heres my list
I don't use the last 4 but I left them in, just in case
# Quieter TVs, defaults to 0.5
floatProp tvVolume 0.1
# invite more people
intProp MaxNumOfVisitingSims 25
alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""
# MoveObjects: move objects inside other objects or on locked tiles
alias m "moveObjects on" "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
alias m- "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
# Disable advanced blending for faces in kids, defaults to on (off = more variety)
faceBlendLimits off
alias face "faceBlendLimits off" "Enable more diversity in faces" ""
alias face- "faceBlendLimits on" "Ensure faces stay within limits" ""
# Debugging mode
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false
alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables debugging features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables debugging features" ""
# Zoning cheats
alias res "changeLotZoning residential" "Make residential lot" ""
alias comm "changeLotZoning community" "Make community lot" ""
alias greek "changeLotZoning greek" "Make greek house" ""
alias dorm "changeLotZoning dorm" "Make dorm lot" ""
alias secret "changeLotZoning secretsociety" "Make secret society" ""
# Dorm building: also enables build during fire etc.
alias db "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled false" "Enables building mode when disabled" ""
alias db- "boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true" "Disables building mode when game wants to disable" ""
# Nightlife cheat-o-rama
alias max "maxmotives" "Maximize all motives for all Sims on the lot" ""
alias asp "lockaspiration on" "Stop aspiration decay for the currently selected Sim" ""
alias asp- "lockaspiration off" "Reenable aspiration decay for the currently selected Sim" ""
alias nobal- "showheadlines off" "Make all thought and speech balloons invisible" ""
alias nobal "showheadlines on" "Make all thought and speech balloons visible" ""
alias rewards "unlockcareerrewards" "Give all career rewards to currently selected Sim"