# Group = 0x7F175BF9
# Group = 0x7F175BF9, Instance = 0x1015
# Title = Function - Main - Secret Society
# Format = 8007, Params = 0, Locals = 4
# Tree type = 0, Header flag = 2, Tree version = FFFF8016 (-32746)
0: Idle(3); true: 18, false: error
1: Stack Object := 0; true: 2, false: error
2: Set to Next: object of type GUID 0x81E6BEF9 (0x7F19EC55: Portal - Pedestrian); true: 3, false: 4
3: Local 0 := Stack Object; true: 2A, false: error
4: Break Point: ; true: true, false: error
5: Remove Object Instance: Me; true: 6, false: 6
6: Idle(150 (0x96)); true: 5, false: error
7: Lot - Is College Lot? - EP1; true: 1E, false: 5
8: Idle(900 (0x384)); true: 40, false: error
9: Local 1 := 0; true: 8, false: error
A: Lot - Is Liveable?; true: 19, false: 5
B: Idle(60 (0x3C)); true: 14, false: error
C: Stack Object := 0; true: 13, false: error
D: Set to Next: person; true: 12, false: 1D
E: Selectable: Is Sim Selectable?(Stack Object); true: F, false: 13
F: College - Is NID in Secret Society?(stack obj's person data neighbor id (0x1F)); true: 13, false: 10
10: .0x1016(stack obj's person data neighbor id (0x1F), Stack Object, Stack Object, Stack Object); true: 11, false: error
11: Temp 0 >= Const 0x1001:0x2; true: 17, false: 13
12: Stack Object's room (0x1D) >= 0; true: E, false: 13
13: Idle(1); true: D, false: error
14: Global(Hour) >= Const 0x1001:0x3; true: C, false: 15
15: Global(Hour) <= Const 0x1001:0x4; true: C, false: B
16: Local 2 := Me; true: 7, false: error
17: Push Interaction: #0x4 of Local 2 onto the stack object's queue, maximum priority, use icon from Local 3, Icon Index is 0x1, use name; true: 1A, false: 13
18: Local 3 := 0; true: 16, false: error
19: Local 1 := 9; true: 1B, false: error
1A: Local 1 := 12; true: 1B, false: error
1B: Local 1 -- and > 0; true: 1C, false: B
1C: Idle(1800 (0x708)); true: 1B, false: error
1D: Local 1 := 12; true: 1B, false: error
1E: Lot - Is Secret Society? - EP1; true: 31, false: 22
1F: Stack Object := 0; true: 20, false: error
20: Set to Next: person; true: 21, false: 23
21: Manage Inventory: Access the Neighbor Counted Inventory from ID stack obj's person data neighbor id (0x1F). with category 0 GUID 0x8EAE367E (0x7FCDF5C2: Token - College - Secret Society). Find the token. Put count into Temp 1.; true: 24, false: 20
22: My simulate on pause (0x3C) := 0; true: 36, false: error
23: My simulate on pause (0x3C) := 0; true: 9, false: error
24: Manage Inventory: Access the Neighbor Counted Inventory from ID stack obj's person data neighbor id (0x1F). with category 0 GUID 0x8EAE367E (0x7FCDF5C2: Token - College - Secret Society). Remove all tokens from token at index fromTemp 0.; true: 26, false: 26
25: Push Interaction: #0x5 of Local 2 onto the stack object's queue, maximum priority, Icon Index is 0x1; true: 2B, false: 23
26: My Attribute 0x5 := Stack Object; true: 25, false: error
27: My simulate on pause (0x3C) := 0; true: 1F, false: error
28: Curtain - Hold; true: 2F, false: error
29: Curtain - Ready; true: 27, false: error
2A: .0x101D(1, 0, 0, 0); true: 46, false: error
2B: Stack Object := 0; true: 2C, false: error
2C: Set to Next: person; true: 2D, false: 23
2D: Stack Object == My Attribute 0x5; true: 2C, false: 2E
2E: Push Interaction: #0x6 of Local 2 onto the stack object's queue, maximum priority, Icon Index is 0x1; true: 2C, false: 2C
2F: Stack Object := 0; true: 30, false: error
30: Set to Next: person (0x7F19EC55: Portal - Pedestrian); true: 35, false: 32
31: Local 1 := 0; true: 28, false: error
32: Local 1 ++ and < 50 (0x32); true: 33, false: 34
33: Idle(1); true: 2F, false: error
34: Curtain - Ready; true: 5, false: error
35: stack obj's person data family number (0x3D) == Global(Current Family); true: 1, false: 30
36: Lot - Is Community?; true: 43, false: A
37: .0x102F; true: 38, false: 3A
38: Idle(60 (0x3C)); true: 37, false: error
39: Idle(60 (0x3C)); true: 39, false: error
3A: .Sub - Find NonInstance Secret Member in Temp 0; true: 3C, false: error <- returns an error if false...
3B: Create New Object Instance: neighbor in stack obj, place out of world (put new object id in stack object); true: 3F, false: 3D
3C: Stack Object := Temp 0; true: 42, false: error
3D: Idle(60 (0x3C)); true: 37, false: error
3E: .0x101E(Stack Object, Stack Object, Stack Object, Stack Object); true: 37, false: error
3F: Find Location For: Stack Object relative to Local 0, facing N NE E SE S SW W NW, prefer empty; true: 3E, false: 3D
40: .0x101D(0, 0, 0, 0); true: 8, false: error
41: Generic Sims Call: Preload Visitor Temp 0:nID; true: 3B, false: error
42: Temp 1 := 300 (0x12C); true: 41, false: error
43: Global(Lot Entry Method) == 0; true: 5, false: 44
44: Get in Temp 0 - ID - Random Portal; true: 45, false: 39
45: Local 0 := Temp 0; true: 3A, false: error
46: .0x103A; true: 29, false: error
So... if I understand it correctly, then BHAV 0x1030 'Sub - Find NonInstance Secret Member in Temp 0' really shouldn't return false. Either it should be changed to return true, or line 3A in 'Function - Main - Secret Society' should be changed to return 3C? But since you probably don't want to bloat the package with another BHAV, I think it makes more sense to make whatever changes are necessary to BHAV 0x1030 and/or 0x1033. I looked at the Maxian code, and they didn't return false before. If you purposefully want those to return false because they actually failed at creating a new ss member, for whatever reason... then you probably have to handle that case eitehr inside 0x1030 or in 0x1015.