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Author Topic: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes  (Read 54608 times)
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #25 on: 2006 July 06, 04:29:01 »

Could you make it harder? Maybe a nuclear edition? Something that really challenges .

Harder? What in particular needs to be harder?
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #26 on: 2006 July 06, 04:43:06 »

Everything I guess. My sims are getting promoted every day I would like it to be more challenging.

Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
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Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #27 on: 2006 July 06, 04:47:49 »

Everything I guess. My sims are getting promoted every day I would like it to be more challenging.
If you're getting promoted every day, it means you're essentially playing a perfect game. There's no real way around it, and once enough sims are promoted, the upper slots will be full. Making it even HARDER would be kinda hard, other than to reduce the number of slots, period.

Or you could just give your sims the shitty jobs of your choice through OFB.

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #28 on: 2006 July 06, 04:56:00 »

Like maybe sticking in some randomness before job promotions? It would be somewhat realistic since not everyone can get promoted to the top of the ladder in less than a week's time, even with a uni degree. Tongue

I have this, and I played a couple of weeks, and it was still very easy for my sim to reach Top of the Business level. Maybe a 'nuclear war' edition could through in randomness, so that even if a sim meets all the requirements for a promotion, there's still a chance that s/he won't get it?


Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #29 on: 2006 July 06, 05:03:52 »

I wish we had random job changes. Those would be great. I would love never knowing if one day if you go to work and are randomly fired or traded to another career. OR better yet. KILLED. lol I would like some death and hardship in the game. no20k usto make that happen but now it barely phases the first generation sims. So we need to have some mass plagues etc to keep them on their toes. You know like a random popup. "While playing the stock market you mistakenly invested in a company called Enron You family is now broke or better yet in the red lol."

I was thinking would it be possible to make a stay in job never get promoted mod
« Last Edit: 2006 July 06, 05:10:10 by lindaetterlee » Logged

Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.

Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #30 on: 2006 July 06, 06:50:42 »

I'm not too big a fan of random chance cards. I personally think whether or not you gain or lose money should be a function of your actual decisions.

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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #31 on: 2006 July 06, 11:09:09 »

i'm with J.M.
i prefear a random action from my sims unless a random card..
for example.. a sim could come back from work.. furious 'cause he is degraded and then autonomly chose to change his job.. or maybe could have an aspiration to change job.

i think also, that the research of the top of career could change the personality of sim..
a politic career could interact with the "outgoing" personality...
probabily a sim wiht "3 in outgoing" will grow up.. if the sims have a good career..
even not.. maybe the sim will resoult less nice/simpatic Cheesy
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #32 on: 2006 July 06, 16:30:55 »

Err....then you're kinda NOT with me.

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Ancient Sim
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #33 on: 2006 July 06, 17:42:08 »

I don't have this in at the moment (although I plan to use it in my planned new neighbourhood) and I've found since the new patch that none of my grads are getting put into the really high levels.  Most of them are starting way below their capabilities as far as their skills are concerned.  I can't remember the last time I had someone automatically put into Level 8 or 9, it's just not happening anymore.  I've even had them put in a level where they've had 6 skill points more than they needed.

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #34 on: 2006 July 06, 17:50:35 »

One of these days I am going to complete my Uni careers mod and complete chance cards for all levels (if Maxis refuses to do so, someone will have to…).

More careers should have chance cards at the upper levels which get Sims fired by the way.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #35 on: 2006 July 06, 20:14:51 »

I don't have this in at the moment (although I plan to use it in my planned new neighbourhood) and I've found since the new patch that none of my grads are getting put into the really high levels.  Most of them are starting way below their capabilities as far as their skills are concerned.  I can't remember the last time I had someone automatically put into Level 8 or 9, it's just not happening anymore.  I've even had them put in a level where they've had 6 skill points more than they needed.
Don't forget jobs have a family friends requirement. If you don't meet that, you may end up with a lower starting level.

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #36 on: 2006 July 11, 20:19:12 »

I so want this hack (the harder jobs aspect, the limited number of top spots, etc) and--if it can be done--would love to see random death and incarceration in certain career fields (for military and police careers--yes, there should be a moderately high chance that a sim is killed on the job. Ideally there would be an NPC who "regrets to inform you..." and brings home the urn. In the criminal track there should be an even higher chance of death and also of incarceration--the sim is out of the game, just like a child taken by the social workers. The notice should be "[sim] has been convicted of [name of crime] and sentenced to [days] in prison (or life, and he won't be coming back ever...)" However, in every career accidents can happen (mayors get assassinated, science labs release deadly pathogens, etc.) I really think it would make play much more interesting!

Of course, I don't have OFB yet, and likely won't be getting it for a while. Is there any chance the hack will work with fewer expansion packs (Uni and NL), or would it totally break my game?

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #37 on: 2006 July 11, 20:22:55 »

I've already thought of those, but at present, the infrastructure does not exist to make those possible. Perhaps at a later date.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #38 on: 2006 July 11, 22:40:37 »

So, will my Uni and NL game be able to utilize the applicable elements and ignore the OFB part, or should I just look at the hack wistfully (with quivering lower lip and big sad eyes) until I can afford to buy OFB?

The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the hammers and screwdrivers in the toolbox of communication.
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Furry Lover
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #39 on: 2006 July 11, 22:47:29 »

Is there a way I could modify the number of openings in the upper levels or would that be too complicated for me to bother with?

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #40 on: 2006 July 12, 01:04:04 »

Too many, or not enough?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Furry Lover
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #41 on: 2006 July 12, 20:52:50 »

At the moment, I'd say "not enough", though that may change.  I've got the fixes in my game at the moment and I'm considering the harderjobs portion because I hate how it lets me skip job levels.  But I'm a little concerned about the number of openings in the upper levels because I've got a few really big neighborhoods (I expect them to become BFBVFS's soon) and if the numbers are as restricted as I'd assume that you'd prefer, there'd be way too much competition.  Then again, I may change my mind later.  I dunno, I guess I just want to know how flexible it is, and since this is more of a personal preference thing that's why I asked if I would be able to modify it myself.  It's not a problem with the mod by any means.

All generalizations are false, including this one.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #42 on: 2006 July 14, 13:45:33 »

will this work with the family fun stuff patch?
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #43 on: 2006 July 14, 13:46:58 »

Unless specifically noted otherwise, anything made for OFB will work with Family Fun.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #44 on: 2006 July 14, 13:49:39 »

Marvin Kosh
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #45 on: 2006 July 16, 11:06:50 »

So is there any way to stop top dogs from pulling strings to give other Sims a promotion to the top flight?  For example there's only supposed to be one Mayor of SimCity, and it's a difficult position to attain.  But, a Senator who makes nice with this Mayor can find themselves promoted to the same job Smiley

J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #46 on: 2006 July 16, 12:25:59 »

So is there any way to stop top dogs from pulling strings to give other Sims a promotion to the top flight?  For example there's only supposed to be one Mayor of SimCity, and it's a difficult position to attain.  But, a Senator who makes nice with this Mayor can find themselves promoted to the same job Smiley
The system will self-correct itself the next time you play one of the lots and actually send them to work, for obvious cases of "There can be only one!".

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Lipless Loser
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #47 on: 2006 August 23, 20:50:40 »

I'd just like to jump in here and add to the pestering for an NL-compatible version of Harder Jobs.

And to endorse Avalikia's idea that the number of top-tier job slots be user-configurable. Or perhaps it could be set to automatically vary, depending on the total number of sims in the neighborhood...
« Last Edit: 2006 August 23, 21:19:00 by KevinTMC » Logged

I am a compulsive post-editor. Any and all of the above is subject to change, within the first 15 minutes or so after it is posted. (Or longer, if I'm trying to make it funny.)
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #48 on: 2006 August 23, 21:13:58 »

I'd just like to jump in here and add to the pestering for an NL-compatible version of Harder Jobs.
I'll look into it. It may or may not be feasible based on deep core changes, or maybe the p1- version already works. Not sure. In any case, I don't have any way to test it out. You can crash test p1- if you want.

And to endorse Avalikia's idea that the number of top-tier job slots be user-configurable. Or perhaps it could be set to automatically vary, depending on the total number of sims in the neighborhood...
Well, for some top-tier jobs, the limits are mostly set so that competition will be an actual issue at some point. At 14 career tracks in the game, with an average of maybe 2-3 slots for top-tier posts, that means 28-42 top-level posts. Considering that the typical neighborhood probably doesn't HAVE that many playables, let alone workforce-age playables, that is a lot already! Tightening them any more would turn it into "There can be only one!" for all jobs, loosening them would erase the competitive element entirely. There is also simply no way to actually store the configuration, short of direct-editing of the constants. Which you're always welcome to attempt. Just don't say that we didn't already consider these factors.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Harder Jobs + OFBp2 Fixes
« Reply #49 on: 2006 August 23, 21:30:36 »

In any case, I don't have any way to test it out. You can crash test p1- if you want.

Okay, el Presidente--if you think it's a candidate for crash-testing as is, I will give it a go when I get a chance and report back on my findings.

Well, for some top-tier jobs, the limits are mostly set so that competition will be an actual issue at some point.

Mmm...I get the idea here, but actual "competition" is pretty limited at this point. Now it'd be really, really cool if you actually could directly go up against the current holder of the position, trying to outperform or outmaneuver or outconnive them in some way--but that's probably just idle fantasy. As it is, one can only compete against the current holder by taking them over and playing them until they retire/get fired/die, or by killing them.

My thought was that growing one's neighborhood to the point where they needed, say, another Mayor could provide another avenue to getting the top job, and it would also be the fruit of actual work on the part of the player (albeit, if taken to extremes, work that could hasten the day that the neighborhood a splodes).

I am a compulsive post-editor. Any and all of the above is subject to change, within the first 15 minutes or so after it is posted. (Or longer, if I'm trying to make it funny.)
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