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Topic: Official Scoring & Submission Rules (Read 78611 times)
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #50 on:
2007 July 31, 14:57:08 »
*pokes thread*
When may we expect the remainder of the scores to be up?
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #51 on:
2007 July 31, 16:28:50 »
Quote from: ElfPuddle on 2007 July 31, 14:57:08
*pokes thread*
When may we expect the remainder of the scores to be up?
Yeah, I'd like to know that too.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #52 on:
2007 August 01, 01:21:17 »
They'll be done when I get back to the game. Unless you want me to force myself through the scoring and taint the results.
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Stupid-to-English Translator
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #53 on:
2007 August 01, 16:35:33 »
There's no rush; I'm not holding my breath. I was just curious.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #54 on:
2007 August 03, 05:48:36 »
I'd like to see how badly I failed. I blatantly ignored two AwesomeSpec requirements. One because I don't agree and choose to make my sims do their homework on the sidewalk like the losers they are, and one because arches are prettier.
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #55 on:
2007 August 03, 06:55:10 »
I expect to phail also, since I accidentally deleted the terlet from one of the bathrooms and the spawn-pods are nowhere near the kitchen. Oh well.
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #56 on:
2007 August 03, 14:13:18 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2007 August 03, 05:48:36
I'd like to see how badly I failed. I blatantly ignored two AwesomeSpec requirements. One because I don't agree and choose to make my sims do their homework on the sidewalk like the losers they are, and one because arches are prettier.
If you simply DON'T put The One Desk in the game, this won't significantly impact your score in that regard. Unbarred kitchens are a Bad Thing. Besides, you can't even see the arches or doors, and there's a whole host of other tricks one can employ to satisfy both the firebreak and fridge-lock without sealing the entire kitchen.
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #57 on:
2007 August 03, 16:35:58 »
See, I use these new-fangled things called sprinklers, so fire blockage isn't an issue for me as fires last all of two seconds. The resultant puddles are fun for toddlers and elders alike, and give my extremely neat sims something to do. As for fridge control...well...I see the reason for the desire, but it's never really bothered me that much. For my playables, I always direct them to eat leftovers when at halvsies. For visitors, I typically set a meal out or go ahead and let them grab some chips.
Capitalism, Ho!
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #58 on:
2007 August 04, 17:12:32 »
The problem with leaving the fridge unlocked is more than just the autonomous cooking, but the autonomous party fridge raids. This actually EXTREMELY bad because it actually damages your sims!
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #59 on:
2007 August 04, 21:35:38 »
Huh? How?
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #60 on:
2007 August 04, 22:27:31 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 04, 17:12:32
The problem with leaving the fridge unlocked is more than just the autonomous cooking, but the autonomous party fridge raids. This actually EXTREMELY bad because it actually damages your sims!
Visitors won't deplete your stocks if you leave out a platter of gelatin or something while using TwoJeffs' Food Already Available hack. You can stomp it even more with his Visitor Snacking fix. I find those hacks make it easy to play houses that don't meet AwesomeSpec; my fridges never get raided.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #61 on:
2007 August 06, 06:33:28 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 04, 17:12:32
The problem with leaving the fridge unlocked is more than just the autonomous cooking, but the autonomous party fridge raids. This actually EXTREMELY bad because it actually damages your sims!
Quote from: witch on 2007 August 04, 21:35:38
Huh? How?
Makes them fat is my guess.
Twoflower\'s Sims 2 Lots
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #62 on:
2007 August 06, 06:43:26 »
Quote from: BastDawn on 2007 August 04, 22:27:31
Visitors won't deplete your stocks if you leave out a platter of gelatin or something while using TwoJeffs' Food Already Available hack.
Yes, but that would involve putting out food! It's not like they'll actually run out of food in the 5 measly hours they're there, and watching them sit around and eat is entirely a waste. Besides, I hate food.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Why? Why?
Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #63 on:
2007 September 08, 20:21:00 »
I realize it's two months late, but will anyone yell at me if I post my house now? I followed all the AwesomeSpec requirements that apply to Nightlife and earlier, and it has street parking. The unfurnished version is just under $29,000. I don't have a bribe, though.
I don't really care if I'm not included in the contest, since I'm late and I probably wouldn't win anyway (not having a bribe, and not making it wildlife-proof). I'm just looking for some criticism on the design.
Quote from: Liz
I find it particularly disingenuous of Seabolt to attempt to claim that "Advertising is very organic to the 'Sims 3' experience." Apparently 'organic' is code for "We thought of some places we can stick it." Should they run out of ideas, I could gladly recommend some nice, organic place
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #64 on:
2007 September 08, 20:41:03 »
Quote from: lowbart on 2007 September 08, 20:21:00
I realize it's two months late, but will anyone yell at me if I post my house now?.
I would post it in Peasantry. I think other late entries are posted there.
Quote from: lowbart on 2007 September 08, 20:21:00
I'm just looking for some criticism on the design.
You've surely come to the right place.
Twoflower\'s Sims 2 Lots
Apple Grove
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Why? Why?
Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #65 on:
2007 September 08, 21:03:50 »
To the Peasantry it is. Thanks twooflower.
Quote from: Liz
I find it particularly disingenuous of Seabolt to attempt to claim that "Advertising is very organic to the 'Sims 3' experience." Apparently 'organic' is code for "We thought of some places we can stick it." Should they run out of ideas, I could gladly recommend some nice, organic place
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #66 on:
2007 September 12, 12:51:28 »
All scores are finally in. Ambular will compile the ranking table soon.
Meanwhile, PAY UP, EMMA.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #67 on:
2007 September 12, 13:48:45 »
*Sigh* Ok........I'll post them in RL where everyone can vote for which one they would like me to have! Whee!
ps-I'll have to go make some first. Lol.
Illusions of Grandeur
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #68 on:
2007 September 12, 21:04:26 »
Hey, you locked my thread! Congrats, Emma.
So, sorry about the non-level edge thing. I thought this lot had been level, but apparently I didn't pay enough attention and it was just
level. I didn't build special for the challenge. My self-made custom terrain in Urban Paradise can be deceptive. I played with the God Mode a lot.
Capitalism, Ho!
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #69 on:
2007 September 12, 21:38:09 »
Don't be sad. My house apparently had non-level edges as well.
I thought I'd leveled the lot beforehand. Perhaps Veronaville, where I took images, is just going to bork level lots.
Or I didn't level it properly. If that's the case, I need a tutorial or somethin', because I did everything I knew how to do to ensure levelness.
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #70 on:
2007 September 12, 21:56:05 »
I messed up edge-levelling too, at least I'm in good company. Emma posted some helpful stuff about level lots in the thread for my entry; levelling the lot after placement does does nothing, it's the terrain you place the lot on that has to be level.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #71 on:
2007 September 13, 05:00:59 »
Quote from: Lorelei on 2007 September 12, 21:38:09
I thought I'd leveled the lot beforehand. Perhaps Veronaville, where I took images, is just going to bork level lots.
Nothing you can do can level a lot once placed. A lot must be PLACED level, or it will NEVER be level no matter what you do it once you open it up.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #72 on:
2007 September 19, 07:57:03 »
Quote from: Lorelei on 2007 September 12, 21:38:09
My house had non-level edges as well.
I thought I'd leveled the lot beforehand. Perhaps Veronaville, where I took images, is just going to bork level lots.
As far as I see,
lots bork hoods,
not the other way around. But then again, I have 20/30 vision*.
*I am short-sighted IRL but I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA as to how bad it is.
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Edward Current
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #73 on:
2007 October 03, 16:16:22 »
Quote from: liveangel on 2007 September 19, 07:57:03
Quote from: Lorelei on 2007 September 12, 21:38:09
My house had non-level edges as well.
I thought I'd leveled the lot beforehand. Perhaps Veronaville, where I took images, is just going to bork level lots.
As far as I see,
lots bork hoods,
not the other way around. But then again, I have 20/30 vision*.
*I am short-sighted IRL but I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA as to how bad it is.
Hoods bork lots
in that if the hood isn't flat, like Sedona is for example, then the edges of the lot aren't going to be level no matter how much levelling you do after the lot has been placed. A lot with non-level edges then borks the new hood its placed in. [/lesson]
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Official Scoring & Submission Rules
Reply #74 on:
2007 October 03, 16:57:57 »
Hoods don't damage a lot merely because the lot is nonflat, but that lot cannot be moved from its original position without mangling the terrain of anything it touches, so it's completely useless for export, and becomes a throwback to Sims 1 days where a house could only be swapped into the lot that it was built in.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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