Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
I'm wondering whether it's worth continuing with my new neighbourhood because very weird things are happening.
When I started it, I deleted all characters and removed all the SWAFS, but I think at some point I may have missed some of the SWAFS when I deleted a few more characters later on (excess NPC's mainly). Nevertheless, that doesn't explain why every new baby born (with a brand-new character file) is getting either no wants at all when they become toddlers, or only one or two that could also apply to adults (such as buy a shrub), which are disappearing and not being replaced once they're satisfied. In some cases they have replaced former characters, but some of them are new and haven't replaced anybody.
In addition, the toddlers who have replaced deleted characters were apparently almost friends with half the neighbourhood, so I deleted all those relationships. However ... certain Sims, mainly two playable ex-dormies, a couple of normal dormies, a delivery guy and a gardener appear to be acquainted with EVERYONE, ditto a couple of professors, some of whom are parent/child/sibling towards each other (in one case, an adult professor is the father of an elder professor and the brother of another elder professor). I remember this happening once before, but it was apparently caused by an old version of SimPE and I am now using the latest version.
Even weirder - tonight a new burglar and policewoman were created and one of my ex-dormies, who doesn't live on the burgled lot, is apparently almost friends with both of them. I have no idea why the game would do that, unless it's still seeing him as a townie, but normally that 'automatic friend thing' doesn't include burglars and police officers anyway. I've done everything I can to get the wants panels for the toddlers to work, but so far only one of them is normal. The house that was burgled had a baby in it - the baby turned toddler the following day and had two wants - Buy a Toy and See the Ghost of Meghan (the burglar). The first was satisfied and didn't re-roll, so now the poor kid is stuck with just the one that is not likely to be satisfied.
Is this neighbourhood totally fubared?