I kinda browsed/skimmed through your thread(s) about Lua, but that was waaaaaaaayyy back in the day, before I figured out SimPE and basic simantics.
So, it was a tad over my head, and it seemed to require a lot more reading/research on my part that I wasn't willing to/was to lazy to do at the time. Heh.
I was/am under the impression that, with Lua, you can actually 'write' or script like 'real' code or something that looks more like code. Of course I could have confused that with the NASM stuff too.
One of these days I might get orf my lazy ass and reread it. I think or imagined heh that lua is like used in many video games.
ETA: I kinda skimmed through the wiki entry on lua and it seems promising. I think the challenge is to figure out how to use lua and integrate it with simantics in interesting and useful ways. I've only seen lua used in some of the new OFB bhavs. Thus far, it just appears to be a way to further abstract functions by defining them outside of bhavs? I just don't think I'm creative or innovative enough to think of ways to use it.
ETA2: Oh, btw, for anyone interested, I believe AdidasSG2 recently posted a tutorial on Lua. I haven't read it yet myself, so I don't know how comprehensive or elementary it might be.