Okay I finished my house I guess.

There are two versions available, the unfurnished and the furnished.
The unfurnished version is 19,705 and includes a car and several plants.
The furnished version is 85,914 and includes just about everything you'd need. Except baby toys. I remembered after I uploaded, and I'm too lazy to do it again.

The house has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. Can comfortably play 2-4 sims as is, and is easily expandable by adding a 2nd story above the kitchen and livingroom. I did not include any hacks, I figured not everyone uses the same ones, and I really stick to the fixes versus the russian ones anyways.
Unfurnished version:http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/lot_detail.php?asset_id=383331&asset_type=lot&user_id=132621Picture here:
Furnished Version:http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/lot_detail.php?asset_id=383330&asset_type=lot&user_id=132621Pictures:

More pictures can be seen here:
http://s52.photobucket.com/albums/g18/vaughje/MATY%20Building%20Contest/So far as the bribe, I can knit a pretty nifty scarf.
Edit to fix picture links.
*Edited by BlueSoup to fix picture links to show.