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Author Topic: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge  (Read 437517 times)
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #625 on: 2009 March 23, 20:28:50 »

To take it from the back:

2. Nope, Only meant for sports to be limited by Athletics.

1.Anyone can max out an enthusiasm for a hobby as they want to, as just cooking or twidling your thumbs seems to generate enthusiasm. What I have tried to limit, are the benefits you gain as you get more and more enthusiasm in a hobby. Such as Serve Cheese platter, Take a Hike, Tell everyone and their aunt about your newfound love of 16th century simlish litterature, Gather bugs and so on and so forth.

I hope that clears it up a little, i will be editing my document so at least my version has a better explanation.

And please comment away. The more that talks about it the merrier, and the more chance of new apocalypse stories for me to read Smiley

LK: I think the closest thing to a "soft heart" you'll find in JM's possession is the one he ripped out of some hapless fool's chest.
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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #626 on: 2009 August 15, 16:03:58 »

As long as people continue to play The Apocalypse Challenge for Sims 2, this thread remains a valuable, viable resource for information.

The Apoca-Borg at BoolProp forums are compiling an Official Apocalypse Challenge Rules Set for the FreeTime, Apartment Life, and Mansion & Gardens packs.  We recognize this as an opportunity to officially legislate the use of particular mods and hacks as long as we can define their impact on socials.  There are three specific hacks of interest.

1.  Squinge's Higher Bills hack would solve the Life of Crime protection payment dilemma.

2.  ACR is an "over my dead body" dealbreaker for many players.

3.  Zombie Apocalypse

Squinge, if you read this, will you please update this hack for AL?  If Squinge is not interested, please will another person of skill create a like instrument?

Is ACR  currently adjustable so it indicates attraction and causes woohoo autonomy without impacting the acceptance of all socials?  I did try it in my game and it seemed to remove all difficulty from friendmaking.  It's too easy to make friends as it is.

Is Zombie Apocalypse updated for AL?  My search turned up "you're kidding, right?" and a derisive "Google.  Who knew?" associated with a link that directed me to a vast page of links that didn't say "Zombie."

I know I'm pleading with the Grim Reaper facing me on the Necromancy warning.  I'm resurrecting an old thread, asking for people to vivify mods for an old game.  I am pleading because the TS2 Apocalypse Challenge is so amazing it deserves to be finished up, and it can only be its best with Higher Bills and truly dangerous Zombies.  

ETA:  deleted begging
« Last Edit: 2009 August 29, 17:58:30 by Tardier » Logged
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #627 on: 2009 August 16, 11:19:47 »

Zombie Apocalypse is not by Squinge, and yes, it works for AL. Zombie Apocalypse is AwesomeWare! Accept no Kewian-based substitutes!

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #628 on: 2009 August 16, 16:58:25 »

Thank you, J.M.  May I host the file at an Apocalypse Challenge website?

1.  Squinge's Higher Bills hack would solve the Life of Crime protection payment dilemma.

2.  ACR is an "over my dead body" dealbreaker for many players.

3.  Zombie Apocalypse

Squinge, if you read this, will you please update this hack for AL?  If Squinge is not interested, please will another person of skill create a like instrument?
It does sound like I'm asking her to update Zombie Apocalypse.

Squinge, will you please update your Higher Bills hack for AL?  If Squinge is not interested, please will another modder create a different hack that raises bills?

ETA:  A group of people voted on a wide collection of fan rules and came up with a list of proposed restrictions.  These restrictions are still in an edit phase and are in need of playtesting:

We need suggestions for edits, but mostly we need playtesters.  Playtesting notes are here  There are also links to FT, AL and M&G object/interaction opinion gathering tools.  Further ballot creation and voting will be deferred until we have more playtesters.

Please note your thoughts in this thread if you don't care to go over to BoolProp.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: 2009 August 29, 18:06:59 by Tardier » Logged
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #629 on: 2009 August 30, 03:06:49 »

How many playtesters do you have so far?
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #630 on: 2009 August 30, 03:53:34 »

So far, we have ten playtesters.  It's a small but dedicated effort.  

The assessment tools are now closed, and voting will soon begin has begun to determine the restrictions for the FT/AL/M&G objects and interactions.  

I'll edit this post with links to the polls after they are up.

The polls are up:
« Last Edit: 2009 August 30, 14:32:56 by Tardier » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #631 on: 2009 September 04, 17:12:19 »

Squinge, will you please update your Higher Bills hack for AL?  If Squinge is not interested, please will another modder create a different hack that raises bills?

If you are still looking for a hack like this, I created Bigger Bills specifically to approximate Apocalypse-level bills in my regular game.

ETA: Ah, but one small problem is hackdiff shows changes in AL and M&G.  Since I have neither of these, someone would have to look at the changes to see if they would actually affect the mod.
« Last Edit: 2009 September 04, 17:19:55 by Cyjon » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #632 on: 2009 September 06, 19:03:50 »

Thanks.  My understanding is that AL did impact bills hacks because of the new rent feature.  We have no modders in the Apoca-Borg that I'm aware of.  It seems safest to go for straight Pescado mods anyhow.  They are proven safe, compatible, and we should "accept no substitutes!"

We are exploring a different alternative:  the mob controls the distribution centers for all goods imported to the devastated region.  The only things available are the ones lowest rated for comfort, hygiene, energy, and environment.  No bills paying will be allowed because we want to guarantee regular repoman visits (in testing).  Also, the mob controls all refrigerator sales.  <-- First reveal right here, folks.  Restricting Buy Mode causes the Sims to sit on piles of useless money, and keep junk furniture & appliances.

No matter what we have tried, it's impossible to keep them poor.  We hope Pinstar will consider this alternative.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #633 on: 2009 September 19, 01:43:38 »

The only things available are the ones lowest rated for comfort, hygiene, energy, and environment.  No bills paying will be allowed because we want to guarantee regular repoman visits (in testing).  Also, the mob controls all refrigerator sales.  <-- First reveal right here, folks.  Restricting Buy Mode causes the Sims to sit on piles of useless money, and keep junk furniture & appliances.

No matter what we have tried, it's impossible to keep them poor.  We hope Pinstar will consider this alternative.

Hmm, themewise I really like the enforced repoman visits.  It just fits this whole shitfuckedverse theme to have some guy come and ransack your house regularly.  Feels Madmaxian.

Also, I've been messing around with this myself, and yeah money hasn't been a big problem, or a problem at all actually.  The real problem was something along the lines of "Oops, broke that one, broke that one... *loud swearing and keyboard smash*->new family" with regards to the rules, but the printout should help.

<_< What?  I'm new to challlenges.

Actually, I feel like the rule breakage has given me more grief than it could possibly have been worth if one were to do it on purpose.  So I don't know if a hamfisted pseudofix would actually be a cop-out.  (I intend to play both through, with that one as an acknowledged FAIL.)  But again, I'm new to a lot of this.

2.  ACR is an "over my dead body" dealbreaker for many players.

Can I ask why?  I have it, and definitely plan to use it in college for the rev. 2. (Romance sim.  Go team skank!)  I've been weighing whether or not to deactivate it during the actual apocalypse scenario.  I certainly see how the default settings would be a big no-no.  If I were to keep it, it'd be with try for baby odds maxed, while making sure the pregnancy chance matches the default.  Thing is, I don't know if it'll all factor out right.  My thought being, from reading legacy challenges (and some of my own households) that "SURPRISE! BABY!" can throw a wrench into things like little else can, short of simdeath.  Though I might be mistaking enforced annoyance/irritation as difficulty.

The ezmode wooing interactions with lowered thresholds, is my other concern.  But if you modify autonomy settings, shouldn't you be able to avoid using those interactions on anyone you haven't already established a relationship with?  (That would be part two of my half-baked brilliant plan.)

I haven't really tested all the diff acr settings, and observed the effects, so, I'm not sure if this all works out in play rather than on paper.  (Incidentally I'm also new to mods.  Been using them for maybe a week.  It probably shows.)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #634 on: 2009 September 25, 03:51:16 »

The real problem was something along the lines of "Oops, broke that one, broke that one... *loud swearing and keyboard smash*->new family" with regards to the rules, but the printout should help.

<_< What?  I'm new to challlenges.

Actually, I feel like the rule breakage has given me more grief than it could possibly have been worth if one were to do it on purpose.  So I don't know if a hamfisted pseudofix would actually be a cop-out.  (I intend to play both through, with that one as an acknowledged FAIL.)  But again, I'm new to a lot of this.

2.  ACR is an "over my dead body" dealbreaker for many players.

Can I ask why? 

I'm the same way when it comes to the rules.  I've scrapped a number of challenges early on due to unintentional rule breakage.  I kept wanting to get it right!  I started a website to have all the rules in one place.  It's still being built and is a bit raw, but hopefully, I'll have time to post the new, improved version this weekend:

As for ACR, I've found that people who like it REALLY like it and won't do without it.  They like their Sims to decide for themselves whom to have a loving relationship with.  I just don't know how it impacts socials when it's supposedly turned OFF.  My experience was that even OFF, all socials were accepted much more quickly.  *shrug*

I'd like someone who knows what they are talking about to teach me the facts.  The FT EP totally upset the friendmaking balance, and I don't like ACR to make it worse. 

You should swing by BoolProp if you haven't already.  It's a zoo, and can get stressful, but it'sl a vigorous AC community.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #635 on: 2009 November 19, 03:48:25 »

I'm looking for a way to make Zombie Apocalypse more dangerous. At the moment, my zombies are just walking by the house, randomly kicking trash cans and stealing newspapers, but won't actually eat brains unless greeted. This is unrealistic (er, as far as flesh-eating reanimated corpses can be realistic). I would like them to invite themselves onto the lot without also having every other sim in the neighborhood invite themselves in, too (so that sims are forced to stay indoors with the door locked or have their brains eaten!). Are there any solutions?

Officially Weird
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Pinstar's new Apocalypse challenge
« Reply #636 on: 2009 November 19, 07:09:46 »

Give your zombies 10 outgoing points, then they will randomly barge into people's houses.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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