Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 98
I have never seen an error like this before. Does anyone know what it means?  [attachment deleted by admin]
LOL! I have no idea, but I just had to laugh at the error message.
From the message, it seems like a problem with a Visitor controller of some sort?
Looks like a Pescado error notice. 
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?<br />Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Thats what I was thinking, definitely not a Maxis sounding error message LOL
Axe murdered since 2006
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
visitor controller implies towjeffs to me...
But then you see that the OP has Inteen, so perhaps there is a conflict with them.
That is a real Maxis error message believe it or not. I will look and see if the visitor controller could be causing that. I don't think so, but it's possible.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 174
But then you see that the OP has Inteen, so perhaps there is a conflict with them.
Must you blame InTeen for everything? Anyway, this is a Lua scripting error (which is why it looks so different) and as Jeff states, a real Maxis error. Professor Kendal is trying to window shop and is apparently trying to find a window through which he can look at something. There is a Lua script called FindValidWindow, and at some point it attempted to look up an object by its GUID (a globally unique identifier that is assigned to all objects in the game). The GUID is bogus, so the game is complaining that it can't possibly find such an object. This is most likely a Maxis bug or possibly the script chanced upon some custom content (a custom window perhaps?) that was malformed in some way.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 23, 08:32:45 by jase »
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 98
There were custom windows on the lot, yes.
But whatever it was, I think it is resolved now, at least I haven't had an error like this anymore and I have played with the lot for a while now. (When I last played, I got lots of error logs like the one I posted.) I took out some hacks and put in new ones, so it could have been a hack conflict although I thought none of the hacks I had at the time should have conflicted.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 174
This is almost assuredly a content issue - whether its' a Maxis content issue or having to do with one of your custom objects, its difficult to say. I'd chock it up to a fluke and not worry about it unless it occurs repeatedly.
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
But then you see that the OP has Inteen, so perhaps there is a conflict with them.
Must you blame InTeen for everything? Uhh...I don't see where I blamed Inteen, but Inteen is a large mod that does conflict with other hacks. Stating that there may be a conflict of some sort is not blaming Inteen.
« Last Edit: 2006 April 23, 10:22:30 by BlueSoup »
I just find it laughible that maxis would say you sent them a "crappy" anything! They certainly shouldn't talk lol
Axe murdered since 2006
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 181
An overactive male imagination
The errors exist for debugging. Normal players will never see them because they don't turn on debug mode (OMG BOOLPROP AIEEEEEE). We see them because we're willing to break things to make the game playable.  Since the only people who were likely to see that message were the people writing the code to begin with...
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
I just find it laughible that maxis would say you sent them a "crappy" anything! They certainly shouldn't talk lol
They have odd stuff like that. One of the lines in the globalprops.xml file is "noStupidIFFUnlocking" it is something that is enabled or disabled like testingcheats, but I have no idea what it is. I just find it humerous that they call something stupid....and now crappy! 
I don't think it has anything to do with InTeen. I've seen it in my game and I've never used InTeen. And I agree, it sounds like something Pescado or Twojeffs would put in, but if they say it's Maxis code, I believe them.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
I wouldn't surprise me -- back in my programming days, I and other programmers put a LOT of stuff like that (debugging messages and comments in particular) that the client/general public wasn't meant to see. It's kinda a old programmer tradition to do it -- sort-of like animators hiding that one 'naughty' cell in among all the rest in a animation short or movie.
Do you all really mean to tell me that the 15th time you send a file to print (or whatever you hafta do over and over because it won't work right that involves computers and naming) you *don't* name it
or the like?
that error message is really rather nice comparatively as it's telling the coder he/she did something stupid, not whining at the computer for not giving what I mean rather than what I say which is usually where I am ;)
J. M. Pescado
This isn't at all like one of my error messages. My error messages are either singularly uninstructive to outsiders, or rude and insulting. They certainly wouldn't say "please".  Instead you either get an error message calling you nasty names, or something that just says "ERRORED!".
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.