Well, I had fun doing the last one for BoneChewer, so I decided to do another one for everyone, if you want. Credits to AmberDiceless, Myth, Ellatrue, Andygal and Pescado with ideas for messages, I have put together a load screen that is customized for MATY. The messages are: Burninating Peasants Wringing Scrawny Pencil Necks Acquiring Cheese & Whines R-R-R-Ripping Lips Poking BlueSoups With Pins (take a wild guess who came up with that one  ) Segregating Retardo Landers Evacuating Trogdorian Bowels Sharpening Sticks For Poking Initiating Woolprop Paying At The Box RTFM:Back up the following file: Programs/EA Games/OFB/TSData/Res/Text/UIText. Place this file in its place. To revert back to the original, remove this and replace with your backup. It's not rocket science.  If you're running less or more than OFB, put it into the proper directory. EDIT: Okay, I've fixed the package so it *should* work for all versions, including Family Fun Stuff. It's been tested for only that and OFB though, so if you feel like testing it for NL or Uni-only, that'd be great. Also, it will NOT work for base-game only. UPDATE: Changed so it will work for other language versions as well. No need to re-download if it's working for you already.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 30, 03:21:40 by BlueSoup »
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Thanks, this is great! I am one of those people that just has to look at the loading messages, this will freshen things up.
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
These are great but what about a re-re-re-re message? It could have applied to the sharpening sticks for poking! 
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
re re re ripping lips?
Thanks Blue!
Hehe, I should have done that. Also, I think I figured out how to change it for all at once, so lemme do that and reupload, so it *should* theoretically work for any version.
That's pretty darn nifty. 
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?<br />Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 181
This is extremely nifty!!! I always read the messages, you can kind of tell how much more time you have to wait. I agree, they seem to not be so witty anymore. Great job, BlueSoup.
I like the loading music from the base game, and have tried all the ways I've read about to change it but it never works. If anyone has any new ideas on that, I would be most grateful.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 163
This is extremely nifty!!! I always read the messages, you can kind of tell how much more time you have to wait. I agree, they seem to not be so witty anymore. Great job, BlueSoup.
I like the loading music from the base game, and have tried all the ways I've read about to change it but it never works. If anyone has any new ideas on that, I would be most grateful.
Go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/(whatever game you're using)/TSData/Res/Sound/ and look for Splash.package. Back it up to your desktop or something and then go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound and copy the Splash.package from there. Paste it in the first directory I listed and it should play the original music at the splash screen.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 263
INTP. Quiet, but deadly.
Blue, you are officially "teh awesomeness" (poor spelling intended). *click button, baa* Is there a set limit on the number of messages, or is it arbitrary?
"The voices are talking to me again..." "You're in class, stupid."
Yes, you're in my noun, verbing my noun. Now, go away, and let me be!
Well, I checked all the load screen messages and there were 10 in each. I'd say that is the limit, but I don't know what happens if you do more or less.
Paperian Heretic
Lipless Loser
Posts: 694
If there was some way to replace the Images on the Splash screen and Load Screen that just screams FFP with stuff from OFB then I might be willing to install that thing again.
As of getting rid of FFS's Music, just delete the Splash.package in the Res/Sound folder. It'll revert back to the latest expansion music that you had. For example, I had OFB so it reverted to that music. The UI works for this purpose too, I think. Unfortunately, UIText is one of those things that won't fall back to an OFB file.
I installed it, but haven't tried it yet. It seems like Maxis isn't even trying anymore with the load text.
EDIT: It didn't work for me, the OFB stuff still showed up. Yes, I made sure it was installed in the right directory.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 27, 03:30:18 by MisterPaper »
What didn't work for you, the text?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 181
Go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/(whatever game you're using)/TSData/Res/Sound/ and look for Splash.package. Back it up to your desktop or something and then go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound and copy the Splash.package from there. Paste it in the first directory I listed and it should play the original music at the splash screen.
Fantastic, this worked!! I am once again a happy camper. Thank you very much.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
If there was some way to replace the Images on the Splash screen and Load Screen that just screams FFP with stuff from OFB then I might be willing to install that thing again.
Try deleting ui.package from C:/Program Files/EA Games/FamilyFun/TSData/Res/UI/
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 163
Go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/(whatever game you're using)/TSData/Res/Sound/ and look for Splash.package. Back it up to your desktop or something and then go to C:/Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound and copy the Splash.package from there. Paste it in the first directory I listed and it should play the original music at the splash screen.
Fantastic, this worked!! I am once again a happy camper. Thank you very much. No problem.
Paperian Heretic
Lipless Loser
Posts: 694
Deleting UI.package doesn't seem to get rid of the Family Fun logo on the loading screen though. It does give the OFB logo back to the neighborhood select though.
Yes Blue, the text isn't working. It's odd that it's not working since everything's there and it seems like it would work.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 29, 03:29:25 by MisterPaper »
Incidentally, BlueSoup, if you wanted someone to test out whether it worked with Nightlife (which I have in addition to uni), I did and it works perfectly fine.  Thank you!
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 118
I'm randomly going to assume that Mister Paper is using the UK English localisation of the game. The game and SimPE treat it as a sepirate sepurat entirely different thing to US English.
Plus, when I looked at the file, it had only been changed for US English.
"We could remove the bugs, but we're not going to. Let's leave them in and call them features."
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
BOOT to the HEAD!
yay blue  "Thank you, this is great!"
Axe Murderer
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 245
Thanks Blue  Works great now in UK English
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
at this point, I'm almost afraid to mention that in Australia, we get Asia-Pacific versions... but I am suspecting that they are no different to the North American ones, really... must try this one day.
Well, what I have done is make it choose the default, rather than just add the EN_UK version.
Well, Ness, I've had them since Blue first put them out and since I live down here too and it works fine for me it should work fine for you. 
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
Paperian Heretic
Lipless Loser
Posts: 694
That might be it. I was using an international version of the installer that had other languages on it. The game also uses a 24 Hour clock instead of the 12 Hour. I'll try editing the English_UK section and see if that does anything.
EDIT:Yep, it worked. I used some phrases from BlueSoup's mod but replaced "Initializing Woolprop" and "Paying at the Box" with "Initializing MATY Database" and "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!". I forgot the number of R's that I actually put in it though.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 30, 22:11:59 by MisterPaper »