Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
Seemed intriguing, found it on another Sims forum and they found it here: sure if this has already been posted, but essentially you have one person manning an insitution filled with uncontrollable "insane" people. The object of the game is to gain the "sane" person's LTW. And since I'm not the kind of person that wants to make a bunch of people to let them go insane, I was wondering what it'd be like if you teleported some townies in there to be the patients... 
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
There are some good (and some appalling) stories of people doing this. One I really liked used some NPCs.
 This is actually the first challenge I've ever felt like doing.
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
For a real asylum feel, make all the people you aren't controlling Fortune sims.
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The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Anyone know of any good stories for this challenge?
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Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
I started the challenge today and so far I have one sane Sim and 7 townies that I dislike living in a crackerbox of a house with limited seating and sleeping. Spiffy kitchen though.  So far I've had: 3 different kinds of aspiration failures a minigame of "Career Card Random Challenge" where I roll a die and determine whether I pick option A or option B on the random career card thing, and so far I've had 3 people lose their jobs. I thought that'd be an added touch, and I have $50,000 after starting with $100.  and several promotions (dunno how the heck that happened...) several people collapse from exhaustion several people pee their pants several people refuse to use the shower and are stinky several people almost starve to death one person almost burned to death (darn!) several fires several fights (Benjamin Long is mean!) several people bogart the piano, expresso machine and chess set and so far my "sane" Sim, Miss Yvonne McCay, is a tough lady who can kick any other Sim's *** three ways til Sunday, and is a getaway driver with a LTW to be a criminal mastermind. Huzzah!  and the insane people are: Abhijeet Deppiesse, Benjamin Long, Goopy GilsCarbo (dunno how the hell this happened, but he's in Platnum!), Kennedy Long (Fortune Sim apparently, and was the first to lose his job and the first to go into aspiration failure), Andrea Hogan (who sleeps in her undies...wait...all of them do!), Christy Stratton, and Sandy Bruty. 
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
How can 3 people lose their jobs? No inmates except the one controllable should have a job. They're mental patients; they don't go to work.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
Unfortunately teleporting townies is a flawed idea because they all have jobs. But since I cannot control them to quit said jobs, I'm making them lose their jobs by random chance cards or not going to work. 
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
I need some opinions on something. I decided to try my hand at this challenge and I'm in a dilemma. Everything was going swimmingly until the end of day 4. My sim went to work at 5, and was going to be gone until 1. At 7:00, a fire broke out for the very first time, and it quickly engulfed the kitchen. By the time my sim came back, it was all over and now I'm out two uncontrollables, the stove, and the fridge. I thought that things were going to be worse, but the grim reaper's presence extingished much fo the fire both times he appeared. The problem is that the rules specifically state that I can only replace objects if they are repossessed or stolen. So, am I just out of luck on the fridge?
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
Yep. This is not an uncommon occurance if you read asylum stories.
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
Wonderful. I guess I'm going to have to try using lots of pizza. And the job she needs for her LTW hasn't even turned up in the newspaper yet. This challenge has suddenly become a lot more interesting. 
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
Yeah that's why I have 2 stoves in two different spots of the kitchen...double the firey goodness. 
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Ooh, can you make a storage shed full of fridges and stoves in the back yard that the sims cannot access or is that cheating?
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
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Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
It's not technically against the rules, but it definately smells like cheating.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Whatever, Mental Insitutions have storage closets. Got to have fresh sheets for all those times the orderly can't get to the patient to let them out of their restraints before they wet themselves. =p
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
...and fresh refridgerators in case it gets destroyed in a fire?
Sorry, but I'm not following your logic.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
That's because it's silly. =p I wasn't being serious.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
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Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
At 8:11am on a Thursday (Sim time), Yvonne McCay completed the Chee-Z Modified Torture Townie Asylum Challenge. The results were: Skill pointage: (divided by 10 because I did not check to see what skillpoints they began with, oops!)= 26 Friends of the Household: 8 Aspiration Points: 141 Number of Days Yvonne was Institutionalized: 30 (what's scarier than an asylum filled with townies you hate? OLD TOWNIES!) Total points scored: 145 Now what the heck am I gonna do with all these people? Should I send them back into the townie pool or...? 
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z

Posts: 2486
Ooh, can you make a storage shed full of fridges and stoves in the back yard that the sims cannot access or is that cheating?
I thought rearranging was cheating.
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
Many, many pizzas later, I have finished this challenge. Yay! This is the first time I've ever played a challenge and actually followed all the rules, thus this is my first reported score for a challenge ever.
100 points to begin with +20 for never using influence +66 for skillpoints of other sims (they would not stop playing the piano!) +49 for aspiration of other sims (the pleasure sim managed to get 34,000 by himself. One of the fortune sims only got 500) +7 for household friends =242 total earned points
-21 points for 21 days of play -60 for 3 deaths (2 in that fire, 1 from starvation due to being team-tackled by the ghosts) -0 for no visitor deaths =-81 total deducted points
Grand total: 161 points
I must say, aside from that nasty fire and the nasty ghosts, things went quite well. The only sim to collapse from exhaustion was my controllable sim, all the wet pants were ghost-related, one fire (which happened to eliminate the possibility of another), absolutely no fighting, only three shrink visits (directly after the fire), only minor aspriation failure behavior (only by the two fortune sims, and only for a day or so after the fire), and the pleasure sim's meter went platinum twice. All in all, I'd say my asylum group (which I made completely randomly in CAS, even randomizing things like their turn ons and turn offs) was a rather sane, pleasant group of people to be around. The main bizarre behaviours were some obsessive cleaning by one sim (he was like a live-in maid, and my sim barely had to do any cleaning), the constant need to play the piano (when one sim got up, another sat down. 38 creativity skill points were earned by the four survivors), and a few minor cases of "First go to the bathroom, then try to sleep, genius". I'd say that they're at least five times more sane than the group in that freewill competition I'm working on. (Speaking of which, I really ought to have been doing that today instead of finishing this. Meh.)
All generalizations are false, including this one.
I pretty much failed this challenge. My knowlege sim (max 7 skills) probably won't be able to fulfill her lifetime want before she dies. Despite the rules, I didn't take out my hacks, since most of my hacks make the game harder anyway, and I suspect that's what made my challenge too difficult. I might try again later. I like watching the deranged people.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
I plan on opening an asylum after I finish my two Bachelor challenges. I cannot decide who will be the sane sim though. Either one of the Fortune sims from the first challenge that kept poking and slapping the bachelorette or the Popularity sim that went into aspirational failure after ATTACKING the Single sim. At the very least he will be a patient.
I might just see though, the second round of the Bachelor challenge (starring the runner-up) might produce some more interesting canidates for it.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 111
I'm running the Asylum Challenge right now. When it's over, I'll move the permaplat sim and the crazy of her choice into a new house. (I made all the crazies men and the psuedo-sane one a woman with stink and underwear turn-ons. So there's perpetually romance in the air...) Then I'll create a bachelorette, spiff up the asylum with a hot tub and some nicer furniture, and run the Bachelorette Challenge. We'll see how it goes.
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"