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Topic: Custom Content (Read 6185 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 77
Custom Content
2006 September 11, 17:20:40 »
For some reason, my custom clothes and hair and sintones aren't available to use in cas or in game, all the other things such as items,walls,floors, ect. are. Any thoughts?
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Custom Content
Reply #1 on:
2006 September 11, 17:23:47 »
What version are you running? If it's pre-Nightlife, those things either have to be in the Downloads folder loose, or in the Saved Sims folder.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Custom Content
Reply #2 on:
2006 September 11, 17:31:08 »
And make sure it's Downloads folder with a capital "D"
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Re: Custom Content
Reply #3 on:
2006 September 11, 20:13:56 »
Did you recently install Glamour Life?
Try deleting your groups.cache and reloading the game. My CC came back after I reloaded like that.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 77
Re: Custom Content
Reply #4 on:
2006 September 11, 21:29:15 »
I have all the expansions and packs, the downloads folder is capitalized, and I 've deleted groups. No luck as of yet.
did a full re-install last night. That might have something to do with it, but I've never had the problem before.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
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Re: Custom Content
Reply #5 on:
2006 September 11, 21:40:31 »
after a re-install CC is disabled by default.
you'll need to enable it at the first warning screen, then quit and reload.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 77
Re: Custom Content
Reply #6 on:
2006 September 11, 21:44:14 »
Yeah, I did that too. After about six or so restarts it finally kicked in for some reason.. was only the clothes that wasn't showing, the other cc was coming up. Anyway, problem solved and thank you for the thoughts and ideas.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 322
Blarg! Er, I mean, Meow?
Re: Custom Content
Reply #7 on:
2006 September 11, 23:12:55 »
Quote from: BlueSoup on 2006 September 11, 17:23:47
What version are you running? If it's pre-Nightlife, those things either have to be in the Downloads folder loose, or in the Saved Sims folder.
Please excuse my ignorance, but circumstances forced me on a long haitus from all things sim from not too long after Uni until just after FFS, so I missed quite a bit of the nuts and bolts of it all.
Should I read this to mean that clothes and genetics and such may now be sorted in sub-folder like everything else? If so, can they still be under either saved sims or downloads?
Currently, I've a huge unsorted mess that is saved sims and although it would probably take me a week to straighten it out, I'd really love to be able to.
Incidentally, if there's a handy reference of changes such as this which were implemented with each expansion, linkage would be grand. I've done some searches, but nothing immediately jumped out as being quite what I was looking for.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 198
Re: Custom Content
Reply #8 on:
2006 September 11, 23:22:54 »
If you have Nightlife or OfB (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) then you can sort all CC into sub folders (as many as you want and as deep as you want) you can also put all bodyshop things in to saved sims.
Or I could be totally wrong...
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 322
Blarg! Er, I mean, Meow?
Re: Custom Content
Reply #9 on:
2006 September 11, 23:29:54 »
Quote from: moonluck on 2006 September 11, 23:22:54
If you have Nightlife or OfB (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) then you can sort all CC into sub folders (as many as you want and as deep as you want) you can also put all bodyshop things in to saved sims.
You could do this for most CC at least as far back as Uni, if not the base game (I don't recall for certain), but things like genetics and clothing wouldn't work in sub-folders. Those either had to live directly in downloads or directly in Saved Sims.
I made the choice that they'd live in Saved Sims, because that way my downloads folder stays well-sorted, and I can minimize the annoyance of a huge and unsorted folder by simply not looking in Saved Sims unless I absolutely must.
From the comments above, it sounded as though this may have changed for those specific things which previously could not be sorted along with the rest of your CC, so I was hoping for some clarification.
I have everything except GLS and the holiday pack I keep hearing about, so I'm running from the FFS CD and have Uni, NL, and OFB installed.
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Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Custom Content
Reply #10 on:
2006 September 11, 23:33:54 »
Everything can now be put in subfolders upon subfolders upon....well, you get the idea.
And they can all live in the Downloads folder. If you force your Clean Installer to do a scan of your SavedSims folder, and then move all your stuff to the subfolder of your choice in Downloads, it wouldn't take tooooooo long to move it all. Probably less than 15 minutes, depending on just how much stuff you have in there (I have several gigs, and it takes me about 15-20 minutes).
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 322
Blarg! Er, I mean, Meow?
Re: Custom Content
Reply #11 on:
2006 September 11, 23:40:25 »
Quote from: BlueSoup on 2006 September 11, 23:33:54
Everything can now be put in subfolders upon subfolders upon....well, you get the idea.
And they can all live in the Downloads folder. If you force your Clean Installer to do a scan of your SavedSims folder, and then move all your stuff to the subfolder of your choice in Downloads, it wouldn't take tooooooo long to move it all. Probably less than 15 minutes, depending on just how much stuff you have in there (I have several gigs, and it takes me about 15-20 minutes).
Thanks Blue, that's what I was looking for.
It's not the time required to physically move the files that's gonna be the problem, but now that I'm able to sort things, going in there and manually checking what everything is and moving it to a proper sub is gonna be hell.
I like to keep my content all sorted by creator, function, etc.. so this might take a while. I think I have about um... 3000 files (give or take) in Saved Sims. Some of it's skins, some is clothing, etc, etc. Would be very nice to actually have those all organized so any time I might want/need to, I can go look at JUST eyes by Helane (or whatever have you).
And yes, I'm fully aware that my masochistic levels of organization probably merit professional help, but eh. I can live with that more than I can a big messy folder. LOL
Normally, my spiffy avatar-matched banner-thingy goes here. Since no one else here seems to use those though, and I have nothing particularly witty to add, this space has been intentionally left (not entirely) blank.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Custom Content
Reply #12 on:
2006 September 12, 00:10:17 »
But the Clean Installer does that for you.
Say you go into your Downloads folder and make folders for everything you want to add. Since you mentioned Helaene eyes, let's start there.
I personally have Genetics separate.
To give an example of how my subfoldering would work. Even though I don't use custom eyes, other than defaults.
So, if you make that folder, you can set the Clean Installer loose on your Saved Sims folder, and it will also read any and all subfolders you have in your Saved Sims folder as well. So then just sort by type (click the type header) and it will sort all eyes. Sometimes the creator will put their name in the tooltips as well, so if you move all of them at the same time, it will be easy peasy.
Also, if they are already in folders inside your Saved Sims folder, you could just move all the folders manually to your Downloads folder. Take two minutes.
Of course, after I started writing this, I realized you probably knew all this, but I kept on writing anyway, because I didn't want to delete all my hard work.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 322
Blarg! Er, I mean, Meow?
Re: Custom Content
Reply #13 on:
2006 September 12, 00:23:43 »
Yeah, I know Clean Installer will make this a lot easier, though sometimes it doesn't manage to know what something is quite right. Being I'm uber-picky about this stuff, it means I'll pretty much have to actually look at everything one by one to be sure it's not lying to me.
All in all, it won't really be *too* bad, but it's gonna take some time to wade through, since previously I wasn't able to sort the saved sims folder -or at least, that's what I had been told, so it's all just one big huge mess right now.
Either way though, once I'm done I'll feel a lot better, and won't ever have to worry about this sort of mess again, which will be really nice.
Normally, my spiffy avatar-matched banner-thingy goes here. Since no one else here seems to use those though, and I have nothing particularly witty to add, this space has been intentionally left (not entirely) blank.
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