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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 9/15/2008)  (Read 160697 times)
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #50 on: 2006 September 16, 00:14:50 »

Intentional. Sims may still get jealous, but they cannot "catch someone cheating", without a committed relationship. So while someone can be slapped, you can't get knife-in-rings or "be caught cheating" without actual commitment.

Ahh, right, that does make sense. Well... too bad a sim can't still get jealous without necessarily getting the cheating memory. People can get jealous even if it isn't really 'legitimate' cheating. But yeah, I understand. It's a game, and this is the best that can be accomplished within the limits of code, otherwise things just get too messy trying to maintain and satisfy everyone.

So what about his sister? She obviously recognized their going steady as committed enough to get pissed when she flirted with another guy.
It's funny actually; the family was more serious about the relationship than the couple, lol.  Smiley

Hrm. I'm not quite sure about that. The Am I Jealous code gets passed two parameters, which I assume the 1st to be - the sim it checking, and thd 2nd to be - the sim who is doing some potentially jealousy causing event. It then checks if those two sims are in love, or on a date. Otherwise, there should be no jealousy...

If they are in love, or on a date, then it checks the stack object or current object to see if it's a jealousy trigger/emitter. If so, then it can get the two sims, Sim A and Sim B, involved that is triggering/emitting the jealousy from whatever interaction they are participating in. It then checks if Sim A and Sim B are in a committed relationship. If so, then no jealousy.

If not... then it checks if the sim passed as the 2nd parameter is either Sim A or Sim B. If the 2nd sim is Sim A (involved in the jealousy triggering/emitting interaction), then it checks the relationship of the 1st sim (passed as the 1st parameter) to Sim B (involved in the jealousy triggering/emitting interaction). If the 1st sim has a crush or is in love with Sim B, then no jealousy (this allows for 3somes or moresomes). On the other hand... if the 2nd sim is Sim B, the the code compares the 1st sim to Sim A with the same deal. It it turns out that the 1st sim does not have a crush or is in love with the 3rd party... the code proceeds to check the aspiration and personality, with the criteria I already described in previous posts above.

The only odd thing I see is that... if the 2nd sim is not Sim A Or Sim B, it still proceeds to check the criteria... *shrugs*

Now... with all of this in mind, I am not sure why the sister got jealous, unless the sister was in love with one of the two people involved in the interaction? Or... somehow the cheating memory propagates through another way via some other code. There are a few more bhavs that may be involved in handling how people outside the relationship react to jealousy. I did not examine those in heavy detail. But... if you think about it... as a relative who is aware of the committed relationship... it could stand to reason that they would be upset when catching someone cheating... even tho the couple themselves might not be in love. That sort of makes some sense to me, roleplay wise at least. For a hypothetical example, if I caught my sister's husband cheating, I would be pissed, but perhaps there has been some underlying trouble that I was unaware of and did not know that they could have fallen out of love. So maybe she wouldn't be jealous or upset herself. Perhaps they are on their way to getting a divorce. Anyways, a total hypothetical meant to illustrate the situation. My sister isn't old enough to be married, much less divorced. lol. Wink

Any ideas on how to make it easier to break up the going steady (if that is all they have) without having to force a fight?

I'll look into making an easier breakup hack that would be compatible with this. Maybe a couple of versions: one where the option is always available, and one where the relationship test for the option to appear doesn't require such low levels.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #51 on: 2006 September 16, 19:29:42 »

if you think about it... as a relative who is aware of the committed relationship... it could stand to reason that they would be upset when catching someone cheating... even tho the couple themselves might not be in love. That sort of makes some sense to me, roleplay wise at least.

True. She wasn't in love with anyone but it does make sense that she would be jealous.
Thanks for explaining how things work.
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #52 on: 2006 September 17, 09:25:58 »

Ok, I threw together an easier breakup option. I haven't tested it, but basically the option should show up anytime now. And just in case, I made two versions: one with autonomy and one without. The autonomous one still uses the relationship checks. But if you are clicking on the pie menu yourself, the option should show up regardless of the relationship status. The autonomous one is for NL and later ONLY. The noautonomy one can be used for any version. Although... I suspect that the break up interaction might not be autonomous by default anyways... so it probably doesn't even matter. I personally have never seen sims autonomously break up in the game. And apparently, the option should be available if the STR is like 45 or below.


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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #53 on: 2006 September 18, 01:29:21 »

Ahh, right, that does make sense. Well... too bad a sim can't still get jealous without necessarily getting the cheating memory. People can get jealous even if it isn't really 'legitimate' cheating. But yeah, I understand. It's a game, and this is the best that can be accomplished within the limits of code, otherwise things just get too messy trying to maintain and satisfy everyone.
....they can and they do, with Romance Mod in place. Didn't I just say that? Weren't you listening? Have you been taking stupid pills today?

Now... with all of this in mind, I am not sure why the sister got jealous, unless the sister was in love with one of the two people involved in the interaction?
This is one of those strange random things inherent to Maxis code, I think. The Romance Mod probably resolves that where sims have been known to spaz out on seeing two random strangers they don't know make out.

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Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #54 on: 2006 September 18, 06:25:59 »

....they can and they do, with Romance Mod in place. Didn't I just say that? Weren't you listening? Have you been taking stupid pills today?

Yes. Apparently. Someone switched my formula, and these were extra strength. Tongue Ok, so from the code, it looks like sims can get jealous as long as their is love. I didn't look at the memory stuff, but I assume then that is where the committed relationship stuff is handled. It isn't considered cheating if the sims don't have a committed relationship, so they won't get the memories, but they can still get jealous if they are in love. Right?

But, from looking at the code, it looks like the "Am I Jealous?" routine returns false if the two sims involved DO have a committed relationship. So... it looks like this would prevent the situation where an extramarital lover might get jealous seeing their lover interact with their rightful spouse, no?

This is one of those strange random things inherent to Maxis code, I think. The Romance Mod probably resolves that where sims have been known to spaz out on seeing two random strangers they don't know make out.

Hrm. Well... if I understand PlayLives correctly, they had this happen in their game even With the romancemod installed. But the sister was not in love either either party, according to them. Maybe it's just one of those magic telepathic awareness things that relatives have? Tongue


The Biter
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #55 on: 2006 September 29, 12:54:56 »

I'm having no luck finding this interaction between two who were a teen couple, now an adult/teen romance without any strings (which I was hoping to get back to the 'go steady' option)

I have woohoo teens & ask relationship status. I don't have a heck of a lot else.

I'm going to double check with a couple of hot & heavy adults, but at this early stage I'm going to have to say this mod doesn't work with Glamour Life. Sad

On second thoughs, it would probably help if I downloaded the right file. Retrying.

On retry: Works beautifully with Glamour Life, but make sure you download the nightlife version, not the uni version like I did first time. Tongue

Yet another additional note thingy: Have my test couple in an interesting situation - he's at uni, she's an adult at home & very pregnant. She sees herself as going steady with him, he sees himself as single but pretty head over heels with her anyways. Not too different from how it happens in real life. Just wondering if this is a known thingy or if it's a problem or whatnot. I'm enjoying this mod & having no conflicts with anything else I'm using.
« Last Edit: 2006 September 29, 16:07:37 by floopyboo » Logged

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #56 on: 2006 September 30, 06:37:32 »

Yet another additional note thingy: Have my test couple in an interesting situation - he's at uni, she's an adult at home & very pregnant. She sees herself as going steady with him, he sees himself as single but pretty head over heels with her anyways. Not too different from how it happens in real life. Just wondering if this is a known thingy or if it's a problem or whatnot. I'm enjoying this mod & having no conflicts with anything else I'm using.

This might be a problematic situation, especially when certain game code checks depend upon relationship status flags. If one person in a couple is set properly, and the other is not, you could have strange, unexpected, buggy things happen. This situation you have here might be the result of having the wrong version in your game, and trying to run the interaction, and then it failed to set both sims properly, but I can't be sure.

I would suggest either using the InSIMenator to fix it, or setting it correctly for both sims with SimPE.

In the future, please take careful note of the sims relationship status flags before AND after, the next time you use the interaction and it either fails completely or partially, setting only one sim with the go steady flags and not both. It would probably help to also make note of the sim ages, and if you notice anything weird, like maybe the sims exhibiting jump bug behaviour.

If you find that, from this point forward, you can consistently use the interaction successfully, regardless of age differences among your couples, then everything is probably good now, and the problem you had was probably due to using the wrong version. If you Do find that you get the same error again, please report back, and hopefully include info about the sims, their ages, and whether they already had crushes, love hearts, etc.

Btw, you should also check if both sims got the memory of going steady properly. If not, you would have to fix that in SimPE.


The Biter
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #57 on: 2006 September 30, 13:50:26 »

both sims have the go steady memory (both from teenagerhood & from when she asked him as an adult). I'm going to play him out & see how it goes. if it stuffs up it stuffs up - no dramas, I have everything all backed up anyway & it's only the maxis characters so it's nothing a fresh install won't fix.

They both have engagement wants for each other, so they're definitely reading each other as a romantic interest. The big deal here is that you've only got the two file options (well four if you include the 'no autonomy' versions) one that kinda works with Glamour Life and one that doesn't. I'm using the one that kinda does. Glamour Life shouldn't really have conflicts with stuff because it's only a stuff pack, but it does. Don't know why, it just does.

I was commenting because I wanted you to know about what it was doing with Glamour Life. I don't have insim or inteen - nor do I want them. I refuse to touch SimPe even though I have it as I have a tendancy to make things go splodey if I stuff around with things I don't know about. I leave the clever monkey stuff to the people who know how to do it & sit back, enjoy the fruits of their labour & give feedback if mine is original & may help.

Anyway, the "problem" doesn't bother me since the situation is an odd one. I won't likely be monkeying around like this with my other sims, I just felt like making this pair's life hell. It may have something to do with her being pregnant & asking him while he was a teen & the transition from teen to YA having it's normal effect of dumping the go steady status for him. So again, it doesn't bother me - it works with my play for the moment & I mentioned it since it was an odd situation that hadn't come up before in this thread.

Oh yeah, thanks for this mod regardless, it's sweet.

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The Biter
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #58 on: 2006 October 01, 00:20:50 »

Another update. Okay, I did that thing you asked & tested it a bit. I took the mod out, got him to click on her for propose, then got 'stay the night' and 'engagement' as options. Then I whacked it back in, and did the same again & only got 'stay the night'. They both have engagement wants.

After careful consideration I think that I have achieved what I wanted so the mod is out. As far as she's concerned with or without the mod they're going steady & now either can do the engagement thing if they want.

If you decide to update this for Glamour Life (although I'd probably just say stuff it & wait for pets, personally) I'll be there with bells on. If not, I had my fun.

Ta anyway.

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #59 on: 2006 October 06, 16:28:33 »

I just installed this last night and already got my own bit of autonomous steadygoing.  Sim Zachary (family) was in love with NPC Elizabeth Lawson (who is a fugly barista in my game) and my plan was to have them get engaged after Uni.  But in uni he became best friends with Sim Alisha (knowledge).  Although they had two bolts I did not attempt any romantic interactions because Zach is in love with Elizabeth (also two bolts).  When Zach graduated I tried to propose engagement - option wasn't there.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out why and didn't until I noticed he now had a crush on Alisha.  So now I have to decide whether to force him to break up with Alisha, or whether to let the two of them have their way.  Hmm...

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #60 on: 2006 October 06, 17:40:24 »

I'm sitting here trying to figure out why and didn't until I noticed he now had a crush on Alisha.  So now I have to decide whether to force him to break up with Alisha, or whether to let the two of them have their way.  Hmm...

Sometimes the sims decide their own fate regardless of our intentions for them... Smiley

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #61 on: 2006 October 06, 18:13:20 »

Although they had two bolts I did not attempt any romantic interactions because Zach is in love with Elizabeth (also two bolts).  When Zach graduated I tried to propose engagement - option wasn't there.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out why and didn't until I noticed he now had a crush on Alisha.  So now I have to decide whether to force him to break up with Alisha, or whether to let the two of them have their way.  Hmm...

Hrm... I'll have to take a look into this. In my testing, the engagement option was still there. You don't have InTeen do you?

I'll try and do some testing sometime this weekend. But having a crush on someone else shouldn't disable engagement options afaik.


Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 9/11/2006)
« Reply #62 on: 2006 October 06, 18:48:26 »

I misspoke - he had a crush and was going steady with Alisha.  So that would be the expected behavior based on what you said before, I was just amused by it Smiley

And nope, no inteen...

I'm not megalomaniacal, I just play that way.
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady - (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #63 on: 2006 October 15, 22:52:32 »

Ahhh I see. *whew* Ok. So it's not broken or buggy. Hehe. Just unexpected autonomous going steady. Surprised you didn't he? Foil your plan did he? Sneaky little autonomous bugger. That definitely an amusing story. Thanks for sharing. Cheesy

Edit: 10/15/2006

Ok, I tweaked the autonomous versions a little since it seemed to be a bit too autonomous for my tastes. Autonomy should now be restricted to:

1) Sims who have high attraction and/or in love with the target
2) Sims who are very outgoing (>=7) and either
  i. have a crush OR
  ii. have chemistry and are a Family, Popularity, or Pleasure sim.

Please update and test, if you are using the autonomous versions. The no autonomy versions remain unchanged i.e. no need to update.



Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #64 on: 2006 October 16, 07:44:05 »

Heh, thanks for this. I have an rather old version (is bad about updating hacks) but a few days ago, one of my sims asked another sim to go steady with her, except the other sim was already engaged...and he accepted. (And his fiancee was in the same room...>.<) Would this bollock things up? I haven't cycled through his house yet. Would this have been fixed in a newer version? (Should really update her hacks more often)

*downloads the newest one*

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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #65 on: 2006 October 16, 18:33:47 »

Hey Lythdan. I meant to ask you about that in chat but I forgot. lol.

Yeah, I am not sure how an engaged sim should be able to accept that. The test bhav is suppose to check if either party is already going steady, engaged, or married. If either the asker or the askee is already in some form of committed relationship, then the option shouldn't even be available. For example, if you were controlling your sim, and clicked on that other sim target that was already engaged, the option should not even show up on the pie menu. If it doesn't show up, then they shouldn't be able to do it autonomously either.

Maybe a really old version didn't include those checks?  Huh

Although I updated it, the hack can't go back and fix weird things like this. The best thing to do is either use the puppy killer or SimPE to uncheck/remove the go steady flags. Then, use your sim and manually click on the engaged one. Let me know if the option shows up. It shouldn't show up at all.

I will try to go through the code sometime today just to double check things. Maybe I will add a few more redundant checks just to make sure this doesn't happen again. Silly promiscuous sims. Tongue


Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #66 on: 2006 October 17, 10:59:31 »

*Lythdan slaps self

It's actually my mind's that broken, not anything of yours. Tongue I swear up and down that they were engaged...but apparently not. I checked their memories even. Those sims have better memories than me, apparently, because they were never engaged. I remembered building a flowerbed for the engagement shots...just never got round to the actually engagement bit. >.< Well, they certainly aren't going to get engaged now. Tongue I just love when my sims take their lives into their own hands. Cheesy

Photobucket has a dirty mind.
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #67 on: 2006 October 24, 22:44:26 »

Silly Lythdans. That's what you get when you're so preoccupied with your evil scheming. Grin

Incidentally, I went and looked at the romancemod again. I always forget how the code works exactly. It seems that, the only time Going Steady will ever matter is if the sim who might be jealous is a Pleasure Sim. If Sim A is participating in some interaction or event that would trigger jealousy, and Sim B witnesses this event and is In Love (has red hearts) for Sim A, then they should get jealous, unless:

1) Sim B (the witness) has a crush or is in love with the 3rd party.
2) Sim A and Sim C are engaged or married (then presumably, Sim B shouldn't get jealousy because they are obviously participating in the cheaty affair)
3) Sim B (the witness) is a Romance sim and meets the personality criteria
4) Sim B (the witness) is a Pleasure sim and meets the personality criteria
However... if they are a Pelasure sim and is engaged, married, or going steady with Sim A, they will still get jealous
5) All other aspirations should get jealous, regardless of personality.

The only other reason why a sim may not get jealous is perhaps they were otherwise occupied with some other interaction, and the jealousy trigger did not interrupt them and notify them that a cheaty type interaction is occuring. So... there is really only one place my hack will make a difference, and that is with Pleasure sims I guess.

Still, I prefer to have my adult gay sims go steady rather than get engaged. At least it sort of represents some kind of commitment that isn't so seemingly final or whatever. I've yet to actually test any of my hacks in ZOMGPETZ! I'm hoping other ppl will report any problems, at least until I find the time to do some testing/playing of my own. Grin


Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #68 on: 2006 October 31, 14:42:11 »

** I've yet to actually test any of my hacks in ZOMGPETZ! I'm hoping other ppl will report any problems, at least until I find the time to do some testing/playing of my own. Grin**

I have petz and not too many hacks. I'll try out the CR with this 'un. Together... they look like they could be alot of fun....

It it goes all FUBAR, I'll tell ya.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #69 on: 2006 November 03, 18:47:06 »

** I've yet to actually test any of my hacks in ZOMGPETZ! I'm hoping other ppl will report any problems, at least until I find the time to do some testing/playing of my own. Grin**

I have petz and not too many hacks. I'll try out the CR with this 'un. Together... they look like they could be alot of fun....

It it goes all FUBAR, I'll tell ya.

Well, I tried it... No "Propose" option even showed up, in two different families... I have yet to actaully get back in, remove it and see if that was what was causing it. Pretty sure it is, aside from the casual romance and yellow pee that's it for hacks..meh, but what do I know?
Just thought I'd share that there might be an issue. 

Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #70 on: 2006 November 03, 18:57:32 »

I'll look into it, but I was playing the other day, and I am pretty sure that one of my Uni sims had the option to Propose.../Go Steady with his dormie girlfriend. I'll try and check later today.


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A question...
« Reply #71 on: 2006 November 09, 14:00:40 »

Your description of this mod explained that there are included in each zip archive a "trad marriage" and a "default version". You instructed us to choose between the two as was "appropriate" for our EP(s)...For some bewildering reason this isn't computing Huh I did read through the entire post, but can't seem to wrap my brain around what tradtional marriage vs a default version has to do with an adults go steady mod Undecided

I'm certain I'm suffering a profoundly "duh" moment and will soon feel quite silly. Please explain?

I'm Very glad that I can add this amazing mod to my game now that there is a Uni/older version. Thank you for the enormous amount of thought that went into this, and to all of your innovative ideas. You add so much to our enjoyment of the game, and never fail to conduct yourself in a friendly and considerate manner through the process. You're a real class act, Syberspunk, and the Simming community is lucky to count you among its stars.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Adults Go Steady (Updated 10/15/2006)
« Reply #72 on: 2006 November 09, 14:22:30 »

With "trad" marriage, the couple always uses the man's last name, even if the woman proposes.
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Re: A question...
« Reply #73 on: 2006 November 09, 14:25:38 »

For some bewildering reason this isn't computing Huh I did read through the entire post, but can't seem to wrap my brain around what tradtional marriage vs a default version has to do with an adults go steady mod Undecided

Quote from: syberspunk
This hack will conflict with Pescado's marriage-traditional hack. I have uploaded a version that included the marriage-traditional changes where female sims always take the last name of the male sim and same sex sims retain their own last name.

In other words, since this hack conflicts with Pescado's traditional marriage, syberspunk rolled the two together so people wouldn't have to choose between the two.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: A question...
« Reply #74 on: 2006 November 09, 14:34:34 »


In other words, since this hack conflicts with Pescado's traditional marriage, syberspunk rolled the two together so people wouldn't have to choose between the two.

Ahha! The key I was missing...Thank you, HelloKit.

Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why?...Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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