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Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
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Topic: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007) (Read 197693 times)
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
Reply #125 on:
2007 July 01, 22:00:04 »
Awesome table! Thanks, this is great!
psst, your last two entries on the left side are identical
INFP or something
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
Reply #126 on:
2007 July 01, 23:22:08 »
Quote from: Jordi on 2007 July 01, 18:54:52
Hi Ste. Did you also update ?
I did update it a couple of days ago (6/27). That should've been the 1.04 tweak to the Go Steady want that should make sure it the want only shows up for adult sims when appropriate (i.e. they are not already going steady, engaged, or married).
The only additional things I did now was create the separate hack to disable them, for those who don't want the go steady for adults part.
Let me know if there are any problems. I'm pretty sure I updated the .zip attachment, but in my haste, I could have updated the text/post only and forgot to actually change the .zip file.
The time stamp for most recent version of teenenabledadultwants.package
be 6/27/2007 10:40 PM (EDT).
Quote from: kuronue on 2007 July 01, 22:00:04
psst, your last two entries on the left side are identical
...good catch, thanks for that!
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 143
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
Reply #127 on:
2007 July 02, 08:46:26 »
Great table, but I think for the last option (everyone can do everything), when you use ACR, the teen/adult attraction fix would be advisable too?
Anyway, I had my first teen woohoo want yesterday, while my sims were on a date. Both Melody Tinker and her townie boyfriend rolled it. Their timers are at the bottom too and since I changed their turn-ons they have gone up to three bolts. So the only problem left was that Melody is too shy and serious to initiate the interaction (and there are two toddlers at home, which always seem to block it to some extent), but she was on her own there. I've given them autonomy, now they have to deal with it.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
Reply #128 on:
2007 July 02, 15:44:00 »
Quote from: doren on 2007 July 02, 08:46:26
Great table, but I think for the last option (everyone can do everything), when you use ACR, the teen/adult attraction fix would be advisable too?
Actually yeah, that fix would be advisable to anyone who uses ACR or Woohoo Teens, or both (which I do). The
kitten killer has it built in already, I believe.
Quote from: doren on 2007 July 02, 08:46:26
Anyway, I had my first teen woohoo want yesterday, while my sims were on a date.
Awesome. I'm glad it seems to be working for you. It's funny, my sims must be super horny, because they're always doin it, even when I don't want them to. I gotta keep a watchful eye. I know I could probably solve it by tweaking their autonomy options and such, but 1) I'm lazy
and 2) I don't really want to stunt their autonomy, I just wish they'd be less cheaty when I have them already coupled. But they're all determined to be slutty sluts! lol.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
Reply #129 on:
2007 July 02, 20:27:02 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2007 July 02, 15:44:00
I don't really want to stunt their autonomy, I just wish they'd be less cheaty when I have them already coupled. But they're all determined to be slutty sluts! lol.
The latest test version of ACR with the plugin 'Maxis Cheating Fix' has helped keep the coupled Sims behaving as they should. Sims still have a chance of cheating, based on outgoingness and aspiration Example; a married, family Sim cheats less than an outgoing Romance Sim who is merely going steady.
And those of us who have been using ACR with Inteen were told the teen/adult attraction fix was included in Inteen and it works perfectly in my game. I'd still like to add autonomous proposals to the mix, but IIRC, it didn't play nice with something else I had. I need to reread that thread again.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/10/2007)
Reply #130 on:
2007 July 10, 21:38:37 »
v1.05 - Added changes from wfsanity hack
This hack will now conflict with wfsanity hack. I have included the changes he made by default (basically it checks to make sure that wants roll up only for sims who are actually physically on the lot and not just off-world). As a result, this hack
load last in your game if you choose to use both.
If you keep game hacks in the
folder, then you can usually ensure that teenenabledadultwants.package will
load first
the file. For example, you can rename it zteenenabledadultwants.package and this should make the hack load last (alphabetically).
If you keep hacks in a separate folder by creator name, then
load last after JMPescado, Pescado, ffs, or whatever you have named your folder to contain Pescado's hacks.
Please keep this in mind, if you are using the wfsanity hack. Otherwise, the teenenabledadultwants.package may not work properly.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/10/2007)
Reply #131 on:
2007 July 16, 03:45:15 »
It doesn't make sense to me either...
I suppose anything is possible... but I'm not sure why or how the want tree hack or the teenenabledadultwants hack could cause corruption of another hack. Are you saying that your InTeen .package files actually got corrupted? But the Wants were "working fine" as you say?
The description of your problem is extremely vague, and without error logs, I wouldn't be able to seriously debug anything. *shrugs*
File corruption could also be something else. I think there are problems with the objects.package getting corrupted due to read/write memory leaks or something. Supposedly it's a good idea to make your objects.package read only. I have not had this problem myself though.
File corruption could also just be due to your HD potentially failing. Anyways, please let me know if you find any problems that are concretely determined to be the result of using either of my hacks. Hopefully it is just a random fluke.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 76
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #132 on:
2007 October 13, 00:04:42 »
I am really sorry to bump an older thread (and if there was a better way to do it, please let me know and I sincerely apologize for performing necromancy), but I am a little confused, and it's not really your fault. I'm just that guy that likes to have 100% certain understanding and thus asks too many questions in class and pisses everyone off.
I installed "teenenabledwantsrandomflirts" because I want the teens to have adult wants and woohoo wants, and I want your random flirts option (well for now; I'll see how it goes). So I grabbed the right file and don't need anything else, right? You mentioned in the opening post that you weren't sure if teens would have the woohoo wants, which is why I was a little confused on that point.
Also, from somewhere, I followed a link from MATY to your "
Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants And Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
" thread on MTS2 . Is everything there the same? There seem to be a lot more files to choose from, and there you mention something needing to be placed in the Wants directory, but I don't see that mentioned here. I do want adult wants, I do want woohoo wants, and I do want adults to go steady (but I thought that was separate; I also have your adults go steady mod listed elsewhere in your section - is that repetitive with this?). I also have UNI, NL and OFB (no stuff packs); do I need some or all of the associated files on the MTS2 page? Those files aren't listed here, so that again is confusing me a bit.
I hope this wasn't a breech of protocol, and I hope I didn't piss anyone off by posting on an old thread. But please let me keep my lips. I'm still young and hope to use them some more.
EDIT: Forgot link.
Last Edit: 2007 October 13, 02:25:01 by JCSpencer
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #133 on:
2007 October 13, 02:51:53 »
Posting in old hack/mod threads is perfectly fine here, in spite of the scary guy that pops up. The 'home' thread is, after all, the best place to discuss the hack in question.
Necromancy is only really frowned upon in the more general discussion forums here.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 76
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #134 on:
2007 October 13, 03:54:18 »
Okay, cool. Thanks. Honestly I've never liked posting on old threads for whatever reason. Feels like poor etiquette. But then you have extremists on the other side of the token that rip you a new one if you make a new thread about something for which a thread exists, no matter how old it was.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007
Reply #135 on:
2007 October 14, 10:29:11 »
JCSpencer, Ste posted a great "Which hack is the right one for me" overview
Quote from: JCSpencer
You mentioned in the opening post that you weren't sure if teens would have the woohoo wants, which is why I was a little confused on that point.
IIRC, Ste was referring to the teen > adult woohoo want. Actually, I have never seen one in my game. The teen > teen woohoo want does show up.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 76
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #136 on:
2007 October 14, 16:29:17 »
Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me on the woohoo want. And thanks for the link to that post; I'll read it now.
both Woohoo wants for teens (between teens or teens and adults) and Go Steady wants for adults
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up and the teenenableadultwants.package to enable the wants to be valid between teens and adults, as well as one of the hacks that actually enables the interaction (i.e. Woohoo Teens with my adultsgosteady hack, the Inteenimater kitten killer [enables teen woohoo and adult go steady], or ACR with my adultsgosteady hack).
So I need WantsTrees, teenenabledadultwants, woohoo teens and adultsgosteady, it seems. Now I do have syberspunk's "teenenabledadultwantsrandomflirts" - I assume that counts to fulfill the requirements. I also have the NL+ version of adults go steady, and Jenflower's Woohoo Teens for OFB. Now as for the WantTrees.package... there are several on MTS2, but I assume, like everything else, I only want to get the one for my latest expansion, in this case OFB, correct? I right now have in my downloads folder:
I renamed the last package since I wanted to keep JM's Wants & Fears Sanity, but syber said his had to load last. I hope I finally got this right. And thanks again, sloppyhousewife. You're at least semi-awesome in my book!
Last Edit: 2007 October 14, 17:03:09 by JCSpencer
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 734
INTP: pensive analytical skeptic.
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #137 on:
2007 October 14, 17:13:39 »
I'm confused about the want tree available on MTS2. I understand that for the woohoo wants for teens to work correctly I will need the want tree but the latest available one that I could find was for Seasons. Am I meant to use that version or have I overlooked a BV version somewhere? Or maybe I am just totally confused?
A queue is a line. A cue is a pool stick or a hint or guiding suggestion.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #138 on:
2007 October 15, 09:13:45 »
Quote from: Invisigoth on 2007 October 14, 17:13:39
I'm confused about the want tree available on MTS2. I understand that for the woohoo wants for teens to work correctly I will need the want tree but the latest available one that I could find was for Seasons. Am I meant to use that version or have I overlooked a BV version somewhere? Or maybe I am just totally confused?
Looky here (under "May require update"):
Obviously, there is no BV version yet, but the Seasons version
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #139 on:
2007 October 15, 17:25:10 »
I've been
and I haven't gotten around to updating that one yet.
Plus, stupid Teen Style Stuff is around the corner, which will also require yet another update (stupid SPs! Ugh!).
Anyhew, sorry for the delay, but I haven't found the time to sit down and do the grunt work.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007
Reply #140 on:
2007 October 15, 21:41:10 »
Quote from: JCSpencer on 2007 October 14, 16:29:17
I right now have in my downloads folder:
The modified WantTrees.package file does not go into the MyDoc Downloads folder, but is a replacement for a core game file. You need to back up the current WantTrees.package in C:\Program Files\EA Games\<MOST RECENT SIMS 2 EP or SP\TSData\Res\Wants (in your case this would be under OFB, right?) and drop Ste's WantTrees.package in there instead.
Eventually I might plop something of interest here.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 76
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #141 on:
2007 October 30, 04:25:54 »
Oops, yeah. That's what I did, but I carelessly forgot to denote that in my post. Thanks, Raene! Hope that didn't screw anyone else up. I doubt anyone paid attention though, because I'm still just an Asinine Airhead. Where's my damn promotion?
EDIT: LOL! Okay, I became a Blathering Buffoon with this post. Soon I'll be taking over the world, then the universe, and then MATY.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #142 on:
2007 October 30, 05:07:16 »
FYI: I still have not yet updated the WantTrees.package for BV. You can try to use the older version, but you will srsly PHAIL.
I do have plans to update the file, I just haven't had the time to do so. The management thanks you for your patience.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #143 on:
2007 December 17, 14:53:12 »
Well now... I have read, re-read, and then re-re read all of the thread over at MTS2 and here... and have concluded that I must be a re-re myself... o.0 I am so confused and confuddled regarding what needs to go where... what I nsed to accomplish this (teens wanting to woowhoo with anyone, adult or teen - which I absolutly ADORE!!!!) I think I have gotten it figured out, and now am just waiting on a BV update for the wantstree? So, I am asking politely and with as much suck-up-ness as I can possibly muster - any eta on that, dahling?
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I'd also like to point out that it's NOT FAIR of you to ask me to be clear after you fubar'd my brain on two different boards!!!!!
Seriously though... Sims 2 would just not be enjoyable for me without all of you Way More Awesome Than Me people... I've been chatting with you all in my mind for a couple years now... I just dont post much... so if I sound like I am being a bit too familiar with you... it's cuz I know you... you just dont know it yet... >.>
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Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #144 on:
2007 December 17, 20:21:56 »
Sorries. My weekends have just been crazy occupied lately. And my week nights are like the only time I get to myself to kind of not think about work related things.
But, I will have some free time coming up during the holidays. I won't make any promises, but I will probably get around to it about that time. I will have to take a look at the Teen Style Stuff Pack as well. It probably won't have any major differences. But I will take a look just to see. I also have to reformat my compy, which I have been putting off.
So... uh, no definite time frame. Only a vague-ish, maybe the weekend before New Year's.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 734
INTP: pensive analytical skeptic.
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #145 on:
2007 December 18, 05:56:42 »
I know that this is probably too much to ask, but you probably know that Pescado has posted a proof of concept want-tree-impacting hack that doesn't touch core files. The idea is that you could have more than one want tree type hack in at once, which would be glorious. I was wondering if you might be able to make the woohoo wants appear for teens using the method that Pescado used in moarfight (which can be found in the test directory if you haven't seen it yet) instead of modifying the want tree. I'm going to use your hack either way, but I'd love it even more if it is possible to implement it in a less invasive way. I know, I know, you're probably sick of me harassing you and asking you a million questions, but I only do it because I love your hacks so much. Please take it for the compliment that it is and don't hate me.
A queue is a line. A cue is a pool stick or a hint or guiding suggestion.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #146 on:
2007 December 18, 20:07:40 »
Thanks for letting me know. When I find time, I'll take a look at the hack. Hopefully it will be easy to figure out and implement his way, rather than the cumbersome way I have to do it now. I would definitely prefer to do something that wouldn't have to impact the wanttree as a whole. I imagine, however, this is probably something that only works with these later games (Pets and later, probably)?
If it turns out to be really easy to follow what Pes did, hopefully it won't take too long for me to do. Otherwise, I may end up doing it the old way first, and then taking time to figure out this new method. I most likely won't have time this weekend (lots of family holiday crap and obligations with teh hubby
). But hopefully next weekend, I can find the time to check it out. (Again, no promises
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
Reply #147 on:
2009 March 01, 15:38:12 »
Syberspunk, I am wondering, will the want trees need to be updated for M&G?
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