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Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers.
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Topic: Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers. (Read 10961 times)
Feckless Fool
Posts: 263
INTP. Quiet, but deadly.
Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers.
2006 June 24, 06:22:20 »
To start, the only bribe I can offer is to write something for the judges. Writing is one of my few talents. This is not a starter home, but it is on a 2x2 lot. It's over 170k, with Maxis-only objects/textures, which nearly had me tearing my hair out. This was built using real house plans on a .42 scale because .416 repeating was too much of a headache to try to calculate. There are fewer decorations than I normally use because Maxis paintings are kee-rap. There's dining for ten (thirteen counting the island), bedding for eight, and the garage can easily have another story added for more space. All EP's required except FFP.
Pictures added late because I'm a dippy gunbunny.
7 Pirate's Cove.rar
(648.54 KB - downloaded 533 times.)
Last Edit: 2006 June 29, 22:21:07 by Metalkatt
"The voices are talking to me again..."
"You're in class, stupid."
Yes, you're in my noun, verbing my noun. Now, go away, and let me be!
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers.
Reply #1 on:
2006 July 02, 15:33:36 »
9.5 for aesthetics.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers.
Reply #2 on:
2006 August 16, 22:31:23 »
Downstairs bathroom not efficient use of space. Could partition into two for added capacity for viistors. Bathroom fixtures in general poorly chosen. Upstairs toddler area somewhat of joke: Very cramped, no toddler toys. Awkward for docking procedures. Entire kitchen/dining area single gigantic room, making giant fire hazard. Dining space completely excessive: Considering that meal platters host 6, there is absolutely no need for 3 tables, one of which can only be used at the ends. Awkward facing of fridge calls into question sanity and intelligence of creator. Absolutely zero visitor access control. Awkward U-shaped design forces somewhat circuituous route to The One Desk. Expansion options slightly limited as placement renders reclaiming roof space awkward. And how exactly is adding a level to the garage supposed to help? Are people supposed to access it by skybridge? Why isn't the garage attached, anyway? It's not like there's a foundation... Yea gods is this thing expensive for something so tiny and cramped. And nobody wants to read your gross furry-porn stories! At least it's not warped or twisted.
Bribe: 0.0
Functionality: 0.65
Scenarios: 0.7
Expand/Adapt: 0.4
Cost Effectiveness: 0.2
Physics: 10.0
Aesthetics: 9.5
Technical: 2.116
I have no idea how you got a score this high. You must have cheated somehow.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 263
INTP. Quiet, but deadly.
Re: Point and Ridicule, all ye MATY-landers.
Reply #3 on:
2006 August 18, 00:06:02 »
Interesting notes on construction. *plans to submit that review to the creator of the house plans*
Never wrote fuzzy pr0n before. I usually just stick to yaoi.
"The voices are talking to me again..."
"You're in class, stupid."
Yes, you're in my noun, verbing my noun. Now, go away, and let me be!
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