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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)  (Read 197695 times)
Khan of Wyrms
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #100 on: 2007 May 25, 20:54:17 »

Balls of confusion...I thought I had deduced the proper procedure, but now I am back to confusion.  I too was unsure which version to use and where I should put it, because of the same issue trudy brought up.  I decided after reasoning the evidence that the file linked at the bottom of the first post should go into the downloads folder because of the filename;  It is not a 'WantTrees.pkg'.  Then I see the last post here which seems to point to MTS2 for the proper packages, I fetch the one I need just to see if it is the same, 'MTS2_396480_syberspunk_PETS-teenenabledwoohoowants' and open it up and it has a 'WantTrees.pkg'.


My question is, if I have all expansions through Pets, should I be using the MATY 'download folder' version or the MTS2-version core-file mod?  I would rather be using a hack for 'downloads', and the file I swiped from here called 'teenenabledadultwants.package' with a date of 10/20/06 seems to be working for me thus far.  If you need feedback on the function of this version, I could possibly provide some, but if it seems to work fine I'm not sure it will help much.

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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #101 on: 2007 May 25, 21:01:06 »

ok, thx.
im getting the celebrations stuff version then and putting in in the wants tree folder.
But i still unsure why there are too direfferent instructions.
I think I remember reading that this things can work from the download folder. But i dont care messing with core files.  I trust your work, and if my game explodes... i'll survive ;-)
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #102 on: 2007 May 26, 07:44:43 »

I really should separate this into two threads... but I'm lazy.

There are actually two different hacks here.  They work together, but they you don't necessarily need to have both in the game... depending on what you're looking for...

In order to enable Woohoo wants to even show up at all for Teens, you must download the file.  This file is only available at MTS2 due to the filesize limitation here at MATY.  This file contains the WantTrees.package which is a "core" file.  You must get the version for the most recent EP/SP that you have, and put it in the appropriate location, typically:

C:\Program Files\EA Games\<MOST RECENT SIMS 2 EP or SP\TSData\Res\Wants

At the moment, there is only an OFB, Pets, Seasons, and Celebration! Stuff version.  When I first made the OFB version, I sorta can did a slapdash job of it, since I sorta had a vague clue of what to do with help from twojeffs (who made the original mod for NL, but had since abandoned the project due to the fact that it requires modifying a "core" file).  However, since then, I have a better [slightly] better understanding of the WantTree.package file structure.  I recently redid the Celebration! Stuff Pack version from scratch.  This is probably the "best" and "cleanest" version.  In previous versions, I think I edited things that I didn't necessarily have to.  As such, I eventually plan to redo the Seasons, Pets, and OFB versions, as wel as make separate versions for NL, Uni, the basegame... and possibly FFS and GLS (which may or may not be necessary, depending on whether the WantTree.package is the same as the one from OFB).

However... this file will most likely only enable Woohoo wants to appear between teenaged couples.  In other words, teens can get Woohoo wants, but only generic ones or ones for partners that are also teens.  So... if you have a teenaged couple, and one of them grows up to an Adult (or YA), then theoretically, your sims will no longer be able to roll up wants for each other.  There is a specific check for certain wants that see if they are valid between teens and adults.  Romantic related wants are susceptible to this age check. 

As a result, this is why I made the teenenabledadultwants hack.  This hack can go into the regular Downloads folder.  I called it "adult" wants because it should theoretically allow romantic type wants to roll up between teens and adults (as the case would be for couples that both started off as teens, but one of them aged into an adult or YA).  These wants should include flirts, kissing, going steady, and woohoo.

Now... you don't necessarily have to use both hacks in your game, but they obviously work better together.

If you only use the Woohoo wants hack, then your teen sims should only get woohoo wants for other teens.  If you only use the adult wants hack, then your teens should get wants to flirt, kiss, and go steady with their adult partners (and vice versa).  However, woohoo wants will not show up for teens at all (since they can't, because the "core" file defines woohoo wants in such a way that they are "locked" out for teens).

I hope this clarifies the situation.  I just grouped the hacks together in one thread because they are interconnected.  If you read the first thread, there should be descriptions for both hacks, with different instructions.


Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #103 on: 2007 May 26, 10:19:07 »

aaaaah, ok, now i got it. Thx a lot :-)
Khan of Wyrms
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #104 on: 2007 May 27, 14:29:19 »

Perfectly clear...I do not think separate topics would be appropriate or necessary given the fact that they are supposed to work together, but maybe the first post could get an edit to include the explanation provided above, to avoid further confusion.  Your last post explains it all, so even this might be considered superfluous extra detail work.  I will continue to use only the version for 'downloads' though, as it provides a decent amount of extra functionality without messing with the core file. 

Somehow it seems reasonable to me for adults to be obsessed with woohoo while teens are more focussed on other, more casual romantic interactions, anyway.  This is probably yet another thing that shows how old and out of touch I am, however.  A few 'real-life' teens around here are getting pregnant in middle school and the local high school has twelve pregnant girls by last count, and those are just the ones that are going to keep their babies.

I hope you continue to develop these mods as usable standalone even though they go together.

Thanks for the clarification and keep up the good work!

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/2006)
« Reply #105 on: 2007 May 27, 16:12:03 »

Okies, I edited the first post to point to my previous post above, since I'm lazy and don't even wanna cut and paste. Hee Cheesy


Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #106 on: 2007 May 28, 10:26:42 »

This hack enables romantic wants between teens and adults. Since I have been using JenFlower's Woohoo Teens, which can be found here, Teens would not get romantic wants for their adult partners and vice-versa. As such, this hack is meant to be a complement to the Woohoo Teens, and is not very useful unless you have it.

I've read the whole thread and am still confused Grin. According to the above quote, Woohoo Teens is needed, is this still the case if I have ACR?

And about the conflicts with other want related hacks - does this only refer to modified WantTrees packages or *any* want related hacks? I use JMP's LTW Variety & Sanity and Wants & Fears Sanity and don't want to abandon them if possible.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #107 on: 2007 May 29, 03:18:27 »

I've read the whole thread and am still confused Grin. According to the above quote, Woohoo Teens is needed, is this still the case if I have ACR?

ACR should work too.  I use Woohoo Teens and ACR together.

And about the conflicts with other want related hacks - does this only refer to modified WantTrees packages or *any* want related hacks? I use JMP's LTW Variety & Sanity and Wants & Fears Sanity and don't want to abandon them if possible.

For the teenenabledwoohoowants hack (that contains the WantTrees.package "core" file), it will conflict with any other mod that modifies that same file.

For the teenenabledadultwants hack, this might conflict with other hacks.  I used the hack conflict detection utility and did not find a conflict.

ETA:  I should qualify that last statement. Tongue  I did not find a conflict with any of the other hacks that I am using.  I suppose you could infer that I meant hacks from this site (duh).  However, I don't use all the other hacks by Pescado, twojeffs, and Crammyboy (but I don't think I've seen any of their hacks that change the same thing as this one, so you're most likely safe).  Furthermore, I do use some other random stuff by miscellaneous peeps from MTS2 and others, like jfade, Carrigon, Squinge, Monique, Numenor, paladin, and wintermuteai1.  I didn't find any conflicts there either.  If you do happen to find something that conflicts, feel free to report it, that way I could include it in the RTFM.

« Last Edit: 2007 May 29, 14:45:25 by syberspunk » Logged

Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #108 on: 2007 May 29, 08:25:42 »

I've read the whole thread and am still confused Grin. According to the above quote, Woohoo Teens is needed, is this still the case if I have ACR?

ACR should work too.  I use Woohoo Teens and ACR together.

And about the conflicts with other want related hacks - does this only refer to modified WantTrees packages or *any* want related hacks? I use JMP's LTW Variety & Sanity and Wants & Fears Sanity and don't want to abandon them if possible.

For the teenenabledwoohoowants hack (that contains the WantTrees.package "core" file), it will conflict with any other mod that modifies that same file.

For the teenenabledadultwants hack, this might conflict with other hacks.  I used the hack conflict detection utility and did not find a conflict.


Thanks for clarifying, Ste Smiley - so I will try without the teenenabledwoohoowants hack first. It just came to my mind that it will be somewhat more realistic that way anyway (depending on the teen's age) - a romantic and inexperienced young girl dreaming of holding hands and (perhaps) a kiss and an unscrupulous adult who just wants to woohoo Wink. Which is exactly what will happen in my Pleasantview (poor Lilith...) Grin.

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Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/2006)
« Reply #109 on: 2007 June 18, 08:26:33 »

I finally tried out these hacks - they work perfectly and they don't seem to conflict with JMP's want hacks (which do not alter the WantTree package anyway). I use them together with ACR (RC3d) and WoohooTeens (Seasons version).

These hacks really add to the game - finally, the sims' wants correlate with my plots. It's one thing to hook up a teenage girl with an adult, but another to actually see her want to kiss him and fall in love with him Grin.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #110 on: 2007 June 18, 18:49:15 »

I'm glad they're working for you.

I managed to update them from scratch.  I consulted twojeffs, who made the original version for NL waaaaaaaaaayyyy back when he was on MTS2 still (can you believe it's been like over 2 years now?!?!?).  And he pointed out that I missed some changes in the trees.  This is probably why some wants weren't showing up properly or at all.  Sooo... I went back and redid them from scratch.  Since, for the most part, the majority of the Woohoo want trees haven't changed from NL up through Seasons (including Celebrations! Stuff and H&M@ Fashion Stuff), I used Seasons as the base (extracted the wants from there), modified them from scratch, making sure (hopefully completely) this time around that I changed the right nodes, set the right values, and propagated the changes up through the parent nodes to make sure the wants are fully enabled.

Furthermore, I started preliminary work on adding the Go Steady want for adults and elders.  In the very least, teens can roll up 'Go Steady' wants for their adult (and elder... ewwww... but you know, in case you're playing some kind of freakish teen-octagenarian scenario... good luck trying to find a hack to enable woohoo between them tho Tongue) partners.  Right now, it doesn't seem like it will work the other way around.  But the plan is to enable the 'Go Steady' want so that adults could actually roll up the wants for their adult partners.

I know 'Go Steady' is a bit lame, but it would serve as alternative for couples that you don't plan to engage or marry, but still have some semblance of a 'committed relationship' somehow.  Of course you'd need a hack that enables 'Going Steady' for adults and older (either my hack that borrows the code from the Kitten Killer Wink or the infamous Kitten Killer itself Wink).  Anyhew, I may try and find some time this week to add that in, if my OCD doesn't drive me to do it tonight. Tongue


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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #111 on: 2007 June 19, 07:20:05 »

I know 'Go Steady' is a bit lame, but it would serve as alternative for couples that you don't plan to engage or marry, but still have some semblance of a 'committed relationship' somehow. 

Can we have fuck buddies as well?  Tongue

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Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #112 on: 2007 June 19, 08:02:30 »

[...](and elder... ewwww... but you know, in case you're playing some kind of freakish teen-octagenarian scenario... good luck trying to find a hack to enable woohoo between them tho Tongue) [...]

Ewww - that's so gross that I might want to play it one day Grin. Not 100% sure about it, but I think I've seen teen-elder woohoo in LizzLove's Waterbed before Wink

I'm really looking forward to the Go Steady part - not only to have committed relationsships between my teens and adults, but also to have a possibility to pair off romance sims without a big fat aspiration hit Cheesy.

Can we have fuck buddies as well?  Tongue

I second that Grin

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #113 on: 2007 June 19, 13:27:07 »

Can we have fuck buddies as well?  Tongue

Get ACR. Smiley

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #114 on: 2007 June 19, 18:11:25 »

Can we have fuck buddies as well?  Tongue

I second that Grin

lol.  I'd be all for it, naturally. Wink  But meh, I'd be too lazy to try and build on top of some code, or figure out how to change the text from 'Go Steady' to 'Fuck Buddy' or what not.  I mean, having a Romance Sim with multiple "lovers" is essentially having multiple fuck buddies, and with ACR, your sims will actually do the whole Booty Call thing.

Anyhew,  I slapped something together last night and I tried testing it out... but so far, no dice.  I'm wondering if it might be mostly isolated to Family Sims...

Right now, I only made a version for Celebrations! (and H&M@ Fashion) Stuff, just cause that's what's the most recent SP/EP I got installed.  Maybe what I'll do is, throw together a Seasons version, and have the Seasons and Celebrations stuff up for testing.  If anyone would want to try it, and take some in-game screenies of it actually working, that'd be great.  So far, I only tried it on two Knowledge sims.  I kinda just wedged the Go Steady want into the WantTree, so I don't know if I did it correctly. Tongue

The only thing I did notice was, my Knowledge sim was previously getting wants to get engaged to his lover, however now, he isn't even getting those.  So, I'm not sure if I borked something... or if it's just sadorandom luck.  They are currently not in any form of commitment - I was hoping to see the Go Steady want roll up, and then try to use my hack to make them actually Go Steady and see if it works properly.  They are both Knowledge sims, and one is a graduated Adult and the other is still a YA at Uni, and they are both playable.


Lipless Loser
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #115 on: 2007 June 20, 07:05:23 »

Right now, I only made a version for Celebrations! (and H&M@ Fashion) Stuff, just cause that's what's the most recent SP/EP I got installed.  Maybe what I'll do is, throw together a Seasons version, and have the Seasons and Celebrations stuff up for testing.  If anyone would want to try it, and take some in-game screenies of it actually working, that'd be great.  So far, I only tried it on two Knowledge sims.  I kinda just wedged the Go Steady want into the WantTree, so I don't know if I did it correctly. Tongue

I'd love to give the Seasons version a try - at the moment, I have several non-committed adults of various aspirations (except family and pleasure) who all are more or less in love with each other and changing their One Sim incl. related wants by the hour Wink. So, if the Go Steady want *can* show up, it most likely *will* show up in my game Grin.

"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/2006)
« Reply #116 on: 2007 June 20, 13:57:03 »

Ok, I redid all the versions last night.  I'm hoping I didn't bork things.  I did some test runs the previous night and then earlier last night, and I could not get the Go Steady want to roll up.  So, I went back into the WantTrees package and looked at the files.  When I compared things, it looked as if my changes didn't stick. Shocked  WTF?

So... apparently, it is not sufficient to just change the .xml file and then try to overwrite the old ones by using the replace option in SimPE. Roll Eyes  Of course that would be too obvious.  It has been a long whiles since I had first done it, and I forgot that I actually had to tediously and painstakingly copy and paste the xml code from my editor into SimPE for each tree that I wanted to change.  Only then did it work properly.

Anyhew... after updating all of the versions (from NL to Seasons and Celebrations!/H&M@ Fashion Stuff), I went back into my game to do another test run.  Using the same couple I mentioned above, I was still unable to get the Go Steady wants to roll up. Undecided  Again, I also noticed that the get engaged want was no longer rolling up either... but this may have to do with the fact that I had recently bought a car.  Because now... instead of the get engaged rolling up after several romantic interactions, my sims kept getting woohoo wants and woohoo in car wants.

If you are going to test this out, I would recommend trying it with several types of sims of varying Aspiration.  By the look of things, if I understood them correctly Tongue, the Go Steady want seems to be heavily weighted for Family sims.  So... in the very least, I would hope they show up for them.  In fact, I think the only time I ever really saw the want to go steady roll up was with a Family teen (I don't have many family sims, of my design at least).  And I also only saw a Go Steady fear on a romance sim.  But it has been a long time since I've played any teens, as lately, I am concentrating on Uni sims and Uni graduated adults.  The only other time I actually ever saw the Go Steady want was with Meadow Thayer, as shown in the pic to demonstrate the teenenabledadultwants hack, where I actually enabled the want to show up for teens who have adult partners.

I am just hoping that it is sadorandomness and that I didn't bork anything with engagements.  So please, if you're using this, give me feedback.  Let me know if you find that engagement wants aren't rolling up for you at all.  I can easily revert back to just the woohoo wants (well not so easily, I'd have to do all the cutting and pasting again, cuz I hadn't done that properly the first time around Tongue) if it seems like engagements are borked and go steady wants don't roll up at all.

Hopefully I can find some time to test this out on some family sims (if I can even remember that I have any).  One of the trees I modded should be triggered by falling in love.  So it might help to test this out on sims who aren't in love yet.  Another tree that I modded should be triggered by going on a date.  This is what I used to test it out, but so far, no luck with my two Knowledge sims.  (Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even remember if Go Steady is even enabled for Knowledge sims.  Wouldn't it be funny if that was the reason all along? Cheesy)


Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/2006)
« Reply #117 on: 2007 June 26, 08:24:18 »

I got the seasons version of this and so far none of my teens have rolled up a woohoo want (which I had expected for some of them), but all my adults are rolling wants to go steady with their adult friends, even when they are already engaged. One of them has the wish to go steady with three different sims.
I have to play a bit more to see what is happening with my teenagers.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #118 on: 2007 June 27, 03:06:33 »

Wow.  That's... interesting.  I'll have to take a look at the hack.  I'm assuming you have both hacks in (The one that overwrites the WantTree.package and the teenenabledadultwants.package that goes in your Downloads directory).

Do you have Celebration! Stuff or H&M@ Fashion Stuff?

I'll try and take a look a bit later this evening.

ETA:  I updated the Teen Enabled Adult Wants hack.  I tweaked the Go Steady Want check tree.  Please update and let me know if this fixes the problem with sims rolling up wants for going steady.  It should now check to see if a sim is already engaged or married and if so, prevent the want from showing up.

I'm still looking into the woohoo want thing for teens.  I'm gonna do a test run now.

Ok, just did a quick test run.  I managed to get a woohoo want after having a sim ask one of his lovers out on a date.  I probably would have to do more testing, but it appears to work.  Hopefully it isn't only isolated to just dates.  Want Trees are kinda funny.  Woohoo gets triggered usually after making out, so you'll have to actually get on that "path" to have the wants satsified, from flirting, to kissing, to making out, and then woohoo.  Other woohoo wants, like the number related ones, usually roll up after having achieved X number of woohoos already.  Like woohoo 5 sims come up after you've done woohoo with 3 sims, and so on and so forth.

Teens are also kinda funky because pretty much one of their want slots is deadlocked at Go to Uni, so you're kinda crippled that way. Undecided  Otherwise, it's pretty much sadorandom luck.  My test teen (that I've used in these pics) used to get woohoo wants a plenty when he was first rackin up the make outs and dates.  But lately, he's just obsessed with wanting to dance with his lovers and that dumb, stuck Go to Uni want.  After multiple rerolls using the lot debugger, I grew tired.  I attempted to have him go out on a date with one of his lovers, but he only found her "meh" when I had him check her out.  So, he wasn't even rolling up regular flirty wants for her.  Just crappity go out, dining, and play games (bowling, cards, etc.) which is mostly my fault, since I actually bought those things for that household Roll Eyes  Anyhew, I finally managed to get the woohoo wants to roll up after asking out a 2 bolt lover.  I finally got down the flirt path to make out and then the woohoo wants rolled up. Smiley

Of course, this still needs some playing around with, to see if they will roll up at other times.  But at least we know that it works for dates.

« Last Edit: 2007 June 27, 04:06:00 by syberspunk » Logged

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 10/24/200
« Reply #119 on: 2007 June 29, 07:54:32 »

Wow.  That's... interesting.  I'll have to take a look at the hack.  I'm assuming you have both hacks in (The one that overwrites the WantTree.package and the teenenabledadultwants.package that goes in your Downloads directory).

Do you have Celebration! Stuff or H&M@ Fashion Stuff?


What teenenabledadultwants.package???
When I downloaded the Seasons version at MTS I believed that I would include all necessary files and that the separate hacks (listed at the top) were only for those who did not want the teen/adult wants. The read me also mentions only the WantTrees.package, which does not go in the downloads folder.
I will try the new hack later, because the "going steady" wants are really over the top, everyone wants to go steady with everyone else, there is no check for engagement or marriage (they want to got steady with their spouses or other sims they are not married to). The other wants that are appearing in a big way (for teens and adults alike) are the pet related ones (want a puppy/kitten/pet), but this could be an effect of the latest seasons patch, which seemed to have brought them back.

I do not have celebration/H&M or any other of those mini-packs. I stick to the real expansions.

P.S.: I also do not use woohoo teens, only ACR and do not have teenage/adult relationships or other hacks related to it.

P.P.S: The ability to read is really an advantage. I intentionally did not download the teen enabled adult wants hack, because I did not need it (see above). Maybe I should try it with both files, however. 
« Last Edit: 2007 June 29, 08:10:49 by doren » Logged
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 6/27/2007)
« Reply #120 on: 2007 June 29, 15:47:48 »

P.S.: I also do not use woohoo teens, only ACR and do not have teenage/adult relationships or other hacks related to it.

P.P.S: The ability to read is really an advantage. I intentionally did not download the teen enabled adult wants hack, because I did not need it (see above). Maybe I should try it with both files, however. 

Ahh... I see.  I can understand how totally confusing my post can be.  I'm sorry for that.  There are actually two separate... but related hacks here.

The (which, at the moment, can only be found on MTS2, due to the file size attachment restrictions here).  This file contains the WantTrees.package which must go in the appropriate Wants folder for the most recently released EP/SP you have installed.

That hack should enable woohoo wants to actually show up for teens... and I now recently added the Go Steady wants for adults.  So... actually is my fault that the Go Steady Wants are running rampant in your game.  As these wants actually now depend upon the Want check trees, which are found in the file.

This second file ( contains the hack named teenenabledadultwants.package which can go in your regular Downloads directory (or sub directory within that folder).  This file contains the check trees, which typically test to see if the want is valid for the sim in question.  However..., since the Go Steady want normally isn't enabled for adults or older to begin with, it doesn't bother to check age (it assumes that it will only be for teens).  Thus, the original Maxis EA code for Go Steady check tree does not check if a sim is already engaged or married (since this would not even be a possible scenario anyways with the original code and WantTrees.package).  So... because I added that, you now need the teenenabledwoohoowants.package, which I updated to include checks for being engaged or married.

What I will (need to) do is:

1) Add the Go Steady check tree to my Go Steady for Adults hack.  This seems logical since... if you have that hack, it only makes sense to also have the want enabled.

2) Create a new, separate file that disables the Go Steady want for adults, for those people who want to use the teenenabledwoohoowants without the Go Steady wants for adults.  Since people play their games differently, and they may want teenwoohoowants but not adult go steady wants.

I'm not sure if I will be home tonight, so this may have to wait until later this weekend.  Sorry about that.  I was just silly to assume that everyone would want to use both files (teen woohoo AND adult wants).  I forget that everyone is not me.

Hee hee. Cheesy


Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #121 on: 2007 July 01, 08:57:02 »

:!:  Note:
Use the zadultsdisabledgosteadywant.package hack if you do not want the Go Steady wants to show up for Adults and older.

This is for players who want all the benefits of having woohoo wants enabled for teens, but do not want to enable "Go SteadY" wants for adults.

For those who do want to enable "Go Steady" wants for adults, the check tree has been rolled into the latest release of my adultsgosteady hack.  This was done for those people who only want adult go steady wants, but exclude any other changes to the check trees.

ETA:  The Go Steady want check tree is already included in the teenenabledadultwants.package for those who want both adult wants for teens and go steady wants for adults.  Hack compatibility may report a conflict, but it won't matter as they contain the same changes.  If you want to enable the Go Steady wants for adults, you must use a hack to enable the interaction for adults as well, such as my adultsgosteady hack or jase's InTeenimater.

« Last Edit: 2007 July 01, 16:59:58 by syberspunk » Logged

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #122 on: 2007 July 01, 11:44:50 »

Since you put the check tree into the teenenabledadultwants, I installed that too and although the families I played so far are not very good for testing it, it appears to be working to control the go steady wants.

I guess I could use the updated adultsgosteady hack instead, because adults and teens are unlikely to roll wants for each other without a complementary hack that attracts them to each other. But who knows, my sims have surprised me before. I see what happens.
Posts: 2365

ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #123 on: 2007 July 01, 18:05:50 »

Since you put the check tree into the teenenabledadultwants, I installed that too and although the families I played so far are not very good for testing it, it appears to be working to control the go steady wants.

I guess I could use the updated adultsgosteady hack instead, because adults and teens are unlikely to roll wants for each other without a complementary hack that attracts them to each other. But who knows, my sims have surprised me before. I see what happens.

I'm probably making it confusing for people now that there are like all these cross dependencies... but I am just too lazy and don't want to make separate versions of the WantTrees.package for 3 possible different scenarios (i.e. for those who only want Woohoo wants for teens, those who only want Go Steady wants for adults, and those who want both).  I can't think of an easy way to do this, without having to go back and edit the WantTrees.package and make 3 different versions for each EP/SP.  That is just too much work.  Hehe. Tongue

Instead, the next best thing I could do was have the wants controlled by the want check trees.  So for each situation, you now may need a combination of hacks for those who:

ScenarioRequired Hacks
only want Woohoo wants for teens and only between teens
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up in the first place, the new zadultsdisabledgosteadywant.package to disable the Go Steady want for adults, as well as one of the hacks that actually enables the interaction (i.e. Woohoo Teens, the Inteenimater kitten killer, or ACR).
only want Woohoo wants for teens and between teens or teens and adults
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up and the teenenableadultwants.package to enable the wants to be valid between teens and adults, the new zadultsdisabledgosteadywant.package to disable the Go Steady want for adults, as well as one of the hacks that actually enables the interaction (i.e. Woohoo Teens, the Inteenimater kitten killer, or ACR)
only want Go Steady wants for adults Note: woohoo wants may still show up for teens, but you will not be able to fulfill them unless you actually have a hack that enables that interaction.
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up in the first place and a hack that actually enables the interaction (i.e. my adultsgosteady hack or the Inteenimater kitten killer).
both Woohoo wants for teens (but only between teens) and Go Steady wants for adults
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up in the first place and one of the hacks that actually enables the interaction (i.e. Woohoo Teens with my adultsgosteady hack, the Inteenimater kitten killer [enables teen woohoo and adult go steady], or ACR with my adultsgosteady hack).
both Woohoo wants for teens (between teens or teens and adults) and Go Steady wants for adults
you need the WantTrees.package to enable the wants to show up and the teenenableadultwants.package to enable the wants to be valid between teens and adults, as well as one of the hacks that actually enables the interaction (i.e. Woohoo Teens with my adultsgosteady hack, the Inteenimater kitten killer [enables teen woohoo and adult go steady], or ACR with my adultsgosteady hack).

Hopefully this table will be somewhat easy to read and understand.

« Last Edit: 2007 July 01, 23:21:46 by syberspunk » Logged

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)
« Reply #124 on: 2007 July 01, 18:54:52 »

Hi Ste. Did you also update ?
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