This is my modest house for the contest. Build on a 3 x 3 lot, 2 floors, 2nd floor can be expanded. A patio can be added later outside. Fully furnish with only Maxis stuff. Cost: 38,864$
7 Sims can easily live in this house, 3 bathrooms, 2 double beds, 2 single beds and 1 room for toddler or baby to come.
Here is a front view front outside, notice the telescope and empty driveway:

Here is a back view of the house:

1st floor picture with all the things sims needs to skill and relax and have fun, still some place left to add more items, 2 bathrooms on this floor, 1 kitchen, child bedroom, babies room all ready with all skill items and a huge living room (I just notice I forgot to recolor one door, there is a door going in the bathroom from the children room, that room have access to both bathrooms, it does not really show on the picture but it is there):

2nd floor with 1 bathroom, 1 bedroom with 2 double bed, 1 attic with a exercice machine and stereo and a room to put future rewards that can be expand:

Now for the bribe, sorry but I don't believe in bribe to win in life so I am not gonna start here.

I don't care if I don't win, at least I participate