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Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
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Topic: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT* (Read 37717 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
2006 June 10, 12:31:00 »
, Pre-OFB:
Less Whiny (v1.2b) for TS2 - TS2OFB
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado)
Congratulations to: Draklixa!
In Memoriam: Dizzy
Place in your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 directory.
Sims whine less, particularly about stupid things. Also fixes teens always
immediately leaving on being greeted in OFB.
This hack is fully compatible with all FFS hacks. Tested for TS2OFBp1.
May cause computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death,
and/or halitosis.
Do not open, crush, dispose of in fire, put in backwards, short-circuit, or mix
with non-awesome hacks - may explode, leak, or catch fire, resulting in injury
and/or death.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #1 on:
2006 June 10, 15:08:05 »
Is this compatible with twojeffs' Visitor Controller which also allows children and teens to stay later when visiting?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #2 on:
2006 June 10, 15:43:19 »
So which particularly stupid things do they whine less about?
Last Edit: 2006 June 10, 18:38:41 by Dolphin
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #3 on:
2006 June 10, 15:53:26 »
Hm, I can see the 'Modify' button just fine, it's on the top right hand corner of the post, second from the right.
One example about lesswhiny, they don't throw a tantrum when their paths are blocked, but will instead silently generate a thought balloon about whatever is blocking their paths... I think. I'm too used to some of the hacks/mods that I think it's normal behaviour.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #4 on:
2006 June 10, 16:16:40 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2006 June 10, 15:53:26
One example about lesswhiny, they don't throw a tantrum when their paths are blocked, but will instead silently generate a thought balloon about whatever is blocking their paths... I think. I'm too used to some of the hacks/mods that I think it's normal behaviour.
You're thinking about "no route fail". Less Whiny reduces-to-eliminates the "throw a tantrum due to low motives" behaviors. In particular, corresponding to motives which you can't often do anything about, like, say, Environment: Less Whiny makes it so sims no longer throw a hissyfit merely because of low Environment score: It's not a motive that you can *DO* anything about, because if you can't afford wallpaper and flooring, you just can't. Furthermore, it's not even a very sane response: If you don't like the crappy environment, LEAVE. Why stand there throwing a fit about it?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #5 on:
2006 June 10, 18:38:58 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2006 June 10, 15:53:26
Hm, I can see the 'Modify' button just fine, it's on the top right hand corner of the post, second from the right.
I can see the modify button now, but I could have sworn it wasn't there before... must be early onset Alzheimer's!
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #6 on:
2006 June 10, 20:53:08 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2006 June 10, 15:08:05
Is this compatible with twojeffs' Visitor Controller which also allows children and teens to stay later when visiting?
I did a hack check test and it appears that there is no immediate conflict between the two i.e. they do not hack the same BHAVs. However... I also found out that the Visitor Controller hack does hack some of the same BHAVs found in Crammyboy's Normal Clothes fix.
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Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #7 on:
2006 June 11, 08:38:25 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 10, 16:16:40
You're thinking about "no route fail". Less Whiny reduces-to-eliminates the "throw a tantrum due to low motives" behaviors.
Oops. Ooh, I remember one now - when sims are in danger of passing out from low energy, they don't waste more time waving and screaming to get our attention on top of doing that about-to-collapse-on-the-floor animation and run off to bed sooner if it's queued up. Or I could be wrong again and am actually thinking about 'Dont Wave At Me'.
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 10, 20:53:08
I did a hack check test and it appears that there is no immediate conflict between the two i.e. they do not hack the same BHAVs. However... I also found out that the Visitor Controller hack does hack some of the same BHAVs found in Crammyboy's Normal Clothes fix.
That's good to know, thanks. I overwrote the 'Less Whiny' zip file just as I remembered the VC does the curfew thing too (having a stupid cold and just going through the motions), and the only 'backup' I have to fall back on is the old file sitting in the game folder
. I read about the VC and 'Normal Clothes' and use only the former now, which also comes with paintings to control what sims wear on community lots so all's good.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #8 on:
2006 June 12, 06:10:27 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2006 June 11, 08:38:25
That's good to know, thanks. I overwrote the 'Less Whiny' zip file just as I remembered the VC does the curfew thing too (having a stupid cold and just going through the motions), and the only 'backup' I have to fall back on is the old file sitting in the game folder
. I read about the VC and 'Normal Clothes' and use only the former now, which also comes with paintings to control what sims wear on community lots so all's good.
Just thought I'd mention that, just because there isn't a direct BHAV conflict doesn't mean weird, unpredictable things might not happen. You'd probably have to test/play with both installed to actually see if there are any detrimental effects. *shrugs* Since it mightb e possible that one hack modifies a BHAV that other hack uses (which it would normally expect to be unmodified and thus possibly cause a conflict). Er. I hope that makes sense.
Also... I read in TJ's thread for the VC that even though they conflict, they should do the same thing, so the conflict would essentially be harmless. Since the VC comes last in load order anyways, it pretty much overrides Crammyboy's hack. So even if you had both in game, only TJ's hack would be in effect.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Less Whiny + OFB Teen Curfew Fix *IMPORTANT*
Reply #9 on:
2007 September 23, 03:06:08 »
Quote from: gglibertine on 2007 September 22, 22:21:28
A quick question about this hack -- does it also affect 'worrying', or is that a completely different behavior mode? (I like it when they worry. It's very cute.)
The "Worrying" thing is an emitter behavior and not affected by this.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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