watched season 1... yet... but I finally torrented both seasons. I totally have to rewatch S2, because that was one hell of a convoluted plotline. But still, very awesome. Any show that guest spots Joss Whedon like totally rules in my book. Hee! Those top model guest spots were totally awful tho. But I had no clue about that. I just thought that those people were like really horrible actors. Tongue I obviously don't watch Top Model. I'm sorry, but Tyra is teh suck.

Janice Dickenson >> Tyra Banks but...

Heidi Klum >>> Janice Dickinson >> Tyra Banks thus

Project Runway >>>>>>>>>> America's Top Model Tongue

Heh. Anyhew, I'm lookin forward to the Gilmore Girls/Veronica Mars combo. Looks like it could be a great night for girlie tv. Eeeeeeee!!! Incidentally... VM was only picked up for like half a season (I think 13 eps)... soo... if the ratings don't pick up... it could get the axe. Undecided Which would be sad for me, because I actually got hooked off last season, and the finale was pretty crazy but very awesome. Poor Beav. Oh well. Hopefully this season should shape up to be just as interesting and compelling, without the dizzying, convoluted, circuitously ridiculous spaghetti string plot lines. It's almost as bad as trying to figure out simantics. Tongue


Malodorous Moron
Posts: 743

Fook me, it took long enough to get a title!

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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #18 on: 2006 September 14, 11:22:57 »

I used to say "that is gay" a lot. Then my gay friends started to reply with "No that is so [Jelenedra]."
That's an excellent idea! I'm glad I thought of it. And very appropriate, seeing as Jelenedras suck.

I don't think you're particularly sucky Jelenedra, at least no more than I am myself and certainly not enough to warrant a news box flash!

"Make it so", J.M? So who would your favourite Captain be, then?  Grin

The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #19 on: 2006 September 14, 14:48:11 »

Well, since I know I don't suck and I know I'm not stupid... I won't be upset over it.

I'll just be honored that the Fat Jerk deemed me worthy enough for a newsbox.

Joy of joys.

MisterPaper and Frakenbeasley will be jealous.

Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #20 on: 2006 September 14, 15:44:47 »

I love Veronica Mars. I can't wait for the new season. I started watching just after the start of the first season cause Kyle Secor was on ( I still follow some of the Homicide actors) and I was instantly hooked.
We burned my sister a disc of season one and she kept saying she didn't know when she would have time to watch. Once she got started she watched them all in one night! She called me very early the next morning yelling at me cause we had missed the last ep when copying them over. She had to wait three days to find out how it ended and whined the whole time about when we would be bringing it over. Poor baby, jezze! I had to wait all season.

"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?" Jane Austen
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #21 on: 2006 September 14, 16:19:07 »

I started watching just after the start of the first season cause Kyle Secor was on ( I still follow some of the Homicide actors) and I was instantly hooked.

I was actually a pretty casual watcher, until the Alterna-Prom episode in Season 2, where Logan gives his "epic" speech, and I was just like...WHAT?!? But...but...she hates him, and vice-versa! And then what happens the morning after? I was like, OMG, I HAVE to know what's up w/this. And then I just kinda had to watch it all from the very beginning. And a couple of episodes in and I was hooked!

I think the problem w/ the ratings is b/c the show is pretty cynical on top of being seriously dark. That's really what kept me from being a fan in the beginning. Esp. in Season 1, it just felt like it was the world against Veronica. But when you watch more and catch a lot of the softer scenes, it stops being overwhelmingly black vs. white and more a deliciously grey interpretation of the world. While I really do like the darker aspects now that I've a better understanding of the show, I really think VM would benefit from cheerier promos. Just to get pple watching, you know?

Veronica Mars is teh awesome! I have not watched season 1... yet... but I finally torrented both seasons. I totally have to rewatch S2, because that was one hell of a convoluted plotline. But still, very awesome. Any show that guest spots Joss Whedon like totally rules in my book. Hee! Those top model guest spots were totally awful tho. But I had no clue about that. I just thought that those people were like really horrible actors. Tongue I obviously don't watch Top Model. I'm sorry, but Tyra is teh suck.

Heh. Anyhew, I'm lookin forward to the Gilmore Girls/Veronica Mars combo. Looks like it could be a great night for girlie tv. Eeeeeeee!!! Incidentally... VM was only picked up for like half a season (I think 13 eps)... soo... if the ratings don't pick up... it could get the axe. Undecided

I must say, Season 1 is the better season. You really should watch. You get a lot of the character exposition in Season 1 too, so you understand the history and character motivations better. Anyways, what I heard about the S3 deal was that they did get picked up for a full 22 eps, but if ratings are sucky it can get dropped down to 13. I seriously hope it stays at 22 eps. And beyond, luck permitting.

Incidentally, a couple of yrs ago I think I got a thing in the mail asking us to do the Nielsen TV thing. They even sent us like a dollar along w/ the package. But it was this whole log to write down what you watched, and I didn't feel like the hassle, so I didn't do it. Now if they had sent it to me post-Veronica Mars obsession, maybe I'd have done it. Such bad timing!

And I don't watch America's Next Top Model either, but I do read Rick's hilarious ANTM recaps (, so I am aware of what goes on. How else would I know that dead journalism teacher is named Naima? Wink 

(Wow. My post is wordier than Syberspunk's. I didn't think that was possible. Cheesy)
« Last Edit: 2006 September 14, 16:27:40 by idtaminger » Logged
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #22 on: 2006 September 14, 16:43:58 »

Yeah, but only in this thread. Ste's been around a long while, and some of his posts on other forums are classics. His posts have gotten a lot shorter lately, actually.

I would be willing to bet my lousy paycheck that he's either an educator, or an education major. One of my professors is a double-doc, and just as eager to cross every i and dot every t Cheesy.

She is very concerned to address every issue in such a way that every possible angle is covered, and as little as possible is left in doubt and/or left to interpretation. She makes me laugh. She's also my advisor and one of my favorite people, by the way.

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #23 on: 2006 September 14, 20:18:11 »

I was actually a pretty casual watcher, until the Alterna-Prom episode in Season 2, where Logan gives his "epic" speech, and I was just like...WHAT?!? But...but...she hates him, and vice-versa! And then what happens the morning after? I was like, OMG, I HAVE to know what's up w/this. And then I just kinda had to watch it all from the very beginning. And a couple of episodes in and I was hooked!

Haha. That was a good episode. I think that, the reason I didn't watch season 1 was most likely because of the time slot. I think Buffy was still on, or maybe it was Angel. Either that, or one of the WB shows, Smallville or Gilmore Girls. In any case, I did half watch like the premiere ep, and for some reason, it didn't really snag me. I hadn't read anything about it, and since it was a WB show, and yes, I'm an ass for saying it, had a black actor on it, I thought it was going to be one of those lame ass comedies. Not that I'm racist or anything, well maybe slightly so, if it's being racist because I don't find any of those other UPN 1/2 hour comedies funny, and they are all pretty much "black" shows. I say "black" because they seem to be steered towards a black demographic, but obviously you don't have to be black to like them, and you don't have to be... er... not black, to not like them. I hope that made sense. Tongue FWIW, I also don't like any of those "white" 1/2 hour comedies on the WB either. AFAIC, the best 1/2 hour comedies are on the other networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC, but even then the majority of them just suck nowadays. I still don't get My Name is Earl, and the Office only seems to have gotten better, and as much as I <3 Steve Carrell, no sir, he is no Ricky Gervais i.e. the original UK Office is and will always be the best version EVAH!!!111

Anyhew, getting back to Veronica Mars, I think the buzz was later, that it seemed very Buffyish meets Nancy Drew. So that semi sparked my interest, but still not enough to watch any of Season 1. I wasn't into Nancy Drew (or the Hardy Boys) when I was a kid. And although I totally love Buffy, a mystery type show with no girlfight ass kicking? I was still kinda meh. And I'm usually weary of getting into a show midseason, or in later seasons, when I feel like I've missed too much of the canon character development. But once Buffy got like an official endorsement by Joss, I just had to check it out. And by then, Buffy and Angel were gone. I think that maybe Lost was competing with Veronica? But then it eventually got moved to Tuesdays. I was actually putting up with the hassle of taping episodes of one show and watching the other. Heh, who uses VCRs nowadays? We've finally gotten a TiVO, so things should be much easier this time around, and with VM being back to back with GG, I probably won't have too much of a problem now.

I think the problem w/ the ratings is b/c the show is pretty cynical on top of being seriously dark. That's really what kept me from being a fan in the beginning. Esp. in Season 1, it just felt like it was the world against Veronica. But when you watch more and catch a lot of the softer scenes, it stops being overwhelmingly black vs. white and more a deliciously grey interpretation of the world. While I really do like the darker aspects now that I've a better understanding of the show, I really think VM would benefit from cheerier promos. Just to get pple watching, you know?

I don't think the cynical, seriously darkness is an issue. Because there have been plenty of cynical, dark shows on tv. Buffy and Angel for one. Felicity. Dawson's Creek to some extent. X-Files anyone? My So-Called Life (although that only lasted a season). Gilmore Girls, hello! Although that is somewhat less dark, but a good mix of cynical optimism if there ever was such a thing. Wink And then there are newer shows, Alias, Lost, Desperate Housewives, House M.D., Grey's Anatomy, Bones. I think a lot of shows lately have become darker. But then again, I never watched Season 1, so it might be very different. One of these days I'm eventually gonna watch the torrent I have. Tongue I think one of the bigger problems was the fact that it was on the UPN. The UPN isn't as widley distributed as the other main networks. And then the fact that it is On the UPN, which the majority of its programming was geared towards a black audience, and yet Veronica Mars doesn't quite seem like a "black" show, despite actually having minorities and major supporting characters. Plus, include the other shows that it was up against in the time slot, and you have a pretty tough combination of factors to overcome ratings wise.

I must say, Season 1 is the better season. You really should watch. You get a lot of the character exposition in Season 1 too, so you understand the history and character motivations better. Anyways, what I heard about the S3 deal was that they did get picked up for a full 22 eps, but if ratings are sucky it can get dropped down to 13. I seriously hope it stays at 22 eps. And beyond, luck permitting.

Nowadays, it seems like a lot of shows are better Season 1. I think the sophmore years in shows, as with CDs, is the stereotypical clincher. You gotta get over that hump. First seasons can be flukey. But if you keep your audience hooked through season 2, and manage to build a bigger audience over time, you're probably good to go. Unless you change the show in a huge way that alienates your loyal fans (e.g. Alias, and to a lesser extent Desperate Housewives and Lost). I think I read in EW that the order was 13... with the option to order more if it goes well, not the other way around. I really hate when shows don't get a full season. But them's the breaks. I've read that the plan is to have 3 major story line arcs over the season. That there will be some overlapping, but the season will generally be broken down into 3 shorter arcs rather than one large arc. So hopefully the plot lines won't be as confusingly entangled.

Incidentally, a couple of yrs ago I think I got a thing in the mail asking us to do the Nielsen TV thing. They even sent us like a dollar along w/ the package. But it was this whole log to write down what you watched, and I didn't feel like the hassle, so I didn't do it. Now if they had sent it to me post-Veronica Mars obsession, maybe I'd have done it. Such bad timing!
Yeah, I've read tho, that people who do choose to do the Nielsent thing end up regretting it. They supposedly hook up a thing on Every TV, and you're supposed to report Everything. And people get sick of it, and some people are embarrassed to report some of the things they watch. I think the whole Nielsen's rating thing is crap anyways. Why should bumfuck middle American get to decide what is good TV first of all, and then what *I* get to watch on TV. Kind like voting for a President. Roll Eyes

And I don't watch America's Next Top Model either, but I do read Rick's hilarious ANTM recaps (, so I am aware of what goes on. How else would I know that dead journalism teacher is named Naima? Wink 

Hehe. I only knew that red haired lesbian, who was working the car rental counter in the ep that Joss guested was from Top Model because my sister told me. She loves Top Model. But she swears it's only for the glam shots and Not the drama. Roll Eyes Hey, who am I to judge? I watch a lot of crap on tv. And as similar as we are (my sister and I) we do have some differences in taste. Admittedly, from some of the shows that I have caught, the glam shots are pretty cool. The challenges can be interesting. But it just doesn't seem to be really about talent the way that Project Runway or American Idol is.

(Wow. My post is wordier than Syberspunk's. I didn't think that was possible. Cheesy)

Lol. That is an accomplishment. Congratulations, but don't think you'll be wearing that victory crown for long. I am the queen of overly superfluously verbose posting. Cheesy

Yeah, but only in this thread. Ste's been around a long while, and some of his posts on other forums are classics. His posts have gotten a lot shorter lately, actually.

Yeah. I have been somewhat lax in my posting length lately... haven't I? Wink

I would be willing to bet my lousy paycheck that he's either an educator, or an education major. One of my professors is a double-doc, and just as eager to cross every i and dot every t Cheesy.

If you lose that bet, who get's your paycheck? Me? Lol. I was somewhat of an educator, but not really. I was a Gen Bio T.A. if that counts for anything. Right now, I'm kind of in limbo, considering what options I have left and I was thinking about it, but I don't think I could teach on the college level. As much as I loved to hate teaching Tongue and actually miss it, I don't know if I could put up with younger brats. If it was at the high school level... maybe... but I couldn't teach any subject that required reading student's written work. I would just go insane with the grading. I know it's probably a lot to expect college freshmen how to properly write formal papers, much less formal scientific papers Roll Eyes but if the grammar and general writing skills is atrocious even at that level, I don't even want to fathom what I'd have to deal with in high school. Maybe I'm just an elitest snob, because I never even realized just superior my high school was, but it really is a sad, and sorry, depressing state to see the kind of things students will turn in for their assignments. Don't get me wrong, I was a total slacker, in high school And college, And grad school, but I personally would be ashamed of the kinds of the "work" that I received from my students. If I end up teaching, maybe I could go back to my own high school... and maybe I'd have to focus on some scientific/mathematical/computational field, that doesn't require evaluating written work.


ETA: removed too many tonguey icons in last paragraph. Tongue
« Last Edit: 2006 September 14, 20:46:07 by syberspunk » Logged

The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Call me a retard...
« Reply #24 on: 2006 September 14, 21:08:43 »

I watch ANTM for the photo shoots as well. Not really into the baby's mama drama on reality shows either. Although I will admit I watch Hell's Kitchen because of Chef Ramsey's yelling.

*wipes tear from her eye*

I'll never forget the time he called that girl and "fat lipped cow ****"...


Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
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