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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/15/2008)  (Read 160695 times)
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #75 on: 2006 November 26, 03:20:10 »

Can this mod possibly be the reason my teens get two options for "committed relationship" in their menu along with the original "go steady"?

I am using the marriage-traditional version. Haven't been able to test it with adults yet…

EP4 (Pets), Woohoo teens for Pets, usual FFS mods etc.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #76 on: 2006 December 01, 06:08:52 »

Can this mod possibly be the reason my teens get two options for "committed relationship" in their menu along with the original "go steady"?

Could be... depending on what other hacks you are using... but... IIRC (and I could very well be wrong because it's been a little while since I looked at that part) I don't think I changed "go steady" to "committed relationship" in the text strings.  I believe that the kitten killer does that, and the only part I borrowed from jase was the BHAVs that handled the different animations between teens and adults.

I'll check it when I get a chance... but right now I'm still in the middle of fixing my compy again. I was a lot busier (and/or lazier Tongue) during the holidays, so I never got around to looking further into the problem. I just got back home and I've restarted a clean reinstall on a completely new harddrive. I'm hoping this will solve the problem completely. *crosses fingers* Undecided



v1.09 - Tweaked autonomy versions - NL and Later only

I updated the autonomy again, only for the NL and Later version. I was playin a couple of days ago and I had a sneaky sim try to ask another sim to go steady. Heh. Fortunately, the sneaky bastard got rejected. I have other plans for him... muhahahaha. Grin

Anyways, I tweaked the code a bit and now sims must at least have a crush before they can autonomously go about askin sims to go steady. Tongue This isn't an issue with the older versions because they don't have the attraction BHAVs I used in the later versions.

As for the "committed relationship" stuff... I looked at the code and I am pretty sure I do not have any references changed to use that text. I kept the original Maxis "Go Steady" text. AFAIK, I think the InTeen uses the "committed relationship" text, in which case, if you are using InTeen, you shouldn't be using this hack as they most likely will conflict. I don't recall if there are any other hacks that change this, but mine shouldn't. Let me know if you figure out what the deal was. Undecided


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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #77 on: 2006 December 01, 08:29:06 »

I am not currently using InTeen, and my sims do not have the "committed relationship" option, just "go steady."  I do remember seeing "committed relationship" before when I used InTeen.  So it's probably a conflict somewhere.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #78 on: 2006 December 01, 09:40:20 »

That would be likely if I had the inTeen installed, which I didn't.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #79 on: 2007 January 26, 00:08:31 »

Is there no way to make this compatible with Inteen? I know the description says that I don't need it if Inteen is installed, but I disagree. My Sims don't do any autonomous requests for going steady. I really like the surprises that autonomy gives me and try to enable as many autonomous interactions as possible.

Perhaps it is possible to give Inteen users just the parts of this mod that aren't redundant?

Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #80 on: 2007 March 07, 17:40:38 »

Does this work in Seasons?
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #81 on: 2007 March 08, 12:11:49 »

Hi there, HelloKit! You've raised at least seven threads from the dead to ask a question that is essentially the same in each thread. Roll Eyes

TwoJeffs and Pescado both have forums with constantly updated hacks and mods now that Seasons is out, and that is where you should look for the mods you want. Crammyby also popped up to share updated Seasons files. Try those forums.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #82 on: 2007 March 08, 15:50:27 »

And Syberspunk has a thread in The Podium about his hacks and Seasons.  So everyone here is covered...

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 3/8/2007)
« Reply #83 on: 2007 March 09, 06:38:26 »

v1.10 - Minor change with memory handling

A small, general update, not specifically for Seasons.  It looks like there may have been a bug with memory creation that I didn't catch.  But I'm not sure.  I'll have to do some testing in game to see.


Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 12/1/2006)
« Reply #84 on: 2007 March 09, 15:01:42 »

Hi there, HelloKit! You've raised at least seven threads from the dead to ask a question that is essentially the same in each thread.

Excuse me. I'm not new here. And it is never considered necromancy to post in a hack's official thread.

And Syberspunk has a thread in The Podium about his hacks and Seasons.  So everyone here is covered...

I don't read The Podium. I don't have enough hours in my day. As it is I spent all of the spare time I had Wednesday night updating the hacks I could find, and have yet to even play Seasons for the first time. Peasantry is the place for hacks created by those other than Pescado, TwoJeffs and Crammyboy, and thus, is where I would expect to find updates and compatibility information on those hacks.

TwoJeffs and Pescado both have forums with constantly updated hacks and mods now that Seasons is out, and that is where you should look for the mods you want. Crammyby also popped up to share updated Seasons files. Try those forums.

I am perfectly aware of that, and I had already downloaded those hacks in the Seasons directories. The questions I asked in the appropriate threads for some of Pescado's hacks were because of one hack being in the updated folder and a hack that goes with it not being there. This, to me, seemed like it could possibly have been an oversight... and since I had seen that Pescado had indeed forgotten a few others, I thought it would be helpful to all of us including him to ask whether that was the case. And, in at least one of those cases, I was right. Pescado fixed the mistake, stated so, and moved on. And if he of all people didn't feel the need to get snarky about it, well, then...
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 3/8/2007)
« Reply #85 on: 2007 March 09, 15:46:19 »

It IS necromancy*, except I can't lock the thread because it will inconvenience more people than need be made inconvenienced. I should probably fix the FAQ to say something to that effect.

No one is calling you new. And no one said "Read every single thread in the Podium". All you needed to do was Ctrl-F through the Podium searching for "Seasons", and go onto the next page when necessary.

*Clarification: Saying "this hack doesn't work" or "there's something missing" is probably not necromancy, "does this hack work in (EPNAME) because I am clearly unable to read one of the threads detailing whether this hack works in (EPNAME) or not?" could be considered necromancy. In this case, the two Firing Range resurrections would probably not be classed as necromancy, while the Peasantry resurrections would. However, the Firing Range resurrections could have easily been placed in the active Hack Directory thread, which would probably have been a more appropriate place.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #86 on: 2007 July 01, 08:53:04 »

v1.10b- Added Go Steady check tree. Requires Teen Enabled Woohoo Wants.

This was only updated for NL and later EPs so far.  This is because I have not yet gotten around to making a compatible version of Teen Enabled Woohoo Wants for the basegame and Uni.

ETA: The Go Steady want check tree is already included in the teenenabledadultwants.package for those who want both adult wants for teens and go steady wants for adults.  Hack compatibility may report a conflict, but it won't matter as they contain the same changes.  These changes provide checking to ensure that they wants roll up only when appropriate.  However, it does not actually enable the want to show up.

If you want to enable the Go Steady wants for adults, you must use the teenenabledwoohoowants hack that contains the WantTrees.package in order for the wants to actually roll up for adults.  That hack only enables the wants to roll up and does not actually enable the interactions.  If you also want to enable Teen Woohoo between teens and between teens and adults, then you must use a hack to enable woohoo for teens such as: Woohoo Teens, the InTeenimater kitten killer Tongue, or Autonomous Casual Romance.

« Last Edit: 2007 July 01, 17:22:13 by syberspunk » Logged

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #87 on: 2007 July 05, 18:42:21 »

So is this mod compatible with the inteen now?  It only says it's not required and you suggest it as an option for getting teens to woohoo.  Basically, if I install this mod along with the inteen, will I be able to have the autonomous version of adults going steady (assuming your mod loads first) without exploding anything?
Posts: 2365

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #88 on: 2007 July 05, 19:09:52 »

I don't think it would work well with InTeen, since it (InTeen) already has the option enabled for adults.  If you want an autonomous version of going steady (or committed relationships, as it's called with InTeen), you'd have to request it from jase I suppose.

I suppose you could try it together.  Since I created my own controller, it would show up as a separate option on the pie menu... but it will say Go Steady, while I'm not sure what InTeen does, but I think it changes the same code and how go steady shows up (I think the text actually says committed relationship instead).

If you are brave enough to try it, I would recommend backing up your 'hood and what not first.  Then trying the hacks together.  Or making a separate account on you compy (assuming you have windowsXP or whatever) and sticking this hack together with InTeen.  Then play a test 'hood and see if anything gets borked up.  *shrugs*


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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #89 on: 2007 October 13, 22:02:37 »

I am sorry, ste, I am not sure I understand.

What I think you are saying is that you have updated this so that it will work with BV, but only if we get another hack that will enable teens to have lusty wants for adults. Why is that necessary in order to have adults go steady with adults? Is it only necessary if we are aching for our adult sims to want to go steady with each other before we let them?

If that is correct, do you suppose it might be possible that my autonomous+marriage traditional version dated 12/01/2006 will work with BV? I really don't want my teens lusting after my adults or vice versa, regardless of how "realistic" it is. And I don't usually direct my adults to go steady. I let them decide that on their own as a cue that they really are ready to get engaged. You know, those Pleasure sims want to get engaged every time they go on a date, so it is hard to know if they are serious about that want or not.

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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #90 on: 2007 October 26, 15:07:25 »

Is any one getting duplicate break-up memories with this mod? Whenever I have my going-steady sims break-up, they get two memories of the break-up. They only have one going steady memory though. This is the only mod I have in regards to relationships/break-ups accept for JM's. Could there be a conflict with something, as the hackscanner is not showing anything. I have the version dated, 9_9_07.

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #91 on: 2007 October 30, 04:43:10 »

I will look into this when I get a chance.  I had meant to reply to your msg when I first read it, but then I got distracted. Tongue  I am slowly but surely going through my hacks again.  Thanks for your patience.  If you are experiencing any problems, try and see if you can consistently reproduce the problem, and also consistently have your game not produce the problem when you remove the hack.  if possible, provide any error logs you might receive.  A lot of the code changes I made were going off the object.package.  I did them pretty 'quick n dirty' so to speak, and haven't had much of a chance testing them in game, especially since my PC has been acting up lately. Undecided

BTW, I recommend testing things out in a junk neighborhood, especially if you are having problems.  Remove it from your regular neighborhood for now, at least until I can reproduce the error and fix the bugs.  Thanks for your feedback. Smiley


Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #92 on: 2007 October 31, 01:19:36 »

I did keep it in as I didn't think it was doing anything 'bad' per say besides having double memories. The double memory happens all the time (between two adults), it seemed benign, but I didn't look under the covers so I really don't know.

If I take this out, I won't be able to test anything since adults can't go steady without it, right, or am I having a brain fart.   Undecided
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #93 on: 2007 October 31, 17:28:54 »

Oh.  Hrm.  And duh me.  Obviously I was brain farting, since I didn't think of that. Roll Eyes

Er.  How about testing if the double memories happens when you only have this hack in your game.

And, can you post a pic of the double memories?  I think I understand what you mean, but I just want to be sure.

Also... did this ever happen before BV?


Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/9/2007)
« Reply #94 on: 2007 November 03, 17:27:01 »

I don't know if this helps but I tested without this hack in the game, I had two teens go steady and then break up, they only got one break-up memory. The break-up memory is the double pink heart with a white "ban" bar over it (if that is what you call it). I will try to get a picture.
I don't recall this happening before BV.
Axe Murderer
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/15/2008)
« Reply #95 on: 2008 November 04, 12:22:14 »

Hi Ste,

Getting some errors on this mod with ALp2 (all EP's installed)

Node 7 of 'CT - Test - Go Steady Reject Steady'  is calling private BHAV 1700 - which does not exist.
sample log attached

It has happened when teens are bringing friends home from school, and also when a teen visits a comms lot.
Didn't notice this before p2 - but maybe I didn't have boolprop on.

I think I installed the noautonomy one - the names dates and times of the two are exactly the same Smiley

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