Room for you 3 x 3 lot; §41,198
To be honest I don't know why it's so cheap, unless because I moved a sim in to test and the contents depreciated? If so, it wasn't intentional. The lot was about §150k before I moved the sim in.
This is fully furnished and can house eight sims. I wanted to make a house I wouldn't mind living in, something a bit funky and modern. Don't know if I achieved that, but I like the house and will be using it in my game.
Front EntranceEasily reached from the road, double doors to keep the flow going. Two cars can be parked currently, there is room for an extension in the back corner. There is also room to build carports and garages if the player wishes.
Side of the house, barbeque areaAll the essentials for a good barbeque in a private area.
Rear of the houseA splash of balcony colour reflected in the flowers at the base of the modular stair.
Other side of housePlay area for children or room for the military exercise thingy. There's a small garden nook, good for painting. The two storey window
gives light and views to the staircases within. You can just see the small shed to the right where various boxes and bits are stored.
DownstairsLets have a look at the inside. As sims enter the front door, thay are directly opposite a couple of toilets and a couple of showers. These are useful for visitors if you wish to lock them out of the family bathrooms. On the left from the front doors is a 2 square lane that runs straight through the centre of the house.
The dining area and kitchen are in a wing of their own, designed so a sim can go either side of the table, into the kitchen, get the food and exit through either of the swing doors. The kitchen is lockable with JM's security controller. (There's also a security controller inside the front doors.)
Reading NookMy favourite bit of the house.

KitchenThe room is designed so that unless sims happen to be simultaneously putting something in the trash or taking an item from the fridge, there will always be one door available to exit by. All the appliances are set up so one doesn't block another from being used.
DiningThe dining area seats 8, plus the 4 seats directly outside in the barbeque area.
NurseyTwo double downstairs bedrooms and a bathroom, currently used as the nursery. Easily convertible to bedrooms, a study, a gym or whatever.
UpstairsThree double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terlets - though one does have a communal shower as well. Once again, a 2 square lane through the centre, leading to the balcony outside.

There are minimal gardens, just enough to create a couple of feature points. There is room for expansion upstairs or even a bit at the front. Modular stairs have been used throughout, sims shouldn't get blocked by stairs.
As for a bribe, well I figure JM is running this competition because he wants some new functional/good looking lots in his game. I reckon he's given me such gaming pleasure and stability with his mods, my bribe would have to be to offer to build another house, to his specs.
ETA: The files attached to this post are fine and valued correctly.
Unfurnished = §41,198
Furnished = §165,772