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TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
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Topic: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins! (Read 34342 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
2006 May 06, 15:33:44 »
I have observed for awhile now that people frequently rework meshes, often Maxian meshes, into Something Entirely Different. Often, a footwear is reskinned into an entirely different class of footwear, particularly prevalent in anything derived from the barefoot "underwear" and "swimsuit" meshes for tight clothing, as well as in custom meshes derived from the above.
The result is that the footstep sound is wrong.
Fixing this is actually quite simple, and it would be nice if creators of quality works paid attention to this little detail. Here's how it's done.
Open up the finished skinfile in your SimPE of choice. Open up the GZPS propertyset, like one would do to YA-enable clothes, and find the entry "Shoe". Alter it if necessary to one of the values below.
The following values have been identified:
0x00: None - This outfit is a top and has no shoe. Don't use.
0x01: Barefoot - This outfit is barefoot and has no shoe - very commonly an erroneous value for swimsuit remeshes to something else.
0x02: Heavy Boot - Heavy stompin' boot.
0x03: Heeled: Some kind of heeled shoe, produces the heel click on walk.
0x04: Normal shoe: Generic ordinary shoe lacking noteworthy characteristics.
0x05: Sandal: Some manner of floppy sandal, found on Maxian sandal-skins.
0x07: Armored: Found on the OFB Knight Armor.
Having made this change, you have now made a complete, properly awesome skin and can go brag about it. Otherwise, you suck.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #1 on:
2006 May 06, 15:49:04 »
This is good to know. I've been wondering about that. I've noticed that floppy sound when my female sims walk, but sometimes they aren't wearing a type of shoe that would do that. I remember when making floor coverings in Home Crafter, you could specify the type of floor, such as carpet, tile, etc., so it would make the appropriate sound, but it was more than that. Men wearing boots sounded heavier than women wearing sandals. I wondered if there was anything in the files specifying the type of shoe, and I saw something in SimPE the other day, but I didn't know where to find this information, until now. This is a great addition to the War Room.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #2 on:
2006 May 06, 15:54:54 »
The noise produced by a shoe is an interaction between between the shoe-type and the floor-type. Both must be set correctly to produce the proper results.
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Retardo Lander
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #3 on:
2006 May 09, 22:59:55 »
This would take me forever. What we need is a windows shell extension that shows the correct clothing texture in thumbnail view of windows explorer. The boolprop debug cheat allows one to see filenames of clothing in CAS but you'd have to exit the program every time to edit the file. A shell extention would allow one to easily quit to windows and copy a file to another folder as they notice it needs editing in the game. That way one could just go through and edit the files later and move them all back to the downloads folder.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #4 on:
2006 May 10, 01:53:09 »
Ask Theo, that's his specialty.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #5 on:
2006 May 11, 15:14:38 »
Quote from: JoJo on 2006 May 09, 22:59:55
This would take me forever. What we need is a windows shell extension that shows the correct clothing texture in thumbnail view of windows explorer. The boolprop debug cheat allows one to see filenames of clothing in CAS but you'd have to exit the program every time to edit the file. A shell extention would allow one to easily quit to windows and copy a file to another folder as they notice it needs editing in the game. That way one could just go through and edit the files later and move them all back to the downloads folder.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 May 10, 01:53:09
Ask Theo, that's his specialty.
Well, thanks to Pescado, I realized that many of my sims were walking barefoot! Surely something must be done
Regarding the technical details, I think it's better (easier) to just add this field to SimPe's Clothing Scanner, don't you agree?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #6 on:
2006 May 11, 22:55:02 »
Quote from: Theo on 2006 May 11, 15:14:38
Well, thanks to Pescado, I realized that many of my sims were walking barefoot! Surely something must be done
Regarding the technical details, I think it's better (easier) to just add this field to SimPe's Clothing Scanner, don't you agree?
I have no idea what that is. Is that a Theo product?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #7 on:
2006 May 11, 23:10:38 »
No, actually it's part of SimPe's "Scan Folders" tool.
Anyway, I already changed my mind about the clothing scanner, maybe something else will come up...
And again, thank you for the bits
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #8 on:
2006 June 14, 17:26:30 »
Just curious, do you have to do this for EACH recolor of a mesh, or just the main mesh file itself?
Quote from: reggikko
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Lipless Loser
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #9 on:
2007 September 12, 16:31:32 »
I know it's an old thread, but it's bugged me for months that nobody answered this question.
It has to be done for each recolour. You can't associate the footsteps with the meshes themselves.
I only know this because whenever I download clothing, I almost
have to fix the footstep noises because the original creator can't be bothered to.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #10 on:
2007 September 12, 18:25:06 »
Quote from: uknortherner on 2007 September 12, 16:31:32
It has to be done for each recolour. You can't associate the footsteps with the meshes themselves.
True, but subsequent recolors will be fine if create them from the modified one.
Lord Darcy
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #11 on:
2008 September 02, 10:35:46 »
Sorry for necromancing the thread, but I found some FT outfits with
value, like female Bohemian outfits or world class ballerina outfit. Is 0x06 a new shoe sound introduced by FT, or a typical carelessness on EAxis's part?
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #12 on:
2008 September 02, 11:15:05 »
This appears to be a new shoe type that corresponds to, as you mentioned, the ballerina shoes. Having never seen a ballet shoe up close, I can't attest to how they are supposed to sound.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #13 on:
2008 September 03, 08:46:31 »
Soundless, as far as I can tell. Unless the ballerinas are leaping, which they don't really do in the sims.
Inaudible footsteps. Great addition.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lord Darcy
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #14 on:
2008 September 03, 14:45:38 »
Quote from: witch on 2008 September 03, 08:46:31
Soundless, as far as I can tell. Unless the ballerinas are leaping, which they don't really do in the sims.
Inaudible footsteps. Great addition.
Funny, I can hear the shoe sound like soft slippers. Which makes sense if it's really intended for ballet shoes, as they are a sort of slippers made from satin or soft leather.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #15 on:
2008 September 03, 19:40:16 »
OK. Clearly, I am going deaf in my old age.
(I wish!)
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Original Nancy
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #16 on:
2008 November 28, 19:54:14 »
UMMMM...............The Sims make noise when they walk? What the hell else am I missing?
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Re: TUTORIAL: Correct Footstep Noises On Skins!
Reply #17 on:
2008 November 28, 20:45:33 »
Quote from: Original Nancy on 2008 November 28, 19:54:14
UMMMM...............The Sims make noise when they walk? What the hell else am I missing?
Quote from: Original Nancy on 2008 November 28, 19:54:14
UMMMM...............The Sims make noise when they walk?
What the hell else am I missing?
Apparently you missed the scary demon guy warning you that necromancy is bad. Please do not do it again (without extremely good reason). This is especially true since you are a n00b and do not yet know when it is appropriate to bend the rules. Please go read the FAQ in the Podium area before posting again. This has been a friendly public service message. You do not want the unfriendly public service message.
That said, depending on your computers "abilities" and your game settings, you may or may not hear footstep sounds at any given time. Your mileage may therefore vary.
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