When exiting SIMpe, has anyone else noticed that you have to manually kill the process or it closes out the program but the process stays alive and sucks up all your memory? Or is it just me and I have a broken version of SIMpe?
FWIW, I haven't experienced this myself. I do have .NET 2 installed.
Not only that, but it keeps any files you've modified locked until you reboot the system. I use MSs SyncToy to keep my downloads folder synced between my desktop and laptop, and it can't copy over files that I've recently modified in SimPE until I reboot the desktop.
I don't seem to have this problem. Just this afternoon I modified three files in a location outside the Downloads folder and then moved them to their apppropriate subfolder with no problems. OTOH, Windows occasionally won't release a file or folder even though no app is using it (apparently), requiring a reboot. I suspect the apparent relationship between SimPE and Windows not releasing files is a case of false causation:
cum hoc ergo propter hoc ("with this, therefore because of this").