Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
i need someone much more awesome than me, here-lol
my game keeps doing this thing where it won't even load. it's been doing it for a while and i've spent FOREVER trying to peg it down to what's causing it. i know nothing about editing anything in simpe (for me to try to learn might be the LAST straw for my family and friends who like to interact with me occasionally-lol) so if that's where the problem is-i'm in trouble. i've taken out hacks, taken out neighborhoods, taken out my entire downloads folder and nothing helps but re-installing. i can add everything back one at a time, including my entire downloads folder-complete with hacks and it works fine UNTIL(i FINALLY noticed-grrr)-i install a simpack of any kind-whether it be a house (even houses clean of all custom content or hacks) or a sim (i'm not sure about the ones that are just walls or floor) as soon as i install a simpack-it won't load again(meaning-the first little splash screen pops up, but it never actually starts-no "ea" logo or any of the usual "game is starting" stuff). i don't know enough about where everything in a simpack GOES to look for what might be happening. Does anyone have any ideas for the simpe illiterate-about why that might be?
"I had always felt life first a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." ~G.K. Chesterton~
Rose Outlaw
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 213
Did you ever try to simply delete the groups.cache file from the ..\EA Games\The Sims 2 directory before you re-installed the game?
Not an awesome method, I'm afraid, but helped me in 10 out of 10 cases.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2038
Playing again.
Unless you're using Clean Installer, the contents of Sims2Packs go into the Teleport folder before being moved to Downloads, and it's a good idea to check the Teleport folder every once in a while, because sometimes stuff gets stuck in there and causes problems. If you've run the game and stuff is still in the Teleport folder after you exit the game, there's a good chance that it need to be deleted, because normally the Teleport folder should be empty at that point.
In any case, don't reinstall your game again. The problem is most likely not your game installation, so all you're really doing is deleting whatever file is causing the problem in the \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\ folder. You'll save a lot of time by deleting that instead.
Go to \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 and delete all files and folders except: Cameras, Collections, Downloads, Moves, Music, Saved Sims, Neighborhoods, SC4Terrains, Storytelling. Then move the Downloads and SavedSims folders somewhere else (like the Desktop) and see if the game will load now. If so, then you know that the problem file was in one of the folders/files you deleted. They are all safe to delete, except that deleting LotCatalog will delete all lots currently in the lot bin. Once you know the game is loading normally, move the Downloads and SavedSims folders back and see if it still loads.
There is absolutely no need to delete anything other than groups.cache . 9 times out of 10 that's precisely what's causing the no-loading.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
thanks a BUNCH, you guys. Going to try one or both of these suggestions now. Your responses are very much appreciated! update: ok-there was nothing in my teleports file, but i'll keep an eye on it as i go to see if it collects anything-thanks for that tip  i deleted the groups cache next to see if that was it n am now lookin' for stuff to install  it made it through one lot installation anyways (had to go to bed so that's all the farther i got) so far so good. i should've asked a long time ago instead of having this 'i wanna figger it out mySELF" thing goin' on. Remind myself of my kids sometimes 
« Last Edit: 2006 April 24, 12:45:54 by shezoe »
"I had always felt life first a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." ~G.K. Chesterton~
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
Would the groups.cache file have anything to do with body shop never loading?
Yes deleting groups.cache should help with body dhop loading problems also.
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
Deleting groups.cache is just a good thing to do every so often, even it you don't have any obvioius problems. Some folks here delete it every time before they play. I'm not quite so obsessive  -- I usually just delete it if I add some new or updated hacks, or go on a downloading spree and add a lot of new CC to my game.
Some folks here delete it every time before they play. I'm not quite so obsessive Obsessive! I resent that on the grounds that I resemble that remark!
Paperian Heretic
Lipless Loser
Posts: 694
Deleting your groups.cache file every time you before play is like defragging(defogging) your harddrive every time you boot up your computer. It doesn't help all that much, but it doesn't really hurt your computer.
Does SimPE have an option for deleting your cache file? I'm seriously wondering if we actually need another tool in the community that can automatically solve common problems and is possible to use.
You can easily set up a batch file if you really want to delete it every time you play the game. I saw a post about it at VS.... Give it time to load..tis VS after all 
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
geez! this is like de-fragging n i never knew about it before? Considering how i'm shocked when someone tells me they've never de-fragged their computer-i think i feel sheepish-lol
"I had always felt life first a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." ~G.K. Chesterton~
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
Cool, thanks. I haven't been able to load Body Shop in forever...maybe that's why...
Vren Lyet
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
What exactly does this groups.cache do anyways?
Black holes suck!