Secret Society Lot Lottery Fix for TS2OFB v1.0p1 or older
Made by: syberspunk

Secret Society Finals Fix v1.05 for TS2TF v1.0p2
Made by: syberspunk
Note: This fix is preventative and will not work retroactively. In other words, it prevents current and future or further buggering of ss lot funds. If you already experienced this problem in OFB, this hack cannot go back and reset the values of your original ss lot funds or the resident/dorm/frat funds that were affected as well. Basically those values were overwritten, and as far as I know, they wouldn't be stored anywhere else. This fix can prevent further buggering via the exponential loopiness. It stores the value of the previous lot that you just left in a separate token, reads the value of the ss lot funds and uses that. When you leave the ss lot, it will save the ss lot funds to it's own token, and then read and set the funds to the value of the lot that you are returning to. You can probably finagle a fix in manually using this fix in place along with the familyfunds cheat. Read this
post for further details.
This fix addresses the problem discussed
here. Basically, sims are experiencing insane 'lottery' gains in the household funds. To summarize, when a sim gets abducted or visits the Secret Society lot, the funds of the ss lot are added to the funds of the sim that is currently being played. When a sim returns home, the funds are supposed to revert back to 'normal' so that you only have the same amount you had before you visited the ss lot. It has been reported that since OFB, this has changed, and now a bug occurs whereupon returning to your household lot, you keep the ss lot funds that you gained. If you repeatedly go back to the ss lot, your funds will appear to double, quadruple, and essentially exponentially increase.
While some of you may consider this a fortuitous bug that can be exploited for 'cheaty' purposes, I personally despise these kind of bugs. The game is pretty easy as it is to make millions of simoleons, and if I really wanted to cheat, I could just use the 'familyfunds' command, but I digress. This mod should fix this problem. You will see that, upon arrival at the ss lot, the funds displayed will Only be that of the ss lot itself. While you are on the ss lot, any changes in the funds due to purchases in buy mode or any other expenses accrued should ONLY affect the ss lot funds. Upon return to your normal residence, the household funds should revert to the intial amount you had before visiting the sslot.
:!!: Note: For OFBp1 and older, you MUST use the sslotlotteryfix.package file.
For OFBp2, the bug has been fixed by the 2nd patch. However, the issue with the finals has not been. As a result, I decided to make it a seprate hack. If you still want the grant from finals to go to the visiting household instead of the sslot, you should use the sslotfinalsfix.package. This fix can be used for OFBp1, but you MUST use the sslotlotteryfix as well.
Edit: 9/13/2006
If you are using my Grow Up Townies mod, you MUST use the growuptownies compatible version to fix the "bug" where grants from non-playable dormies finals "magically" go to the dorm lot funds.
Edit: 9/21/2006
Original version deprecated, changes in grow up townies will now be consolidated into single version. Note: These changes basically prevent
unselectable dormies who are returning from finals to add their funds to the dorm lot. Thus, this will
not affect
normal gameplay. This can only happen if you are
cheating anyway i.e. using a hack to enable dormies to go to finals, such as my growuptownies hack. Duh.

As a result, this hack will still appear to conflict with growuptownies, but this is harlmess and intentional. Otherwise, this change should not have any adverse affects.
INSTALLATION:This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads
Compatibility:This is for OFB. It probably will work for FFS. I am not sure if it is still needed in FFS. I currently have no plans to install FFS.
This hack is compatible with most, if not all mods by MATY crew (Pescado, TJ, and CBoy), dizzy, and probably more. Again, up to you to help me determine any possible conflicts.
REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.
HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errorsI would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:
1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related the self sim pie menu or the Vamprocillin-D potion
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error
Posts which do not include a clear description of what your problem is will be pretty much ignored. (i.e. posts such as "This does not work! I am taking it out! You suck! Nice try! etc.") I can't and won't help you if you don't explain what's wrong.
Please be nice when trying to explain your problem and I might be nice and help you.
Finally, my Thank Yous go to:J.M. Pescado, twojeffs, dizzy2, and jase439 for being excellent tutors and providing excellent models in their mods. As always, thanks to those creators who've put out some excellent modding tutorials, Quaxi and co for SimPE, and dizzy2 for disaSim2, and the finally letters T and S, and the number 2, all of whom, without which this mod would not be possible.
Thanks to Mizz Rose Bud and Ancient Sim for bringing the issue to light in the first place and providing details about the problem.
Special thanks to pinhead for pointing me in the right direction and doing the initial legwork to find the BHAVs that I needed to mod.

Thanks to meyersyoung for pointing out the bug regarding the visiting the sslot with different households.
If I left anyone out, I apologize in advance. You know who you are and you deserve my thanks.
Version History:sslotlotteryfixv1.01 - Fix for bug where visiting sslot with sims from other households would reset to first visiting household value
sslotfinalsfixv1.01 - Fixed 'Bad gosub tree number' bug
v1.02 - Made Grow Up Townies compatible version
v1.03 - Fixed bug with funds not properly being calculated, original version deprecated
v1.04 - Fixed bug with improper index causing undefined transition
v1.05 - Updated for Free Time
Here we are on a dorm lot, calling up for a ride to the ss lot. You can see the initial household funds is $1052. Here's a couple of screenshots of going to the ss lot and the ss lot loading.

Upon arrival at the lot, we see that the household funds for the ss lot is $40873.

Just to prove that any purchases only affect the ss lot, I bought a chair. The ss lot funds are now $40793.

Heading back to the dorm lot, we see that we are back to the original household funds of $1052. So we didn't spend our own money. I even went back to the ss lot a few more times to make sure that the funds wouldn't switch or get mixed up or exponentially increase. When I went back to the ss lot, it was still $39073 (not pictured).

PS. Forget about the disparity in time. I was screwing around with the time for various reasons. I kept forgetting to go back to the game while I was waiting for the lots to load and set up my shot to take pics. I also took several trips back and forth to make sure the funds switched properly (between lots) and remained the same (on the same lot). And plus, Jimmy kept wanting to go to Class. I really should turn off free will while I'm testing.