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Author Topic: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide  (Read 205570 times)
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #50 on: 2008 February 29, 20:21:35 »

Has anyone yet done an analysis for the new Seasons and Free Time careers? It would be useful to know which cards are not worth taking at all, and carry a risk of firing/loss of a skill point.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #51 on: 2008 February 29, 23:24:29 »

Check the first post, Pes updated it to include the Seasons careers about a year ago.

But yes, I would like to see the chances for the Free Time careers and hobbies.

I noticed that my sims (including a teen) are getting chance cards while at work/school based on their hobbies.  I had one where I ignored the work chance card, and they immediately got a hobby one.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #52 on: 2008 March 01, 10:17:21 »

Such impatience. Can't I get to PLAY the damn thing first? In Free Time, odds are far less important because of the 80% chance card perk, meaning ANY option you choose is favorable and it strictly comes down to gambling for the best payout, even if the odds were formerly shit.

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #53 on: 2008 March 01, 13:56:35 »

So that 80% chance card perk really does what they claim?  I was wondering about that.... You're right, that's really going to be boring to play.


EDIT:  I would love to see a hack that put some randomization (or at least uncertainty) into it.  Let's say, 80% chance of positive outcome if Sim is in gold asp or above, otherwise 80% chance of negative outcome.  Or a hack that lowered the chance to 50% (or whatever).  Something along those lines.
« Last Edit: 2008 March 01, 14:06:30 by karen » Logged
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #54 on: 2008 March 01, 15:30:57 »

So that 80% chance card perk really does what they claim?  I was wondering about that.... You're right, that's really going to be boring to play.
I haven't checked it, so I'm just working from the blurb at face value. If anyone reports that it doesn't match up, I might investigate it.

EDIT:  I would love to see a hack that put some randomization (or at least uncertainty) into it.  Let's say, 80% chance of positive outcome if Sim is in gold asp or above, otherwise 80% chance of negative outcome.  Or a hack that lowered the chance to 50% (or whatever).  Something along those lines.
An 80% chance of success means you are still wrong more than half the time, by the 50-90 rule.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #55 on: 2008 March 01, 16:00:11 »

Forgive me for my incompetence, but what is the 50-90 rule?
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #56 on: 2008 March 01, 16:38:43 »

Forgive me for my incompetence, but what is the 50-90 rule?
The 50-90 rule states that in a situation with a 50% chance of success, there is a 90% chance of failure. In a situation with a 90% chance of success, there is a 50% chance of failure.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #57 on: 2008 March 01, 18:37:53 »

Something weird I just realized about chance cards in FT:  They have apparently tinkered with the chance cards of some of the long-established careers, to make them relevant to the enthusiasms.  I have a Sim in Business career who happens to have 4 points in Music/Dance.  He rolled a chance card that said something like "Matthew (my Sim) is chatting with a coworker about music. <blah blah blah>."  I don't recall what the choices were, but the (positive) response was, "Matthew invites his new friend over!"

I also saw another chance card for a different career (NOT one of the new FT careers) where the penalty for guessing wrong was the loss of enthusiasm points (not skill points) in two different categories.

Have they actually replaced the existing career chance cards with new ones, or are these in addition to the usual chance cards that have always been there?  Does anybody know for sure?

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #58 on: 2008 March 01, 22:06:43 »

They appear to be new cards related to the hobbies, they do not replace the existing career chance cards.  I posted earlier in this thread:

I noticed that my sims (including a teen) are getting chance cards while at work/school based on their hobbies.  I had one where I ignored the work chance card, and they immediately got a hobby one.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #59 on: 2008 March 02, 16:32:55 »

I had a teen criminal get the chance card about whether or not he should help out with the office party decorations. Neither option worked out since the girl who usually does the decorations got mad at him either way. But I was still more focused on how odd it was that a criminal was going to have to worry about office parties.


I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word!

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #60 on: 2008 March 02, 23:22:35 »

My teen who is very interested in nature just got a chancecard that he and his buddy had a bug collection at work, and some bugs labels were incorrect. Question: Should he correct the labels himself or tell the friend? I chose that he tells his friend and got an interest-decrease because "his very sensitive co-worker starts yelling at him and accuses him of perfectionism". LOL
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #61 on: 2008 April 23, 00:00:41 »

Such impatience. Can't I get to PLAY the damn thing first? In Free Time, odds are far less important because of the 80% chance card perk, meaning ANY option you choose is favorable and it strictly comes down to gambling for the best payout, even if the odds were formerly shit.

Still waiting on the Seasons career chance card infos. Can someone more awesome than me please take a look?

Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406

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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #62 on: 2008 April 23, 01:25:43 »

The odds for the Seasons careers are in the first post in this thread.  The results of the Seasons chance cards can be found at Snooty Sims.

I do have a couple of questions about the 80% chance card perk.

- Does it only apply to career chance cards?  Or does it also apply to hobby chance cards?
- How does it affect the 85%/14% chance cards?  Do the odds for those stay at 85%/14%, or does having the perk mean you have less chance of being right on those cards?

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #63 on: 2008 April 23, 07:47:25 »

- Does it only apply to career chance cards?  Or does it also apply to hobby chance cards?
Have not checked.

- How does it affect the 85%/14% chance cards?  Do the odds for those stay at 85%/14%, or does having the perk mean you have less chance of being right on those cards?
With chance cards that offer odds better than 80%, your odds are actually worsened, by default. If there's a custom career that has a 100% or 0% card (meaning there is ONE true answer, the others are wrong!), you can actually fail it as a result. One of the Awesomeshinies fixes this so it will not worsen your odds and acts as a buffer-save instead.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465

ENFP, by popular request.

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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #64 on: 2008 May 08, 00:34:20 »

Thanks for the link, Kyna, my main concern isn't with the straight odds themselves, but with whether it is worth the risk at all. I don't mind my sims losing money, or even a skill point, but having a sim fired from a high level job for a stupid chance card makes me furious. Without knowing the risk, it just isn't worth playing.

Interesting, btw, that so many of the adventurer career cards truly suck. It looks like the only good ones are:
grilled cheese forever, enter the cave, hard to starboard, condescension, at least in terms of the choices with acceptable risks v. rewards. Lots of opportunities to be fired, including the second level to the top.

Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #65 on: 2009 March 19, 15:47:11 »

Ive done it once already to this thread, and here i go again. Sorry bout this, but its relevant.

I am trying to do the apocalypse challenge, updated to AL and with Mansion rules and all. One of the rules limits the perks i can take for my apoc chars. (Bye bye 80% chance of suces perk) Another one states that you HAVE to choose an option if a chance card comes up while at work.

Since there are a few careers left out of the table, specifically the newest ones, in SOL when i gotta pick a card on those. Sooo, any chance they could be added to the list, even though the perk with 80% succes rate overrules them (if picked that is)?

Many thanks in advance, and i know necromancy is bad. I still practice it though ;-)

LK: I think the closest thing to a "soft heart" you'll find in JM's possession is the one he ripped out of some hapless fool's chest.
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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Chance Cards: A Quick Gambler's Guide
« Reply #66 on: 2009 November 18, 20:11:47 »

*raises zombie thread yet again*

I'm in a similar position, with updated apocalypse rules forbidding picking the 80% chance card perk, so the actual odds of the FT career chance cards do matter.

Hobby chance card outcomes, according to the chance card tester, are:
		Opt. 1		Good	Bad		Opt. 2		Good	Bad
Arts/Crafts Say Something +Hobby Demoted Don't Stalker -Hobby
Volunteer $100 -Hobby Let Her Do It +Hobby -Hobby
Wear to Work $100 Demoted Don't Wear Card -Hobby
Realistic +Hobby -Hobby Abstract +Hobby -Hobby
Glue +Hobby -$50 Tape +Hobby -Hobby
Show Teacher +Hobby -Hobby Attempt Answer +Hobby -Hobby

Cuisine Pizza Stalker -Hobby Ethnic Food +Hobby -Hobby
Nectar Card -Hobby Blender Stalker -$100
Cook Burgers +Hobby -Hobby Serve Salad +$150 -Hobby
Ketchup +Hobby -Hobby Salt & Pepper +Hobby -Hobby
Make Alone +Hobby -Hobby Have Family +Hobby -Hobby
Make Food Card -Hobby Buy Frozen +Hobby Nothing

Film & Lit Accept Card Demoted Decline +Hobby -$100
Lend It Promot. -Hobby Keep It +Hobby -Hobby
Post It Stalker -Hobby Cube to Cube +$150 -$150
Seen It Stalker -Hobby Dismiss It +Hobby -Hobby
Reason +Hobby -Hobby Agree +Hobby -Hobby
Educational Card -Hobby Obsolete +Hobby -Hobby

Fitness Eat the fish! +Hobby -Hobby Skip the salmon +$150 -Hobby
Accept the Chal Promot. Demoted Decline the Cha Promot. Demoted
Do the walk +Hobby -Hobby Rest the ankle Promot. -Hobby
Eat the fish! +Hobby -Hobby Skip the salmon +Hobby -Hobby
Accept the Chal +Hobby -Hobby Decline the Cha +Hobby -Hobby
Do the rally +Hobby -Hobby Rest the ankle +Hobby -Hobby

Games Show boss +Hobby Demoted Hide from boss +$200 -$200
Go Card -Hobby Don't go Promot. -Hobby
Lay down bingo Promot. -Hobby Let boss win +$150 Demoted
Take them all +Hobby -Hobby Distribute them Stalker -Hobby
Game metaphors +Grades -Grades Scientific fact +Grades -Hobby
Kickball Stalker -Hobby Dodgeball +Hobby -$150

Music & Dance Give headphones Stalker -Hobby Lie about music +$250 Demoted
Ask for Discoun Card -$100 Accept price +Hobby -$200
Join +Hobby -$150 Stay seated +$200 -Hobby
Cello +Hobby -$150 Trumpet +Hobby -Hobby
Dance team Stalker -Hobby Gymnastics team +Hobby -Hobby
Rock out +$150 -Hobby Tone it down +Hobby -Hobby

Nature Retrace steps Card -Hobby Alert the pros Card -Hobby
Correct mistke +Hobby -Hobby Tell co-worker Stalker -Hobby
Purchase box +Hobby -$150 Pass on it +Hobby -Hobby
Tell on them +Hobby -Hobby Stomp over ther Stalker -Hobby
Pay fees +Hobby -Hobby Start new org Card -Hobby
Organic pestici +$100 -Hobby Fend for itself +$100 -Hobby

Science Experimental fu +Hobby Demoted Generic fuel +Hobby -Hobby
Go stargazing +Hobby -Hobby Don't go starga +$150 -$100
Add pictures +Hobby Demoted Go with basics +Hobby -Hobby
Yes Stalker -Hobby No +Hobby -Grades, -$25
Join +Hobby -Hobby Don't join +Hobby -$25
Buddy +Hobby -Hobby Smarts +Hobby -Hobby

Sports Slide tackle! +Hobby Demoted Stay on feet +Hobby -Hobby
Watch the game +Hobby Demoted Go to the meeti Promot. Demoted
Play the star +$250 -Hobby Bench him +$250 -Hobby
Slide tackle! +Hobby -$150 Stay on feet +Hobby -Hobby
Watch the game +Hobby -Hobby Pay attention +Hobby -Hobby
Fast kid +Hobby -Body Slow kid +$100 -Hobby

Tinkering Tinker +Hobby -$200 Call support te Stalker -Hobby
No instructions Card Demoted Call company Promot. -Hobby
Play with it Stalker -$175 Wait until latr +Hobby -Hobby
Ask now +Hobby -Hobby Ask later Stalker -Hobby
Sneak a look +Hobby -Hobby Don't do it +Hobby -Hobby
Stick to plans +Hobby -Hobby Make exciting +Hobby -$150

I have not yet been able to find any analysis of the career chance cards. This would be a lot more useful than the hobby chance cards, but I did go through them with the chance card tester.
		Opt. 1				Good		Bad		Opt. 2				Good		Bad
Architecture Continue with this batch Promotion Fired Restart and make a new batch Promotion Fired
Add more bricks $100 Demoted (L1) Rebuild the wall +1 Logic Demoted (L1)
Call in the heavy machinery Promotion (L4) No Pay Have the workers start with... $100 -1 Logic
Local Government $100 Demoted (L3) Wealthy Businessman $100 Demoted (L3)
Go to the kitchen +1 Logic No Pay Ask to leave alone +1 Logic -1 Charisma
Help the teammate +1 Logic Demoted (L5) Do not help the teammate Promoted (L7) -1 Charisma
Sacrifice +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Fight for idea $2000 No Pay
Hire him! $3000 -$3000 Don't risk a fine Promoted (L9) Demoted (L7)
Mess up the model $12000 Fired Don't touch it $15000 -$9000
Use the safe design $40000 -$25000 Go with the dream! $50000 -$35000

Dance Continue the class Promotion (L2) Fired Cancel the class +1 Body No Pay
Volunteer Promotion (L3) -1 Body Let someone else do it +1 Charisma Demoted (L1)
Bust a move Promotion (L4) -1 Charisma Just SimJazzer Promotion (L4) -1 Charisma
Old School Promotion (L5) -1 Creativity New School +1 Creativity Demoted (L3)
Feature (Your sim) Promotion (L6) -1 Creativity Stock Footage +1 Creativity Demoted (L4)
Emotional repression +1 Creativity -1 Creativity Open to interpretation +1 Charisma -1 Creativity
Help other dancer out Promotion (L8) -1 Charisma Stick to tap +1 Body -1 Charisma
Take offer Promotion (L9) -1 Creativity Decline offer +1 body -1 Body
Conservative +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Modern +1 Creativity -1 Charisma
Public Stage +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Private Venue +1 Body -1 Charisma

Entertainment Throw it Back Promotion (L2) Fired Make a Joke +1 Creativity -1 Creativity
Explain the Trick +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Distract with Balloon Animal +1 Charisma -1 Charisma
Fight Back +1 Body -1 Body Offer Peace +1 Charisma -1 Charisma
Repeat +1 Creativity -1 Creativity Improvise +1 Creativity -1 Creativity
Pick it Up +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Ditch the Dummy +1 Charisma -1 Charisma
Agree +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Challenge +1 Body -$200
Ice Cream +$1000 -1 Charisma Something Else +1 Charisma -1 Body
Loser +$2000 -1 Charisma Winner +1 Charisma -1 Body
Perform +1 Charisma -1 Charisma Cancel +$10000 -1 Body
Disappear +$25000 Demoted (L9) Make two +$20000 -$3000

Intelligence Breakfast Promotion (L2) Fired Family Promotion (L2) No Pay
Find the Spouse Promotion (L3) Fired Follow the Client Promotion (L3) Demoted (L1)
Frozen Promotion (L4) Demoted (L2) Thawed Promotion (L4) Demoted (L2), No Pay
Rush In Promotion (L5) -1 Logic Wait for Backup +1 Logic Demoted (L3)
Now +1 Mechanical Demoted (L4) Wait Promotion (L6) Fired
On Foot Promotion (L7) -1 Logic Take the Car Promotion (L7) -1 Mechanical
Victims Promotion (L8) -1 Logic Locations +1 Logic Demotion (L6)
Study language and culture Promotion (L9) Demotion (L7) Study vampirism research +1 Mechanical -1 Mechanical
Secret Entry +1 Mechanical Demotion (L8) Use Diplomacy Promotion (L10) -1 Logic
Crack Down +$30000 -$4000 Deny It +25000 Demotion (L9)

Oceanography Buy some fish Promotion (L2) -$150 Use artificial food $200 Fired
Obey the dolphin +$300 Fired Keep it in Promoted (L3) No Pay
Tell the truth Promotion (L4) No Pay Replace sea lice $300 Fired
Report it Promotion (L5) Demoted (L3) Leave it Promotion (L5) -1 Body
C4 +$500 No Pay Dynamite +1 Mechanical -1 Mechanical
Self Promotion (L7) Demotion (L5) Head of Research +$1000 -$800
Chase the whale Promotion (L8) -1 Body Forget it +$1000 -$1000
Give up fishing Promotion (L9) Demotion (L7) Capture the fish +$4000 -$2000
Bribe them Promotion (L10) Demotion (L9) Let it pass +$8000 -$3000
Run naked $15000 -1 Body Skip this assignment +$20000 Demoted (L9)
« Last Edit: 2009 November 19, 02:57:53 by Callista » Logged

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