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Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
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Topic: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007) (Read 197688 times)
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants (Updated 9/10/2007)
2006 June 01, 22:32:45 »
Teen Enabled Adult Wants v1.06 for TS2BV v1.0p0
Made by: syberspunk
Use the zadultsdisabledgosteadywant.package hack if you do not want the Go Steady wants to show up for Adults and older.
This hack enables romantic wants between teens and adults. Since I have been using JenFlower's Woohoo Teens, which can be found
, Teens would not get romantic wants for their adult partners and vice-versa. As such, this hack is meant to be a complement to the Woohoo Teens, and is not very useful unless you have it.
Edit: 6/29/2006
According to WildKitten (over @MTS2), these hacks might actually be compatible with the InTeen. :shrug: Up to you to try. Remember, as always, use at your own risk. And always remember to back up your data.
Note: I am not sure if it enables woohoo wants for teens. Theoretically, it should. In my limited testing, it does enable flirt, kiss, and make out wants as you can see below.
Edit: 6/2/2006
For those who do not want Pescado's changes, use the teenenabledadultwantsrandomflirts version. This version keeps the default Maxian behaviour.
This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads
This hack is probably compatible with even the basegame. Please report back if you find otherwise. Again, this hack is only useful if you have Woohoo Teens.
Edit: I forgot to mention, this hack
conflict with Pescado's norandomflirtwants hack. I have included the changes he made by default.
Edit2: This hack will now conflict with wfsanity hack. I have included the changes he made by default (basically it checks to make sure that wants roll up only for sims who are actually physically on the lot and not just off-world). As a result, this hack
load last in your game if you choose to use both.
This hack is compatible with most, if not all mods by MATY crew (Pescado, TJ, and CBoy), dizzy, and probably more. Again, up to you to help me determine any possible conflicts.
REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :
Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.
HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errors
I would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:
1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related to romantic wants
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error
1) Open the cheat menu - Ctrl + Shift + C
2) Enable the debug mode - Type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
3) Hit Enter
4) Play as normal until an error occurs. If an error dialog box pops up, note the location of the error log and choose Reset. If the error pops up repeatedly, choose Delete and exit WITHOUT SAVING!
5) Post your error log here, preferably as a .zip or .rar archive.
Posts which do not include a clear description of what your problem is will be pretty much ignored. (i.e. posts such as "This does not work! I am taking it out! You suck! Nice try! etc.") I can't and won't help you if you don't explain what's wrong.
Please be nice when trying to explain your problem and I might be nice and help you.
Finally, my Thank Yous go to:
J.M. Pescado, twojeffs, dizzy2, and jase439 for being excellent tutors and providing excellent models in their mods. As always, thanks to those creators who've put out some excellent modding tutorials, Quaxi and co for SimPE, and dizzy2 for disaSim2, and the finally letters T and S, and the number 2, all of whom, without which this mod would not be possible.
Thanks to Theo for pointing out a significant bug.
If I left anyone out, I apologize in advance. You know who you are and you deserve my thanks.
Version History:
v1.01 - Converted to 0x8007 format for backwards compatibility (I hope
v1.02 - Fixed bug with random flirts showing up for toddlers, dead sims, and other sims regardless of gender pref (needs further testing)
v1.03 - Pets compatible version
v1.04 - Tweaked Go Steady want
v1.05 - Added changes from wfsanity hack (see Compatibility section for details)
v1.06 - Updated for Bon Voyage
Here you can see townie Meadow Thayer roll up wants for my test subject, appropriately named Sujet Dexpérience
(2.8 KB - downloaded 3770 times.)
(3.65 KB - downloaded 6180 times.)
(3.57 KB - downloaded 4326 times.)
Last Edit: 2007 September 10, 06:09:30 by syberspunk
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Ancient Sim
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Companion Mod for Woohoo Teens
Reply #1 on:
2006 June 01, 23:55:32 »
Well, I could certainly use this as I have Jenflower's mod (decided to change from Inteen seeing as I don't really want any pregnant teens), but is it possible to make a version without the norandomflirt stuff? I have this little fun thing going on where if they ask to flirt with someone, if the opportunity comes up they get to do it (well, it's what they WANT, yes?). Also, I like to see who they choose and all that and ... well, I don't want it removed! Any chance??? If not, maybe you can tell me how to do it?
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Companion Mod for Woohoo Teens
Reply #2 on:
2006 June 02, 12:37:21 »
Quote from: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 01, 23:55:32
Well, I could certainly use this as I have Jenflower's mod (decided to change from Inteen seeing as I don't really want any pregnant teens), but is it possible to make a version without the norandomflirt stuff? I have this little fun thing going on where if they ask to flirt with someone, if the opportunity comes up they get to do it (well, it's what they WANT, yes?). Also, I like to see who they choose and all that and ... well, I don't want it removed! Any chance??? If not, maybe you can tell me how to do it?
I agree -- I usually keep the norandomflirt active, but every so often I decide the neighborhood has been too quiet, and take it out to see what kind of chaos results.
A version of this without that would be good.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Companion Mod for Woohoo Teens
Reply #3 on:
2006 June 02, 13:54:37 »
I have inteen and my teens still have teen wants so I'll give this a try.
Do unto others before they have a chance to do unto you.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Companion Mod for Woohoo Teens
Reply #4 on:
2006 June 02, 16:40:33 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 01, 22:32:45
This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads
When you say it must be in your Downloads folder, does that mean it can't go in a subfolder? And I know one of TJ's pregnancy for all hacks has to be in the same folder as Jenflower's, but loaded afterwards, so is this like that one?
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Companion Mod for Woohoo Teens
Reply #5 on:
2006 June 02, 19:37:17 »
Quote from: U_Dog_U on 2006 June 02, 13:54:37
I have inteen and my teens still have teen wants so I'll give this a try.
Hrm. Really? Interesting. Well, what I mean is... that sims should get romantic wants for their adult partners... not necessarily 'adult' wants that only adults get. I would have thought that the InTeen would already allow this. *shrugs* I wasn't sure exactly how to word it, and it felt too cumbersome to say teenenabledromanticrelatedwantsforadultpartners or something like that.
I usually try to keep the hack name short and descriptive, but provide more detail in the thread/post/RTFM.
Quote from: BlueSoup on 2006 June 02, 16:40:33
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 01, 22:32:45
This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads
When you say it must be in your Downloads folder, does that mean it can't go in a subfolder? And I know one of TJ's pregnancy for all hacks has to be in the same folder as Jenflower's, but loaded afterwards, so is this like that one?
Sorry if that was confusing. With the majority of my mods, you can use subfolders. The exceptions are any mods that may possibly conflict with other mods because they modify the same thing. Usually, I mention the conflict, and if it is with a mod that I personally use, I usually try to incorporate those changes into my mod as well. In those cases, it should be mentioned in the thread/RTFM and for those mods, they usually MUST be in the SAME folder as the other mod it conflicts with. My mods should load
in order for them to work correctly.
In some cases, I completely incorporate all of those changes/features from the other mod (assuming I have permission) which results in my mod superceding the use of the other mod (i.e. you wouldn't need the other mod anymore because my mod includes that functionality). I usually don't bother mentioning this because I think it would be less confusing for users if all they have to do is pop in my mod and make sure it loads last. But I guess I forget that other people may not organize their mods in the same way that I do.
Anyways, an example of this is my vampirecoffinmod, which only includes a change from Pescado's vampirefixes, but you still need both if you want all of his fixes. I
to include one of the changes because they have one BHAV in common. It should be safe to use together, but my mod has to load last. If you don't want to worry about load order... you could combine both hacks. Just extract all the BHAVs from vampirefixes and import them into my vampirecoffinmod. Just leave out the one that is the same (i.e. if they both modify say Instance 1002, then only keep mine - I don't remember the actualy Instance number off the top of my head).
An example where I include all the changes of one mod into my own is randomflirtswants. With teenenabledadultwants, you can delete randomflirtwants if you want. Or you can leave them both in if you're lazy like me and don't want to worry about maintenance so much. For most people, you can just plop the hack into your downloads folder. I purposely named this hack so that it would after Pescado's.
Personally, I keep all of my global game mods in a folder 'gamehacks' for this express purpose due to hacks that have minor conflicts which rely on load order. Even if you do use subfolders separated by creator's name, in most cases I would think that 'syberspunk' would load last. If you're not sure, you should probably open a command prompt, drill down to the path where your Downloads folder is, and do a directory list. This theoretically should be the order in which your game loads your hacks. There's a much more detailed thread over on MTS2 regarding load order over
Of the hacks that I have made, the only ones that depend on load order are the zvampirecoffinmod, zhidetryforbabyoptions (and it's various flavors), and this teenenabledadultwants. These must load last, which can either be accomplished by making sure they are in the same folder as the mods they conflict with, or in a folder that loads last compared to the mods that they conflict with. All of my other hacks should not depend on load order.
Ok, so that was the long answer. The short answer: yes, you can use subfolders.
And I have now uploaded a version without Pescado's changes.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/2/2006)
Reply #6 on:
2006 June 03, 18:04:06 »
I think I got lost in the double negatives, so just to make sure I got this right:
If you
want to have the functionalty of Pescado's norandomflirts, install teenenabledadultwants.package and remove norandomflirts.package.
If you do
want the functionality of Pescado's norandom flirts, install (And, of course, do not install Pescado's norandomflirts.package.)
Izzat rite?
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/2/2
Reply #7 on:
2006 June 03, 20:49:57 »
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 03, 18:04:06
I think I got lost in the double negatives, so just to make sure I got this right:
If you
want to have the functionalty of Pescado's norandomflirts, install teenenabledadultwants.package and remove norandomflirts.package.
If you do
want the functionality of Pescado's norandom flirts, install (And, of course, do not install Pescado's norandomflirts.package.)
Izzat rite?
Lol. Sorry for the double-speak, but yes, that is correct.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/2/2006)
Reply #8 on:
2006 June 03, 22:32:15 »
I think I
have learned that this one requires Nightlife or maybe Open For Business.
I tried it without either of those installed and got a "Bad Wants Controller - #112" message as soon as I entered a household. (No Nightlife or OFB installed.) But I'm not sure because I got the same message when I entered that same household after taking it out, with or without Pescado's norandomflirts installed.
The one sim who was home at the time had 4 of 6 slots empty, but she got her whole set back as soon as she satisfied one of the two wants that were there. (Adult, female, mom, wanted to help one of her many children with homework. Now she wants to help a bunch more of them them with homework. In other words, I didn't test it with teens so I have nothing to report about its actual function.)
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #9 on:
2006 June 03, 23:36:50 »
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 03, 22:32:15
I think I
have learned that this one requires Nightlife or maybe Open For Business.
I forgot about the format compatibility issue. I'm not sure if this will solve your problem. NL introduced a new format which is not readable by older versions of the game. I now updated the format to be backwards compatible, but usually it would report a different type of error message (usually a bad gosub or something). This "Bad Wants Controller" message is new to me. For those of you who have NL, OFB, or later, you don't have to update. If you have older versions (Uni, Holiday, or just the basegame), redownload and test please. If you get an error message, please attach the error log and I will try to figure out if I can fix it. Thanks.
Last Edit: 2006 June 03, 23:52:09 by syberspunk
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2006)
Reply #10 on:
2006 June 04, 03:23:47 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 02, 19:37:17
Quote from: U_Dog_U on 2006 June 02, 13:54:37
I have inteen and my teens still have teen wants so I'll give this a try.
Hrm. Really? Interesting. Well, what I mean is... that sims should get romantic wants for their adult partners... not necessarily 'adult' wants that only adults get. I would have thought that the InTeen would already allow this. *shrugs* I wasn't sure exactly how to word it, and it felt too cumbersome to say teenenabledromanticrelatedwantsforadultpartners or something like that.
I usually try to keep the hack name short and descriptive, but provide more detail in the thread/post/RTFM.
It's true teens don't get romantic wants for adults they have talk to and thinks like that but no kiss/makeout/flirt
Or I could be totally wrong...
Sucky Name Person
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #11 on:
2006 June 04, 08:30:42 »
Thanks, Syberspunk! I have been wanting something like this since I got JenFlowers' Woohoo for teens, but since they never rolled the wants, it never made sense to pursue it. I like the Have Very First Woohoo want that YA's get when they are on a date or fall in love with someone special, and teens don't get that. I'm not sure if this will enable that or not, but it would be great if it did. I had Chloe Singles ask Ripp Grunt on a date, and all they got as far as wants were talk, dance together, play, entertain, etc. In other words, no romantic wants, even though they could kiss, make out, and woohoo all they wanted because of the woohoo hack. So I was disappointed and didn't try anymore teen/adult dates. I wondered if InTeen allowed this, and whether it allowed chemistry bolts to show up in the relationship panel between adults and teens. If so, I was considering trying it, even though I don't want teen pregnancy or miscarriages.
EDIT: Will this allow wants in the reverse direction? That is, will adults be able to have romantic wants for teenagers they may be romantically involved with? I mainly use this for my Romance sims that romance all the townies and NPCs, including the paper boy, LOL.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #12 on:
2006 June 04, 13:25:51 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 03, 23:36:50
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 03, 22:32:15
I think I
have learned that this one requires Nightlife or maybe Open For Business.
I forgot about the format compatibility issue. I'm not sure if this will solve your problem. NL introduced a new format which is not readable by older versions of the game. I now updated the format to be backwards compatible, but usually it would report a different type of error message (usually a bad gosub or something). This "Bad Wants Controller" message is new to me. For those of you who have NL, OFB, or later, you don't have to update. If you have older versions (Uni, Holiday, or just the basegame), redownload and test please. If you get an error message, please attach the error log and I will try to figure out if I can fix it. Thanks.
Oops! Yeah, after "Bad Wants Controller" it said something about Gosub. I'll give the new version a run!
Oddly, even with neither teenenabledadultwants nor norandomflirts installed, that same error is popping up. That indicates that I have something else lurking under a rock in here. It doesn't seriously affect game play but it's worrisome enough that I'm sifting through my downloads looking for potential culprits.
the only hacks I have installed that aren't from MATY are Inge's goodies, Danny's toys from DMA Sims, and the one from Jenflowers that prompted your teenenabledadultwants project. So far I haven't found anything that affects wants except for teenenabledadultwants and Pescado's stuff.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2006)
Reply #13 on:
2006 June 04, 15:27:11 »
Progress report: The prognosis is good!
Removed DMA stuff. Started game with neither hack installed. Got an error about "request to run animation for third time" but otherwise no other errors.
Installed new version teenenabledadultwants hack. Played three households in my test neighborhood.
No errors!
(In case someone missed it: This is with University installed, but not Nightlife or Open for Business.)
Whatever you did to accommodate the change for NL and OFB is working!
Suspicion: There might be a conflict with the DMA Sims stuff that I had installed. This will require more investigation. I thought I had cleaned it all out, but Danny's Controller (yellow thing) and Appearance and Outfit Changer (red thing) are still functional in my game, but only with the functions of his earliest version. I'll have to do some more meticulous housekeeping in my Downloads hierarchy to figure out what's happening there.
Preview of Coming Distractions:
There were no teens in my test neighborhood so I played the Forth household, where I originally encountered the error, until all of Sally Forth's kids grew to teenhood. Gave 'em all the Knowledge aspiration because as young adults, Knowledge sims seem to be quickest to develop the desire to gain knowledge of the carnal kind directed toward a specific target. Now I just need a more mature /v/i/c/t/i/m/ partner to test the rest of the functionality.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #14 on:
2006 June 04, 15:37:10 »
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 04, 15:27:11
Suspicion: There might be a conflict with the DMA Sims stuff that I had installed. This will require more investigation. I thought I had cleaned it all out, but Danny's Controller (yellow thing) and Appearance and Outfit Changer (red thing) are still functional in my game, but only with the functions of his earliest version. I'll have to do some more meticulous housekeeping in my Downloads hierarchy to figure out what's happening there.
Fortunately, that's pretty easy -- Danny always starts his files with 'DMA', so a search for that will turn up strays. I keep all his stuff in one sub-folder so I can disable it en-mass if need be, and having them all named 'DMA_*' made it easy to move there.
I just put this hack in last night, but haven't hit any teen/adult pairs yet. I have the DMA stuff installed (pretty much all of it -- I got a VIP membership there), so when I do, I'll see if it causes any conflicts.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2006)
Reply #15 on:
2006 June 04, 22:10:12 »
I supect that my lurking Danny file came from the ancient days of DMA Sims before he started using the "DMA" filename preface, so finding the elusive file might be an adventure.
Meanwhile, back at the hack at hand, I discovered that the inverse situation works, even for an NPC. Here we see the infamous reprobate, Melissa Fancey, moments after she met teenager Alexa Forth.
Melissa wants to flirt with Alexa.
Melissa is still a townie but when she showed up, I wanted to give her a tune-up. So I snagged her with Merola's Mind Control Mirror and used JM's Lot Fixer to upgade her. When she rolled up some wants, there it was in the pole position!
I don't think this counts as a random flirt want. Melissa would flirt with the refrigerator if she could figure out how.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #16 on:
2006 June 05, 01:46:35 »
Hehe. Well I hope that means it is working for you. It looks like Melissa is an adult townie, right? I don't remember.
As for the 'random' flirts, well Pescado's
randomflirts mod was to stop sims, who are already in a committed relationship (Going Steady, Engaged, or Married) from rolling up wants to flirt with
sims. Exceptions are when sims are already in love with a 3rd (or 4th or more
) party or if they are a Romance sim or something like that. I liked this idea, and I had been using his mod forever, so that's why I wanted to incorporate it into this mod. In order to enable romantic related wants to roll up for teens and their older partners (and vice versa) I had to modify that same BHAV.
So far all the other romantic stuff seems to roll up, but I haven't yet seen any woohoo related wants. There may be another check somewhere for age that I haven't caught. For now, I'm gonna keep play/testing to see if they eventually do roll up. If not, I may have to do some more digging.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/3/2
Reply #17 on:
2006 June 05, 12:59:49 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 05, 01:46:35
Hehe. Well I hope that means it is working for you. It looks like Melissa is an adult townie, right? I don't remember.
Yea, Melissa is an adult townie, and one of the more randy ones at that.
She's always farting hearts at pretty much any sim she sees. She's primarily a lesbian in my game, and I think she's hit on or woohooed every willing female in p-view already.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #18 on:
2006 June 05, 14:35:09 »
Hehe. I love to hear about things like this, especially since I don't play as often as I mod.
By the way, I have updated the teenenabledadultwants version (the one
Pescado's changes). Theo thankfully pointed out a bug that I didn't notice. I tweaked the code a bit, and the change caused flirt wants to roll up for toddlers, dead sims, and sims that don't meet gender pref requirements. This should be fixed now, but definitely needs testing, as this error did not happen in my game, but that's only because I tested very briefly. I should be playing/testing some today, and hopefully this won't happen.
This bug should not affect the version
the randomflirts/default Maxis code. You only have to update if you have the version with the norandomflirts included.
If anyone is interested in the details, I moved one of the lines that checks whether romance in capable between two sims further down. I had been using this code for my norandomcrush fix to the holiday mistletoe as an added check. However, I discovered that it was preventing sims who were already in love from having the options because their gender pref did not match. Specifically, I had managed to get Don Lothario in love with my test subject (who was male), but Don's gender pref was still overwhelmingly hetero. As a result, the gender pref check was disabling the options even though Don had red hearts set for my test subject. I moved the romance capable test further down, after the tests for 'Romance' asp and relationship flags, and it seemed to work then. I didn't realize that I was effectively removing the main checks (age, death, and gender pref) from that path. I added the check back in so this should now be fixed.
Btw, this also means the norandomcrushmistletoe will need to be updated as well.
Last Edit: 2006 June 05, 18:28:00 by syberspunk
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #19 on:
2006 June 05, 16:46:32 »
I tested this with an adult Romance sim and a teen townie. The adult sim asked the teen on a date. They did indeed roll up romantic wants for each other, such as flirt, slow dance, kiss, and make out. But the teen did not roll up any woohoo wants. The adult Romance sim would roll up generic woohoo wants such as Woohoo in bed, Woohoo in hot tub, Public Woohoo, etc. But no specific woohoo wants toward the teen sim. That may not be related to this mod though, as I've seen that happen on dates with Romance sims. Unless it's a Woohoo with X accompanied by a Woohoo in car, it's usually just one of the generic woohoo wants. The teen townie would roll up flirt, then kiss and make out, but after doing that, instead of the want to Woohoo with X rolling up, it would roll up to pleasure sim wants such as jump on sofa, soak in hot tub, etc. But it was still a lot easier to have a dream date with the flirt wants enabled both ways.
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #20 on:
2006 June 05, 18:24:26 »
Ahhh, kinda what I expected. I toyed around with some test situations and I still didn't have woohoo wants roll up myself.
I have a sneaking suspicion that there maybe some other checks for this that prevent woohoo from rolling up for anyone younger than adults. I am pretty sure this is probably the reason why woohoo wants don't seem to roll up for teens. I poked around in the WantTrees package and I found something that I think is the want tree for woohoo, and it looks like it is locked for teens and younger (there is a value that is set to false for teen and younger, but it is set to true only for adult and elder). I am not positive this is the only reference and whether modding this would have any real effect as I usually tend to stay away from core files and don't have much experience with them anyway. If anyone wants to try it, open the WantTrees.package and look for Instance 0X0E198459. Just remember, if you modify this file, you should back it up first. Modifying core files such as these, similar to Squinge's mod that enables the Uni career related LTWs, means you will have to restore the originals before installing new EP/SPs.
I've updated the first post to reflect this info. If I actually get this to work, maybe I'll post it here with the appropriate warning regarding the core files, backing them up, restoring them and what not.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #21 on:
2006 June 06, 11:55:48 »
Quote from: rainbow on 2006 June 05, 16:46:32
I tested this with an adult Romance sim and a teen townie. The adult sim asked the teen on a date. They did indeed roll up romantic wants for each other, such as flirt, slow dance, kiss, and make out. But the teen did not roll up any woohoo wants. The adult Romance sim would roll up generic woohoo wants such as Woohoo in bed, Woohoo in hot tub, Public Woohoo, etc.
But no specific woohoo wants toward the teen sim
. That may not be related to this mod though, as I've seen that happen on dates with Romance sims. Unless it's a Woohoo with X accompanied by a Woohoo in car, it's usually just one of the generic woohoo wants. The teen townie would roll up flirt, then kiss and make out, but after doing that, instead of the want to Woohoo with X rolling up, it would roll up to pleasure sim wants such as jump on sofa, soak in hot tub, etc. But it was still a lot easier to have a dream date with the flirt wants enabled both ways.
I tested the same scenario (romance teen sim also), and while at first the adult sim would not roll any woohoo want towards the teen, after a bit of insisting - by satisfying every other want - it finally rolled up that specific want.
On the teen side however, it seems things only go as far as making out
I might take a look and edit the wants package. After all, even normal custom content is bound to cause problems with expansion pack installations, so changing game core files can be done if you take the necessary precautions.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #22 on:
2006 June 06, 20:51:41 »
Quote from: syberspunk on 2006 June 05, 18:24:26
...I have a sneaking suspicion that there maybe some other checks for this that prevent woohoo from rolling up for anyone younger than adults...
Yup, that appears to be the case. In my experimenting so far, teens will start the standard sequence of want to (1) talk to, (2) flirt with, (3) make out with, but then roll up some different stuff when "(4) woohoo with" would normally come up between adults. For me it's not a big thing; it's sufficient that relationships don't have to fall apart just because one partner had a birthday.
, however, develop a desire to Go Steady with their lovers of any age. That's kinda cute; but now to satisfy that want I have to try out
of your hacks!
(Does "adults go steady" allow them to go steady with folks of other ages?)
And yup, what jsalemi said about Melissa Fancey. She has shown in up all 15 of my neighborshoods as a standard townie adult Romance sim; totally insatiable; same flaming pants; same silly haircut; same personality; same Jurassic Park genes. In my game, her want for Alexa will remain unsatisfied.
Posts: 2365
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #23 on:
2006 June 07, 01:26:25 »
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 06, 20:51:41
Yup, that appears to be the case. In my experimenting so far, teens will start the standard sequence of want to (1) talk to, (2) flirt with, (3) make out with, but then roll up some different stuff when "(4) woohoo with" would normally come up between adults. For me it's not a big thing; it's sufficient that relationships don't have to fall apart just because one partner had a birthday.
Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience as well. But at least now teens have the other wants. I will probably try changing the WantTree file thing, to see if it makes any difference.
Quote from: SimsHost on 2006 June 06, 20:51:41
, however, develop a desire to Go Steady with their lovers of any age. That's kinda cute; but now to satisfy that want I have to try out
of your hacks!
(Does "adults go steady" allow them to go steady with folks of other ages?)
Hehe, that's great. And it should work between teens and adults and vice-versa as well. I did some testing and it should work. But I haven't tested all possible cases, so there still may be a few kinks. Before you commit to using it in your 'main' game, I would suggest maybe copying your 'hood and creating/using a test account and trying it out there first, just in case anything goes 'wrong' or what not. I'm still sort of play/testing it myself. Hopefully the most recent changes I made will address the weirdness I encountered.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Re: Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants - Random Flirts Ver. (Updated 6/5/2
Reply #24 on:
2006 June 13, 10:25:25 »
I just had something creepy happen...a Romance sim has a want to flirt with her grandson! He just became a child, and I had them use the new "Dance together" option in OFB. Then I had her use Macro-Socialize on him, and she rolled up a want to "Flirt with Darrell." They are definitely family, and she doesn't even have the option to flirt with him. He's just a child! Very strange. Is there some option you forgot to disable to check for family??
Just in case it's relevant, the child is the son of Devlin Dreamer, who is the son of Darren and Ivy (Copur) Dreamer. His mother is Eternity Goth, daughter of Cassandra Goth and a CAS sim I made for her.
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