Other than the fact that it would, obviously, have to be updated for every EP (which is already just about guaranteed to be true of some other hacks, such as anything that modifies the phone pie menu), is there a reason why I haven't run across a hack that lets you choose a Sim's LTW from either the list for their aspiration or the full LTW list or both? Or have I simply not been looking hard enough?
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
Twojeffs's College adjuster, JM Pescado college clock and FFS lot debugger all have option to randomly change LTW, you cannot select a specific one using any of them.
Squinge at inseminator site recently did a mod which make it soo all LTW are available regardless of the aspiration, you cannot select a specific one using it, you can only randomly choose a new one.
From what I understand, so far nobody found a way to make a mod to specifically choose a LTW.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 181
An overactive male imagination
There is a debug object in the game called the Sim Modder which gives you the option of going through the list of LTW's in a set order. To access it: - Turn on Debug Mode (boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true)
- Shift+Left Click on a Sim and select "Spawn - Sim Modder" (the object is a baby model)
- Left Click on the Sim Modder and select Aspiration - Lifetime Wants.
You can't select one directly, but you can go through either all of the wants or just your Aspiration LTWs in a set order through that object. You can't be in Pause mode while doing it, as it queues it as an action.
Can't you do this with insiminator? I believe you can choose from the list that relates to your aspiration and hafta change your aspiration to get a different one, but I admit I'm not *that* familiar with it and might be confusing something or another or something else.
Yeah, I'm familiar with all of those mods, and I use most of them (and have looked at the Squinge one, although I'm still trying to sort out how I should be evaluating Squinge's mods -- some seem questionable to me, and that means I'm more wary of the ones that don't set off alarm bells on their own). Didn't know about that feature on the Sim Modder, though. I can always muck with that. Not really interested in using inSim.
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
I'm wrestling with the same problem. I've just added OFB to base game and sims I've been playing for a year suddenly have stupid LTWs. I've tried Pescado's saner LTW hack and it can't find a sensible LTW for most of my elders, so I've taken it out for now. Yesterday I rerolled LTW with the lotdebugger and couldn't get anything sensible for Isabella Monty, so I changed her aspiration and tried again - settled for the new own 5 businesses want and changed her back to a family sim. Makes sense - she's rich. I've also found an option on spawn in boolprop testingcheatsenabled that looks as if it ought to let you pick an LTW, but it wasn't working for me yesterday.
Next stop SimPE!
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience! www.moreawesomethanyou.com/cwykes
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
Can you get something for Art or Ecology? I just get the usuals and nothing more.
The Sims 2 Elegance There's a hole in the world tonight; don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow. --------------------------------------------- Eagles 2005 Farewell Tour
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 118
I think Maxis decided to nuke them because not everyone might want to send their Sims to college just so that they could get the degree to enter said careers. That was also the case with Paranormal and Show Business.
Ebil propaganda-ist Prima Guide! Ebil!
"We could remove the bugs, but we're not going to. Let's leave them in and call them features."
That is stupid that they don't have LTW's to fit college track careers. The LTW's they have now are so boring, I am tired of looking at them.

Posts: 1740
That is stupid that they don't have LTW's to fit college track careers. The LTW's they have now are so boring, I am tired of looking at them.
Yeah, it's annoying. I plan to make some Sims have those LTWs anyway, and use a cheat to max out their aspiration meter permanently when they achieve them. It's inelegant, but oh well.
I've experiments to run, there is research to be done on the people who are still alive.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 249
Choosing a LTW is one of the few things I can manage to do without being led by the hand on SimPE, so even for those afraid of doing horrible things to your game, it's not complicated. Unless something has happened to change all that with OFB -- haven't tried it since then.
Still, it's not an in-game hack, but if you really want to choose out of the whole list instead of randomly selecting with one of the existing hacks until you get what you want, it's doable without too much trouble.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Would it be possible for (awesome) modders to create completely new ltw´s like reaching the top of one of the uni-careers?
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
it's been asked and answered many times - the answer is sadly, no.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 429
Personally I hate any career related lifetime want. I would like it much more if each aspiration had at least five unique LFTs that had nothing to do with career and were actually fun goals. I really hate for a sim to tell ME what career they want to be in, that's for me to decide!
That is stupid that they don't have LTW's to fit college track careers. The LTW's they have now are so boring, I am tired of looking at them.
Same here. If there's two things that I think most people agree Maxis needs to make more of, it's lifetime wants and careers, if not more aspirations period.
  Nifty Sims hacks and programs at: DJS Sims
Yeah, more careers, more LTWs, and more aspirations would be one of the major enticements for me to buy future EPs no matter what the theme of the thing is supposed to be. (The careers and reward objects all by themselves are enough to make Uni worthwhile to me.) I'd especially like an aspiration that focuses on success (as opposed to the earn-spend fixation of Fortune Sims, who otherwise are pretty close to the mark).
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
SimModder is what you need to change LTWs without hacks according to Snooty. I was trying to spawn the Lifetime wants tester, but it didn't give me a new object. Snooty has the list of LTWs on her site in the info centre and this is the page about changing LTWs http://www.snootysims.com/boolpropindex.php?id=changelifetimeI've only had them a month and the list of LTWs is already boring!
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience! www.moreawesomethanyou.com/cwykes
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
@ness and other awesome people: I understand that making new LTWs isn't going to happen. (Bad Maxis!) But, there were LTWs in Uni that bacame unavailable with NL (Maxis doesn't want to force us to buy an EP? I don't believe it.) Can those be made available again..NL, OFB, all future EPs?
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30. Should that mean anything?
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
Those LTWs were never available in uni, sadly. I think there is some left over code from the uni career LTWs, but there is no way to activate that code.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
They weren't? Dang. Well, there goes another wasted opportunity!
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30. Should that mean anything?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 374
Yeah, more careers, more LTWs, and more aspirations would be one of the major enticements for me to buy future EPs no matter what the theme of the thing is supposed to be. (The careers and reward objects all by themselves are enough to make Uni worthwhile to me.) I'd especially like an aspiration that focuses on success (as opposed to the earn-spend fixation of Fortune Sims, who otherwise are pretty close to the mark).
I'd like to see that Power aspiration activated again, too... it'd fit with a good number of my Sims, especially the "villain" types, who right now are mostly Knowledge and Fortune for lack of anything better.
There is a debug object in the game called the Sim Modder which gives you the option of going through the list of LTW's in a set order. To access it: - Turn on Debug Mode (boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true)
- Shift+Left Click on a Sim and select "Spawn - Sim Modder" (the object is a baby model)
- Left Click on the Sim Modder and select Aspiration - Lifetime Wants.
You can't select one directly, but you can go through either all of the wants or just your Aspiration LTWs in a set order through that object. You can't be in Pause mode while doing it, as it queues it as an action. This isn't working for me. I don't have anything for LTW under Aspiration on the Sim Modder. I also checked out the page linked to at Snooty Sims, and the writer says, "choose Wants and Fears... and then Lifetime..." There are pictures too, but I don't have anything like that either. I have Uni+NLp2. I know that the Sim Modder was introduced in NL, but I didn't use it a lot. Do these instructions apply to OFB? If not, why don't I have them?