Sorry, but am work and no time to upload photos.......might try tonight from home on my creaky dial-up. [Edit No. 2 - now at creaky dial-up]
Two-story seaside spec house. Unfinshed interior layout and garage to be completed per new owner's specifications.
Center atrium opens to second floor stone patio overlooking the (yet unbuilt) pool and rock garden. [Edited - photo added]

Kitchen designed with Pescado in mind. Lockable with plenty of window gunnery sites to defend against gangs intent on raiding the foodstocks.

Definitely not a starter home, but a weekend retreat for the harried (but successful) businesswoman/man.
Dull decor (and lack of furniture) can be remedied with custom content. Lots of room for expansion.

Not Sims tested (not enough time). If uninhabitable, easily converted to an art gallery or bordello. Big lot. Expensive.
Bribe: Two dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies.